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Antifa is bad agreed... but so far they haven't run a car into a crowd.


Not that has been reported in the mainstream news. Mostly it's because Antifa/BLM/Occupy are nearly exclusively the ones standing in the street and playing toreador with traffic. There's actually a number of videos on YouTube, entire compilations. This one is different solely for the reason that it fits a pre-scripted narrative due to the identity of the driver and the proximity to the rally.


Many of the facts surrounding this incident are in question. I'll make a bold prediction here: the Challenger perp will not be found guily of murder, because the political ramifications of his acquittal (violence, division) are more beneficial to the Left than his conviction. All he needs to say is "I was leaving the rally, I saw a bunch of our side being beaten without police intervention, I got to my car, made a wrong turn into the illegally gathered crowd blocking traffic, someone struck my car, I panicked and hit the gas, crashed, threw in reverse and got out of there as bat-wielding members of the crowd started jumping on the car. I didn't want to be the next Reginald Denny." One juror buys that, and that's it. It's manslaughter at best, justifiable self-defense at worst (from the prosecutorial standpoint).


BLM agree has some bad actors preying on a movement supposed to be peaceful.



Chicago, Oakland, Portland, Ferguson, Baltimore, Dallas, etc. Not sure if "some" is accurate to how the Venn Diagram breaks down.


Agreed all violence and hate speech should be condemned


Violence, naturally. "Hate speech" only has the credence you give it. Why is this the most important topic in the world, at this moment? The answer will be enlightening.


except as it pertains to Tom Brady... can we all agree on that?


Hear, hear.

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Anyone else notice that the other lefties on this board are noticeably absent from the thread recently, especially wrt 34?


It's because they all want to curtail free speech. 34 is the only one dumb enough to openly admit it here.

"Heather Heyer died fighting for what she believed in." - CNN


So did Hitler.

Which statement would you say is more worthy of condemnation? It's hard to take most of you seriously because you obviously let crap like Boyst's post here slide, while coming hard at anyone that just disagrees with you. At least have a spine of your own before accusing others.

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Which statement would you say is more worthy of condemnation? It's hard to take most of you seriously because you obviously let crap like Boyst's post here slide, while coming hard at anyone that just disagrees with you. At least have a spine of your own before accusing others.

1) it's obviously humor and Levi has met me to know I'm sick in the head

2). Lighten up Francis. Only an idiot would equate social movements to Hitler

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WELCOME TO THE NEW NORMAL: Pee-Filled Projectiles A Recurring Weapon Of Choice For ‘Anti-Fascists.’





VOX: The radicalization of white Americans.

The thing is, white Americans have not become radicalized — it’s just that some have started behaving (and many more have started voting) just like any other American victimhood group.


Real radicalization would get ugly, fast, and is more likely than before, now that the Left has succeeded in tearing down so many social norms.






OH, THAT LIBERAL FASCISM: Antifa Declares: ‘F**k Your F***ing Constitution, We’re Here to Punch Nazis.’




Antifa showed up carrying sticks and shields. But when they couldn’t get their numbers up to overwhelm the police and set about destroying the city, they were left to scream their little hearts out like the woman in the above video.


“I didn’t create a debate, because that’s not why we’re here,” the black-clad member said with an uncovered face. “I’m from Charlottesville, Virginia. I walk the street that mowed down that woman every single day for thirteen years. I’ve worked in Charlottesville, I had all my friends in Charlottesville, I booked shows in Charlottesville, I know the woman who was hit and killed by Nazis.”


She went on to lecture her fellow progressives that non-violent protests aren’t going to cut it.


“We fight f***ing Nazis,” she said. “We punch them, we hurt them, we prevent them from having a platform.”


“You failed us,” she continued. “All of you who stood by when we were like, ‘Please, please follow us. The Nazis are that way!’ F**k your f***ing Constitution, f**k your liberal Bernie bull ****. We are here to fight Nazis.”

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Which statement would you say is more worthy of condemnation? It's hard to take most of you seriously because you obviously let crap like Boyst's post here slide, while coming hard at anyone that just disagrees with you. At least have a spine of your own before accusing others.


1. You're an idiot.

2. I didn't respond to Boyst's post because (1) Hitler didn't die fighting for what he believed in, he died by his own hand, a coward, and (2) Because I enjoy seeing him troll idiots like you.


Speaking of spines, let me know when you aren't triggered by obvious trolling anymore.

Edited by LeviF91
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Recommending human vivisection as practiced by Nazi doctors in the KZ?

Jesus Christ I couldn't have even asked for a better setup than what he just offered. It's like playing t ball against kindergartners


There any way you can donate your brain to science?....-Today?

making you newbies dance is fun. And no matter how many times I !@#$ with you you keep dancing for me


I am requesting a slow song for our next ballad. Go out on something pretty for me.

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Your advocacy of violence and death here makes me understand why you're worried you will turn into a Nazi.



Recommending human vivisection as practiced by Nazi doctors in the KZ?


:o But he''s the first known case of CTE from masturbation!

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I just realized that this retard thinks he's fighting the SS in Welthauptstadt Germania in an alternative timeline circa 1953.


He thinks these idiots are the same guys.


It's more like saying that your local Pop Warner team is the 1972 Dolphins.




Are we the same Americans who ratified the constitution in 1787?


Yes? -No?


If not, why are we here quibbling about some 250 year old ideal of free speech!


Nazis also have a long-term affinity for their ideals...


These codes govern their behavior, and attitudes every bit as much as our historical legislation governs ours.


Whether or not these are the "same Nazis", as "their founding fathers" in 1920 is irrelevant to any point in your bullet-ridden argument.


Ah, So your right hand is substituted by a cinderblock wall... Explains why you'd compare Heather Heyer to Hitler...



What the !@#$ is wrong with you? That doesn't even make sense, let alone isn't funny.


Different way of calling him a violent j#rk-off..

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Are we the same Americans who ratified the constitution in 1787?


Yes? -No?


If not, why are we here quibbling about some 250 year old ideal of free speech!


Nazis also have a long-term affinity for their deals...


These codes govern their behavior, and attitudes every bit as much as our historical legislation governs ours.


Whether or not these are the "same Nazis", is irrelevant to any point in your bullet-ridden argument.



Different way of calling him a violent j#rk-off..


You are too !@#$ing stupid to argue with.

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