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Fan behavior improved?


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Most drunks are starting to get priced out of the market. They are too busy tackling cardboard cutouts of their favorite football players in the parking lot. Who would of known that if you raise prices you get rid of the trash and improve the fan experience? Alcoholism and football don't mix.

Edited by Dr.Sack
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I know it is counter-intuitive, but for everyone saying beer sales being cut off at halftime helps lower drunkenness, I 100% disagree. BTW, I think they moved to a half-time cutoff in like 86 or even earlier, so it has been a good 30 years.


Too many people, me included BTW, buy more beers than I need just cause i don't want to be jonesing for a beer mid 4th quarter. And ain't no way I am not drinking that beer after paying $9. But cause it's in the can, I am also not spilling it accidentally on the guy/girl in front of me, nor easily throwing it at someone when they say something that pisses me off!

They did cut off beer sales at half time this game. Jets serving beer till end of 3rd qtr.
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I hadn't been to a game in Buffalo for a while before last week - I think Chan Gailey's final game against the Jets was the last time I was in Orchard Park.


Anyway, I noticed that the fans were significantly better behaved this time. Plenty of drunks but no one obnoxiously intoxicated, no open fires on the ground in the parking lot, no public urination that I could see, and no fights. Everyone was fairly respectful towards opposing team fans. The atmosphere was very positive and was a pleasant surprise to me based on past poor experiences.


I've historically gone later in the season, usually when the team has been eliminated, so maybe that's the reason why I have a negative impression of the in-stadium experience... but regardless, it was a welcome change and made me feel proud to be a Bills fan. Keep it up.


It was the heat. Really difficult to get drunk when it's that hot out.

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Back in the day when I had tix, there were a lot of Canadians who were big Bronco's fans who'd attend those games. Not sure why or if that is still the case...


There were a number of Canadian Broncos fans there. Also, ran into a big section of fans from Denver area who flew out to Buffalo for the game. They were great fans. I welcomed them to Buffalo and said hope they have fun regardless of the outcome. They were all cool.


Met a couple different couples who were military personnel from Denver area stationed at Fort Drum. They drove from Ft. Drum for the game. - Great people. They said it is hard to get to a Denver game even when you live there.


All around - probably the best/classiest give and take with the opposing fans I have seen in a while. That game was a real pleasure. Even if the Bills lost, that would have been one of the more enjoyable "stadium" experiences I have ever had there.


And I have been attending Bills home games every game for decades.

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seemed like the same old to me. witnessed a lot of stupid stuff on sunday.


my favorite was this: some lady stole the entire ketchup dispenser and walked it down to her seat where she sat with it for about a quarter.. until security escorted her and her ketchup dispenser out (she later returned, presumably after returning the ketchup dispenser). what a legend :worthy:



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They did cut off beer sales at half time this game. Jets serving beer till end of 3rd qtr.

Bills have cut off beer sales at halftime for like 30 years. Think they did it after the 88 Monday night game in NY, when Jets fans were literally setting fires in the stands. And for all those that think this fan behavior is some kind of "damn millennials dont know how to drink" thing, or romanticize about the harmony in the stadium back in the day, here is an article from 31 years ago..when i was knucklehead 25 year old



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Bills have cut off beer sales at halftime for like 30 years. Think they did it after the 88 Monday night game in NY, when Jets fans were literally setting fires in the stands. And for all those that think this fan behavior is some kind of "damn millennials dont know how to drink" thing, or romanticize about the harmony in the stadium back in the day, here is an article from 31 years ago..when i was knucklehead 25 year old



I meant to say the Bills sold beer at opener, Jets, till the end of the 3rd qtr. That is the new cut off time.
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They did not!!!!! Oh my friggin Lord, how in Holy Hell did I miss this change? You sure? If so, you have just made my day!

So much for Bills stadium signage.

Im glad they didnt bust ketchup ladys chops too hard, it was funny/harmless.

Maybe she was using ketchup as sunscreen!
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Watching on TV, there seemed to be a whole bunch of orange-clad Denver fans in the lower bowl. I don't recall a huge Denver following in WNY and I don't believe all of those folks flew in from the Rockies...anyone who was there, did it seem like an unusual number of away fans?

Lots of Denver fans from the WNY area.

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seemed like the same old to me. witnessed a lot of stupid stuff on sunday.


my favorite was this: some lady stole the entire ketchup dispenser and walked it down to her seat where she sat with it for about a quarter.. until security escorted her and her ketchup dispenser out (she later returned, presumably after returning the ketchup dispenser). what a legend :worthy:

Pinto Ron's wife maybe?

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Week one my wife was across the stadium w fam. She txt me they had a puker in their aisle.


I said go tell security at your aisle, and then txt the fanline to clean it up. Dude was ejected and the puke was cleaned up within 10 mins.


We sat in front of three very intoxicated fans who threatened us a couple of years ago. On 3 different occasions we asked customer service to be moved to another open seat. After being denied we texted security. When security arrived the 3 drunk fans made similar accusations against us and the Bills threatened to take away our season tickets. I haven't been to a game since. I had season tickets for close to a decade.

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