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McCoy's nightclub fight and the ongoing investigation


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Especially because I looked up Disorderly Conduct, and that's probably a slam dunk. Even if Shady started off in self defense, that's not a terribly hard charge to prove.

That is not a bad call. Nice plea down.

would affect his defamation case though ?


The important feature is quickly becoming focused Roger's reaction for me.

I just want the Guy on the field!

Unlike Jimmy over here LOL !!!


OK. How do you know?

scroll up please^^^

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Good. Hopefully to turn himself in so we can cut him...



...is what I assume some are saying, after having read every page of this thread.

Those who are worried about the money sure seem to feel a personal violation with Lesean and his contract.

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The only thing I want to know is, will there be champagne on the training table at St. John Fisher training camp this year? :unsure:


Ha! Assuming this ends reasonably, expect Shady to get razzed unmercifully. Pink sparking fruit juice, pink champagne bubble bath, sparklers, any joke you can imagine about "pink stuff" or "pink bubbly".

scroll up please^^^



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Ha! Assuming this ends reasonably, expect Shady to get razzed unmercifully. Pink sparking fruit juice, pink champagne bubble bath, sparklers, any joke you can imagine about "pink stuff" or "pink bubbly".



Just playin"

I do have personal exp. unfortunately too much. The law and i do not mix well regardless of my gentle and respectful nature! Folks I know, and even family etc seem to struggle to see eye to eye with the Authorities at times.

I must be a bad kid

Just assume as you wish. :thumbsup:


Here is our story on McCoys meeting with DA that has reportedly since been canceled:


not much to chew on.

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McCoy case becoming complicated mess for DA. Parties involved: McCoy, his lawyers, offduty cops, their lawyers, police union, police dept...


They need their own Zika/Ebola/Bird Flu story to hit so the world will move on and this can all just quietly go away.

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dammit it was a rhetorical question.

Make your own assumptions. I am supposed to be undercover!


So while you're under those covers there, how 'bout you dole us a bit of gouge (from a hypothetical theoretical perspective of course) on how this kind of meeting works?

Would the DA provide any info to Shady's lawyer/Shady about what kind of evidence they have to support various charges?


Would Shady submit to questioning?


Or would it just be offer/counteroffer "well, we could charge you with aggravated assault but you being a first time offender and all, we're willing for you to plead to simple assault, probation, community service, no time" "not happening, I don't think you can make that case with all the laundry out there but if you want to try, see you in court" "OK, how about disorderly conduct? Community service, no probation" "Let me discuss that with my client"


Alternatively, could this just be to set something up where Shady can leave town and go on about his off season training in AZ or wherever it is?

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Probably to talk about a plea. If they make an offer to some thing minor, maybe plead it down to Disorderly Conduct, a class three misdemeanor with minimal sentence, it let's Shady move on and save a bundle on legal fees and the DA gets a pound of flesh.

Yep. Sounds to me like the DA is trying to cover his own butt here. He realized he will have a tough time getting a conviction and a trial will embarrass the PD. He's probably going to try to scare Shady into some sort of plea deal. I would be very surprised if Shady agrees to anything at all.

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The longer this goes at this point, the better it is for McCoy. Outside of third party testimony of "who did what", there's not a whole lot out there that's compelling. For Goodell, there has to be something pointing to specific conduct by McCoy that gives the NFL their "black eye" (pun intended) such that they can say it's a violation.

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No way he should be and the NFLPA would successfully appeal any suspension IMO.

Exactly. If he is found to have done nothing wrong, why suspend him?


McCoy case becoming complicated mess for DA. Parties involved: McCoy, his lawyers, offduty cops, their lawyers, police union, police dept...

Can't believe Obama hasn't gotten involved yet. Maybe a teary eyed speech about how his son would look like Lesean.

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