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McDermott hire further diminishes Whaley

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Man, talk about Sullivan always having his finger on trigger ready to fire...didnt take him long to write another piece of garbage.

It's always best to do you what well. I actually heard McDermott didn't want control just wanted to be aware of what was going on. Way to be on it Jerry.

Look at that...another "I hate the BN/Jerry Sullivan" thread. I'm sure there will be at least a dozen or more threads on the same subject in the coming weeks.

He could always do everyone a favor and find a job he is more qualified for.

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Look at that...another "I hate the BN/Jerry Sullivan" thread. I'm sure there will be at least a dozen or more threads on the same subject in the coming weeks.


What can we say. He draws it like flies to dung.

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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I think he had the article written a week or so ago and was just waiting to insert the name of the new head coach.


He and Bucky are now spit balling how they can somehow include the words "Pegulas" and "over their heads" in future articles . . . no matter what the subject.




Man, talk about Sullivan always having his finger on trigger ready to fire...didnt take him long to write another piece of garbage.

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I think he had the article written a week or so ago and was just waiting to insert the name of the new head coach.


He and Bucky are now spit balling how they can somehow include the words "Pegulas" and "over their heads" in future articles . . . no matter what the subject.


Today, hundreds of children in Africa died...but in Buffalo, the Pegulas are in over their head...

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Meanwhile, Mark Gaughan who is a very competent reporter IMO, wrote an article today which is 180 degrees opposite of Jerry's "theory"




Basically he throws an educated guess that McDermott was Whaley's guy all along since they both got their first NFL opportunity from none other than Tom Modrak.


Jerry just like to pee on everyone's corn flakes. Because he can.

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So are we just pissed because it is a Jerry article? I ask because I don't see a discussion of the article; just it's garbage and he sucks 0:)


What is there to say really? Jerry says Whaley is undermined by the McDermott hire without a shred of factual evidence just negative innuendo. In other words, he's being purposely negative for no reason at all. So yeh, the article is garbage really. Kind of regret even posting it.

Edited by bobobonators
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