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Companies are starting to take sides with protests

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Can you imagine how much of a **** show this team would be with him owning it?


Thank God he's in a position now where there's real curbs on the damage he can do.

Yes, we might be throwing on first down. Seriously though, he's doing fine right where he is at. He can push for many of the things that a lot of us want but be held in check by the other branches. For example, do we need a wall? No but if he pushes for that we will get better border security. Do we need 15% corporate tax rates? Maybe, but 20% might do the trick.

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So when is the right time?


They could buy an adspot on TV, they could host a press conference, organize a rally outside of the game, host a fundraiser etc etc.

Its amazing how even after the election people still think Trump operates with no strategy or purpose.


The guys career has been built on playing his audience.



Trump backed the owners into a corner. Once the players freaked out, they had no choice but stand with them.


Exactly!!! Love him or hate him. Trump is a lot smarter than people who oppose him think.

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Can you imagine how much of a **** show this team would be with him owning it?


Thank God he's in a position now where there's real curbs on the damage he can do.

Like get Waikiki beach smeared when Rocket Man fires a round. Sure Kim will be taken out but Obama won't have a place to kite surf anymore. Somewhere in deep recesses of The Trumpster's mind, it's win-win, all he is thinking about.

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Assuming the split is 50/50. What if the split is 60/40? 70/30? Also, who's your market?

the women ive banged who work in marketing were all as left leaning as can be. They not only viewed with a lens of current history but future tense


I embarrassed the hell out of one when I asked one of her friends how he deals with all the snowflakes at the performing arts school. She never spoke to me again.

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Assuming the split is 50/50. What if the split is 60/40? 70/30? Also, who's your market?

The split doesn't matter. Companies are afraid of offending a few trannies or gays even. What's their percentage of a split? It's best as a business to just stay on the sidelines... standing of course.

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Do you have a young demo? Skew toward protesters. Old demo? Skew against.


And that's about it. It's a side show now. The bandwagon is overloaded and soon those who stand when everybody else is kneeling will be the new cool. How about all the socially conscious millionaires just play ball.

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The NFL is doing a fine job of killing itself all by itself. Doesn't need any help. Over the top commercialization, out of sight compensation, 22 minutes of action in a 3 hour event, alcohol-soaked stadiums: now its a national protest platform; its all pretty much going in the wrong direction slowly.

and don't forget fans having outdoor sex in the parking lot and other smashing tables.

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If you think this is going to have any long lasting affect on the NFL you are mistaken. All those people burning their tickets and jerseys and flags are going to be back in a the next few weeks if not next week and they will feel like idiots. These people want to feel like they are a part of something and also want the attention (Else they wouldn't post it on facebook)


As soon as the media has something else to report on this will become a non-story.

Don't be so sure. Once people tune out they're slow to tune back in. Look at baseball.

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