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Who is still mad we tanked the Jets game?

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Sitting Tyrod was the right move due to the uncertainty of keeping him and the risk of injury.


As much as losing was better than winning, I could not watch the Bills and root for them to lose. Of course I was happy anyway when they lost so go figure.


I'm with plenzmd1...I wanted to see Cardale play more than just the 4th quarter

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Yeah we sucked so bad we decided to bench half our quarterback???


Had he played it would've been an 8-8 season.


I could have swore I saw Tyrod's upper body in the game, but without any legs. It was quite a strange year.

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I honestly don't remember people being upset the Bills lost, but folks like me were upset Jones did not get the whole game. Thought playing EJ was just a waste of time.

I'll try to find the Game Thread. People were mad we didn't try. Big time.

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I'll try to find the Game Thread. People were mad we didn't try. Big time.


The BBMB had a lot of angry campers, also a lot accepting that the risk of injury to extend TT's contract was the main reason.


I watched it for some reason I cannot defend at the moment.

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I'm not sure it was a tank.

I think letting T2 having that week off and seeing if EJ had progressed any was just fine. The Bill had nothing to win and a lot more to loose.

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You just know Whaley thought EJ was going to play lights out against a Jets Defense that had quit on the season and give him some vindication. Sorry Doug.


Same place LaConjecture gets his information from - imagination.


Tyrod had choices - he was mad about being paid and not playing so

  • He could have told his agent please waive the clause for that game.
  • He could have come out and said he'd donate his check to charity (post taxes).
  • He could have said that he understood the decision and would support his team but get surgery done earlier.

He did none of these so he just seemed whiney like he was before he got raise for season the Bills did not need to give him.


Tyrod needs to see the weaknesses in his game and work on it in offseason; he brings dynamics other QBs do not have but has limitations as well other QBs do not have.

Acting like he is being punished by not starting is helping. It is not like he is going to set a record for consecutive starts.

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Problem is, if Tyrod got hurt, you are 100% taking the coaches ability to say who was going to play in 2017 away ...cause it was going to be Tyrod if they were paying him $30M guaranteed cause of that injury.


I just don't see how that matters. You try to win football games. If we went 0-8 would we then sit him for the rest of the season? I mean here we are with the same QB after having treated him poorly, it just doesn't feel like a recipe for success.


I don't understand how winning can matter sometimes but not others. There are degrees of failure. Finishing 0-16 is a lot different than 1-15, as is 7-9 vs 8-8. How do you lead a team and tell them winning doesn't matter. I just don't get it. If we had played and won that last game I think our future prospects going into this year would have improved not diminished.

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Not just the first round: we get to pick higher in every round this year--except the fourth and seventh, of course. It was the right thing to do, no question about it.

Edited by mannc
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