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Reggie Ragland to have knee surgery; out for season

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Around here "tea leaves" are anything people want them to be. Great case in point following this comment. But around here tea leaves may as well be 'shrooms.




Yes, one is true, but reading the real tea leaves, not taking the 'shrooms, the circumstances point more towards this being a disaster although that's a bit strong than they do of an F5.


Here are the facts, which many posters here seem to have difficulty coming to grips with before they become blatant to a blind monkey:


Rex is "very concerned." He wouldn't openly state that unless he felt it was serious. He's not mamma who cringes every time one of her babies let's out a cry of pain or anguish, he's a professional coach that's seen just about everything.


The team is already looking for an ILB to sign. They say for camp but with a roster of damn near 100 that's laughable.


RR is seeking a second opinion. If the first one were implying F5 then he wouldn't be seeking a second one.


It's like Watkins and his foot injury, the team hasn't come clean (surprise surprise) on exactly what kind of injury it is despite the notion that everything about it suggests, strongly it can be added, that it is in fact a Jones Fracture. We'll find out that it is later on once the season begins and he can't play either at all or to 100% and the excuses start flying in his defense again the way that they did with Spiller. But people here, using as fact what wasn't said, insist that it's not a Jones Fracture. That's the 'shrooms. Is that intelligent? Good analysis? You can decide that for yourself. Just sayin'.


I don't think it's a disaster because we still don't know how good Ragland is. If he's only as good as the pedigree ILBS that have come out sans one out of about the last six or seven from 'Bama, then it's not a disaster.


He's really a 2-down ILB anyway, can't cover, so how big of a disaster is it?


To me the disaster happened back in the draft when we should have taken Treadwell given Watkins' nancy-boy injury status and Whitehair to solve the problems of our OL. If we had done that, apart from likely not having our first two draft picks out indefinitely, we'd have gotten a premier WR and solved our OL issues and we would have been discussing whether or not we could possibly have the best offense in the AFCE this year and quite possibly the AFC entirely.


Instead, under Whaley & Ringling Ryan Bros. we get this nonsense.

Does every post have to contain a straw man argument for the sole purpose of criticizing other posters on this board?


No one has ever insisted that Watkins' injury isn't a Jones' fracture--I've seen a few folks say that your supposition hasn't been confirmed, but that's a nautical mile from "everyone insisting that it isn't", though the latter serves the purpose of allowing you to criticize others.


Also, it may be prudent to tone down the declaration that Sammy will miss time this year since he's reportedly returning to practice this week.


Of course, to recognize that would impinge upon the selected narrative of a "Nancy Boy" that has started and played in 29 out of 32 games in his first 2 seasons--same as Julio Jones and more than Dez Bryant (again, context; I know you aren't a fan).


As to Reggie, the team has been perfectly forthcoming: it's his knee, they had an MRI that was inconclusive, he has swelling, they're awaiting results from more tests, and they hope to have an update today.


Where's the subterfuge?

Edited by thebandit27
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To me the disaster happened back in the draft when we should have taken Treadwell given Watkins' nancy-boy injury status and Whitehair to solve the problems of our OL. If we had done that, apart from likely not having our first two draft picks out indefinitely, we'd have gotten a premier WR and solved our OL issues and we would have been discussing whether or not we could possibly have the best offense in the AFCE this year and quite possibly the AFC entirely.


I'm going to file this one away. Treadwell and Whitehair over Shaq and Ragland, we'll see how that turns out

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Here are the facts, which many posters here seem to have difficulty coming to grips with before they become blatant to a blind monkey:


Rex is "very concerned." He wouldn't openly state that unless he felt it was serious. He's not mamma who cringes every time one of her babies let's out a cry of pain or anguish, he's a professional coach that's seen just about everything.


The team is already looking for an ILB to sign. They say for camp but with a roster of damn near 100 that's laughable.


RR is seeking a second opinion. If the first one were implying F5 then he wouldn't be seeking a second one.


It's like Watkins and his foot injury, the team hasn't come clean (surprise surprise) on exactly what kind of injury it is despite the notion that everything about it suggests, strongly it can be added, that it is in fact a Jones Fracture. We'll find out that it is later on once the season begins and he can't play either at all or to 100% and the excuses start flying in his defense again the way that they did with Spiller. But people here, using as fact what wasn't said, insist that it's not a Jones Fracture. That's the 'shrooms. Is that intelligent? Good analysis? You can decide that for yourself. Just sayin'.

I don't think it's a disaster because we still don't know how good Ragland is. If he's only as good as the pedigree ILBS that have come out sans one out of about the last six or seven from 'Bama, then it's not a disaster.


He's really a 2-down ILB anyway, can't cover, so how big of a disaster is it?


To me the disaster happened back in the draft when we should have taken Treadwell given Watkins' nancy-boy injury status and Whitehair to solve the problems of our OL. If we had done that, apart from likely not having our first two draft picks out indefinitely, we'd have gotten a premier WR and solved our OL issues and we would have been discussing whether or not we could possibly have the best offense in the AFCE this year and quite possibly the AFC entirely.


Instead, under Whaley & Ringling Ryan Bros. we get this nonsense.


What is it like, to go around this message board avidly seeking opportunities for negativity and creating opportunities to criticize others?


I also think you may need to review your definition of fact.


It is a fact that Rex has said he's "very concerned" about Ragland's knee. It is an inference of yours that he "wouldn't openly state that unless it were serious". You then appear to contradict your own viewpoint that Rex is open and honest about what's actually going on, by analogy to Watkins where you say "the team hasn't come clean" about what kind of injury it is.


It is a fact that Watkins had off-season foot surgery in April, in what was widely reported to be a screw inserted to repair a Jones fracture. It's not only not a fact, it appears to be your personal creation that people here "insist it's not a Jones factor". And if it is a Jones fracture, with proper rehab it's usually an eight week recovery.


If we put the surgery at the end of April, that would mean it should pretty much be recovered right now and Watkins at the point of building up his conditioning, strength and agility from the 8 weeks of restrictions. What evidence do YOU have that there are complications or atypical factors that would cause him "once the season begins, and he can't play at all or isn't 100%, and excuses start flying"?


By the way, those aren't facts either, they simply fill your need to support your position that the Bills should have ignored D in the draft and drafted OL and WR by hypothesizing negative outcomes and piling on negative inferences from those negative outcomes.


Getting back to the matter at hand, it's extremely common that if an injury causes swelling, an MRI performed before the swelling goes down will be inconclusive and problematic to interpret. I would expect Ragland to have to wait until Monday or Tuesday (depending upon how careful he is with icing, staying off it, and elevation) to get a reasonable test. But swelling doesn't necessarily mean ligament damage - a guy I worked with tore a piece of cartilage, he doesn't know how (stepped wrong whilst treadmill running?) and his knee swelled up llike a balloon.


As for the Bills bringing in ILB, it doesn't matter if they have 100 men on their roster, it matters how many they have at a potentially injury-thinned position.

Edited by Hopeful
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What is it like, to go around this message board avidly seeking opportunities for negativity and creating opportunities to criticize others?


I also think you may need to review your definition of fact.


It is a fact that Rex has said he's "very concerned" about Ragland's knee. It is an inference of yours that he "wouldn't openly state that unless it were serious". You then appear to contradict your own viewpoint that Rex is open and honest about what's actually going on, by analogy to Watkins where you say "the team hasn't come clean" about what kind of injury it is.


It is a fact that Watkins had off-season foot surgery in April, in what was widely reported to be a screw inserted to repair a Jones fracture. It's not only not a fact, it appears to be your personal creation that people here "insist it's not a Jones factor". And if it is a Jones fracture, with proper rehab it's usually an eight week recovery.


If we put the surgery at the end of April, that would mean it should pretty much be recovered right now and Watkins at the point of building up his conditioning, strength and agility from the 8 weeks of restrictions. What evidence do YOU have that there are complications or atypical factors that would cause him "once the season begins, and he can't play at all or isn't 100%, and excuses start flying"?


By the way, those aren't facts either, they simply fill your apparent deep seated need to support your positions (in this case, that the Bills should have ignored D and drafted OL and WR) with hypothetical negative outcomes and negative inferences adduced from those negative outcomes.

I'm glad I'm not the only person that sees the pattern here.


You nailed it Hopeful. Good post.

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Looks official that Spikes is a Bill again. That does not bode well for Ragland's knee.

It does however speak well of a very proactive NFL team in the event it ends up being true.


Personally..Id rather have Ragland because I think his coverage ability is being way downplayed......but Zach Brown and Brandon Spikes should work nicely together

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It does however speak well of a very proactive NFL team in the event it ends up being true.


Personally..Id rather have Ragland because I think his coverage ability is being way downplayed......but Zach Brown and Brandon Spikes should work nicely together

If the Spikes signing is due to Ragland's injury, then the Bills sure moved fast. That's good. The definitive medical info hasn't come out yet though, so there's no need to get ahead of ourselves. But the timing of the signing is concerning.



In my experience, I never left the field without knowing whether the ACL was torn. MRI confirmatory only.

And this is why the timing of the Spikes signing is concerning.

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If the Spikes signing is due to Ragland's injury, then the Bills sure moved fast. That's good. The definitive medical info hasn't come out yet though, so there's no need to get ahead of ourselves. But the timing of the signing is concerning.


And this is why the timing of the Spikes signing is concerning.

Not when Reddick was hurt and out for a few weeks, too, and the team decided to keep Striker at OLB instead of ILB.
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Not when Reddick was hurt and out for a few weeks, too, and the team decided to keep Striker at OLB instead of ILB.

I don't know that Reddick spraining his MCL and expectations that he will be out 6 weeks would have prompted signing Spikes. Maybe they didn't like what they saw out of him before he got injured and are looking to replace him. Or maybe it was the combination of the two injuries and neither is that bad, but it's concerning that we already know the extent of Reddick's injury and not Ragland's. Again, no need to jump the gun here and assume the worst, but there's certainly reason for concern.


Edit: Just saw that Hawthorne also signed. Now I'm very concerned about Ragland. The odds that he will be out for an extended time are looking much higher.

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I don't know that Reddick spraining his MCL and expectations that he will be out 6 weeks would have prompted signing Spikes. Maybe they didn't like what they saw out of him before he got injured and are looking to replace him. Or maybe it was the combination of the two injuries and neither is that bad, but it's concerning that we already know the extent of Reddick's injury and not Ragland's. Again, no need to jump the gun here and assume the worst, but there's certainly reason for concern.

They signed two veterans, they didn't sign camp bodies. It's good that we now have adequate replacements for RR but it's very telling about the severity of that knee.

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I don't know that Reddick spraining his MCL and expectations that he will be out 6 weeks would have prompted signing Spikes. Maybe they didn't like what they saw out of him before he got injured and are looking to replace him. Or maybe it was the combination of the two injuries and neither is that bad, but it's concerning that we already know the extent of Reddick's injury and not Ragland's. Again, no need to jump the gun here and assume the worst, but there's certainly reason for concern.


Edit: Just saw that Hawthorne also signed. Now I'm very concerned about Ragland. The odds that he will be out for an extended time are looking much higher.

Although it doesn't look good, someone pointed out they only had 3 ILBs at practice yesterday. Adding camp bodies doesn't necessarily mean his injury is worse than expected.
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They signed two veterans, they didn't sign camp bodies. It's good that we now have adequate replacements for RR but it's very telling about the severity of that knee.

Are you insinuating that if they thought Raglands injury was not serious they would have signed lesser players intentionally for camp bodies? It's not like Spikes or Hawthorne cost more than veteran minimum.
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They signed two veterans, they didn't sign camp bodies. It's good that we now have adequate replacements for RR but it's very telling about the severity of that knee.

How is it telling? At yesterdays scrimmage they had 3 ILBs. 3. They do need guys to play preseason games.


Let's say Raglands out until the start of the season, is that severe? Not really but they wouldn't be able to make it through preseason games with 3 ILBs.

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