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Bills vs. Falcons Postgame

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Given the controversial calls and plays reviewed, #Bills-Falcons wasn't an easy one to call.


Veteran CBS play-by-play man Greg Gumbel was confused at some of the key points in the Buffalo Bills' 23-17 upset of the host Atlanta Falcons.


But it was understandable and hard to blame him.


It is a confusing time in the NFL. It remains hard to understand what an incomplete pass or a fumble is these days and it is still challenging to know if challenges will overturn plays.

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“We can’t start drinking the Kool Aid,” Lorenzo Alexandericon-article-link.gif said. “We’ve got to respect the process, understand we have to continue to work the way we worked when we were underdogs. That’s kind of the mantra of this team—blue collar. We grind games out and find a way to win.”


“I think we’ve got a long way to go,” said Jordan Poyericon-article-link.gif. “We’ve got a lot of things to fix and continue to keep growing and we’re going to keep doing that.”

“One thing we talked about was trusting the process and take the same approach each and every week. Don’t make one win any bigger than another,” said Tyrod Tayloricon-article-link.gif. “Continue to keep doing the things we’re doing, continue to keep practicing hard, preparing hard and take each game one game at a time. I think we have a bunch of great leaders in our locker room. We’re not looking too far ahead. We’re focusing on one day at a time and getting better.”




Some fans may mock the "trusting the process" motto but player after player for the Bills seem to be repeating it over and over. I would say they are completely buying into McD's philosophy.

Edited by Magox
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"How do you handle winning?" McDermott said. "You go back and focus on the grind, the process of what got us to winning the first place. That's what winners do. That's what teams that are used to winning do. You focus on that process. What we talk about is 90-percent process, 10-percent result. That's where I expect us to be as of a few hours ago is to be focused on that process, focused on the Cincinnati Bengals. Learn from the film that the guys are watching as I speak. Celebrate the good and the things that are up to the standard of performance that we're looking for. And the things that aren't, we better get them corrected fast."



We're gonna need a drinking game that includes Bills players and coaches and the word process.

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The @buffalobills 11 minute and 20 second drive yesterday marked the team's longest since individual drive stats began being kept in 1987.


That's pretty amazing! I messed up and forgot to record game, and I'm too lazy to figure out another way to see it, but I did not realize a drive went that long...

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Not sure if this was brought up here or elsewhere but Bad Santa said an interesting thing on GR today. The whole interview was worth listening to for his insight, especially about McD.


He also said that the defense in general and Tre White in particular, every day in practice, will pick up any loose ball like that, whether it's an incomplete pass or not, and scoop it up and run it all the way back to the other endzone. White does that all the time. That's really a great thing.

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Some fans may mock the "trusting the process" motto but player after player for the Bills seem to be repeating it over and over. I would say they are completely buying into McD's philosophy.

Yup sad isnt it that we have posters here that can seperate themselves from the positive and necessary off season moves that has this team steered towards the promise land. So when they didnt like what the coach did they mocked him and his work ethic along with his upbringing and personal sports choices.
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NFL.com: All aboard these bandwagons!
Want a new NFL underdog story to root for? Hop on board! Adam Schein outlines the nine teams and players already defying preseason expectations.


4) Sean McDermott's Buffalo Bills

Like the Rams, the Bills suddenly have a real coach and it's awesome. Rex Ryan ran an undisciplined clown show in Buffalo. McDermott's team is buttoned-up and playing great. During the offseason, I touched on the 2017 Bills' potential to surprise, but never in a million years expected they'd begin October alone in first place. Heck, they are one Zay Jones catch (or Tyrod Taylor throw) in Carolina away from being 4-0!


Winning at Atlanta was a statement to the rest of the NFL. I don't want to hear about Falcons injuries and Julio Jones getting nicked. I don't want to hear about the officials. The Falcons had more talent on the field, yet Buffalo stormed Atlanta's gorgeous new building and beat the home team. And the Bills appropriately sealed the deal with a defensive stand at the end. That's McDermott's specialty. That's a fantastic 23-17 win.


Tyrod Taylor has been very solid. LeSean McCoy has bought in and played quite well. And the future is incredibly bright, with a whole bunch of draft picks stockpiled for 2018 and beyond. Remember when everyone claimed this team was tanking?


Buffalo is winning now and primed for the future. A legit plan and coach in Buffalo. What a concept.

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