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It hurts.

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It hurts to see the state of affairs of this franchise. Time after time to witness the influx of this "organization". The only time that I have ever seen success with this franchise was the Bill Polian Era and that was with a GM that we backed into. Right, wrong or indifferent with this latest purge the fact remains that we're nowheres near we any of us want to be with the Bills. This post isn't meant to be negative, just a non bi-polar assessment. I feel for so many of the people who have year after year, decade after decade pinned their hopes to these teams of the Bills. I think the term non stability is what best describes this franchise the past couple of decades. So once again here I go, like so many of us, I'll pray and dream of a successful season but this time it will be with much more tempered optimism. I will say that McDermott strikes me as someone who has a plan and is very structured and that gives me hope and I find as a refreshing change from past seasons.

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The Bills are no different than other teams in the NFL that do not make the playoffs. They change coaches and GM's until something works. I agree that I think McD seems to have a plan and it a no nonsense type of guy. We will see who takes over as GM.

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Starts with an owner who wants to win.


Then hire top execs, or at least competent ones.


They build the team with scouting, drafts, trades, signings.


They also hire top coaches.


Then you win.


So here we go with an honest effort for the first time in at least a dozen years.

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It hurts to see the state of affairs of this franchise. Time after time to witness the influx of this "organization". The only time that I have ever seen success with this franchise was the Bill Polian Era and that was with a GM that we backed into. Right, wrong or indifferent with this latest purge the fact remains that we're nowheres near we any of us want to be with the Bills. This post isn't meant to be negative, just a non bi-polar assessment. I feel for so many of the people who have year after year, decade after decade pinned their hopes to these teams of the Bills. I think the term non stability is what best describes this franchise the past couple of decades. So once again here I go, like so many of us, I'll pray and dream of a successful season but this time it will be with much more tempered optimism. I will say that McDermott strikes me as someone who has a plan and is very structured and that gives me hope and I find as a refreshing change from past seasons.


Thank you for being able to express a critical* opinion about the state of the franchise and the fans. I believe that large a part of the problem is the demand for instant gratification FROM fans and advertisers. This has caused a situation where everyone, from the general manager to the water boy is looking over their shoulder, waiting for a pink slip.


Too often we are fooled by the owners and management of the team into thinking "this is our year". They will do whatever it takes to sell season tickets. To the business that seems to be more important than a Lombardi trophy. They are after all a business first and fans second.


I laughed to see you put "organization" in quotes. Good one!


My way of coping with this franchise has (in the past 4-5 years) been reduced to having no expectations. If you expect nothing and you get nothing, it may hurt a bit. If you expect playoffs or championships, and you get nothing - it HURTS,


I really hope the Bills can be patient with McDermott.

I hope the players can rise to the challenge of playing REAL football.

I hope the team can win back the fans by providing a few years of stability and success.



* critical used as "exercising or involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation, opposed to "sustaining a nuclear chain reaction: example the reactor went critical

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I look at it this way. When I've made mistakes, it's tough for me to own up to them. But when I decide to own up to them, I know the road ahead is not going to be nice, it's probably going to be a bit uglier before it gets better, but I'll be much better for it on the other side. That's what doing things right and getting things right require. It'll be ugly for a minute. But you have to be willing to swallow that nasty pill and realize the ugliness will not be here forever. Or you can take the opposite route and never admit that stuff is F'ed up because of what you've done and in the end allow things to just get much much worse and discover the ugly could have been much shorter if you would have just come clean.


It's not nice, it's not pretty, but it's good to admit this now, get it out of the way, look like a !@#$, criminal whatever. We'll be better for it much sooner rather than being much worse for not admitting it. Lastly, we could have been the Browns who excelled at nothing on the field and looked a bit worse than our organization off of it. But even the Browns righted their ship this draft.

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Bills fans are alcoholic fools who just started a thread thanking the GM who wasted 2 years of the franchise trying to develop EJ Manuel when they should be burning their jerseys


Nothing will change, team will keep losing and move in 5 years to a bigger market


Good riddance

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It hurts to see the state of affairs of this franchise. Time after time to witness the influx of this "organization". The only time that I have ever seen success with this franchise was the Bill Polian Era and that was with a GM that we backed into. Right, wrong or indifferent with this latest purge the fact remains that we're nowheres near we any of us want to be with the Bills. This post isn't meant to be negative, just a non bi-polar assessment. I feel for so many of the people who have year after year, decade after decade pinned their hopes to these teams of the Bills. I think the term non stability is what best describes this franchise the past couple of decades. So once again here I go, like so many of us, I'll pray and dream of a successful season but this time it will be with much more tempered optimism. I will say that McDermott strikes me as someone who has a plan and is very structured and that gives me hope and I find as a refreshing change from past seasons.



I liked Whaley but I agree that McDermott seems, at least at this point, to have the right mix of:


Organizational skills: Rex had zero, Marrone had a lot

Temperament/Approachability: Rex had this, Marrone was a giant douche

Openness: Rex yes, Marrone no

Discipline, enforcement: Maarrone too much, Rex none


My concern with McDermott at this point would be willingness to listen to alternative approaches. I'm not saying he doesn't have it, just saying we wouldn't know yet. I give him very high grades on how he communicates and this can be an indicator...so I'm hopeful.

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It hurts even more if you are a fan of the Bills AND the Sabres. :cry:

I feel for you, I guess that Ishould be thankful that I'm not a hockey fan as well or otherwise I'd be in your shoes as well. Would that be considered double indemnity?? Lol!


Btw, I think that I might owe you an apology. I think that that I had a rude retort to a response that you had to one of my posts. No offense meant.

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I liked Whaley but I agree that McDermott seems, at least at this point, to have the right mix of:


Organizational skills: Rex had zero, Marrone had a lot

Temperament/Approachability: Rex had this, Marrone was a giant douche

Openness: Rex yes, Marrone no

Discipline, enforcement: Maarrone too much, Rex none


My concern with McDermott at this point would be willingness to listen to alternative approaches. I'm not saying he doesn't have it, just saying we wouldn't know yet. I give him very high grades on how he communicates and this can be an indicator...so I'm hopeful.


McD takes notes of everything he does to improve as a person and leader, he will be more than willing to change if it leads to better results. it can only go up from here.

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I feel for you, I guess that Ishould be thankful that I'm not a hockey fan as well or otherwise I'd be in your shoes as well. Would that be considered double indemnity?? Lol!


Btw, I think that I might owe you an apology. I think that that I had a rude retort to a response that you had to one of my posts. No offense meant.

No apology necessary! :thumbsup: I have my share of moments where I'm over the top with my postings.

Edited by LabattBlue
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The Bills are no different than other teams in the NFL that do not make the playoffs. They change coaches and GM's until something works. I agree that I think McD seems to have a plan and it a no nonsense type of guy. We will see who takes over as GM. [/quote


Disagree- the level of dysfunction on this team far exceed the majority of teams in the NFL. What other team is on a run of 17 years of no playoffs?

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I hear you OP. And I get the feeling... Just a gut feeling I have that the Pegulas have shut off the peanut gallery, stopped being molded by outside influence, and are making an honest effort to be successful owners the right way. I really believe that McDermott is our coach for 5 years regardless of his success rate. They realize that they do not know football and have identified someone they believe does. Now they owe it to themselves, Sean, and the fans to let him implement his plan, completely, autonomously, until it is apparent whether it works or does not work.

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