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How long before Sexton drops Marrone as a client?


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The real question is when will the scorned lovers get over it?

My take on it is more of a teen-aged girl who got stood up for the prom ... but yeah. Pretty amazing how much angst there still is about this guy with some Bills fans.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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My take on it is more of a teen-aged girl who got stood up for the prom ... but yeah. Pretty amazing how much angst there still is about this guy with some Bills fans.

I don't think it's the fact that Marrone left us at the prom...it's the fact that Marrone and a highly touted media insider (Schefter) used the City of Buffalo as a stepping stone for "bigger and better things". Karma's a B word and, speaking for myself, I take great pleasure in knowing Marrone and Schefter are watching their phones, waiting for that call/text/Tweet from the popular guy at the dance....but he's already at the post prom party with a better looking gal.

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Is this the agent that got him the contract with the leave and get paid clause? Than he made a bunch off him and you don't drop the guy that made you a bundle. It's a business. The guy is a sleeze to leave like that but took a bundle with him. Shame on us. Shame on him. I hope he never gets a HC job.

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My take on it is more of a teen-aged girl who got stood up for the prom ... but yeah. Pretty amazing how much angst there still is about this guy with some Bills fans.

Especially when approximately 90% of them wanted him fired. Talk about a reversal.

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I'm just glad he's gone and find his continued ineptitude and lack of professionalism funny. I have to admit it is starting to border on sad.

I really don't see the lack of professionalism. I do hope it is a humor thing and not a "drunk dialed Dougie on a Saturday night" kinda thing.

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Agents drop pain-in-the-ass clients all the time. Unless Sexton and Douggie have a great personal relationship I simply offered the opinion that the return isn't worth the effort. You don't agree -- fine with me. It was a valid topic for discussion.


What effort? Some phone calls for a couple of weeks?---to take 3% of a millionaires salary? That's free money. You have given absolutely no logical reason for Marrone's agent to fire him other than the agent hasn't found Marrone a HC job yet. At least Marrone is getting looks. Every look he gets is potentially quick cash in his agents pocket. You keep describing Marrone as a pain the ass client, yet you don't give any evidence ass to how he is being a pain in the ass to his agent. Whatever Marrone's personality is, it certainly never bothered his agent. There is zero benefit for Sexton to dump Marrone.


It's a bizarre take and therefore not really valid, unless you just want to toss a very goofy idea out there.

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My take on it is more of a teen-aged girl who got stood up for the prom ... but yeah. Pretty amazing how much angst there still is about this guy with some Bills fans.


I believe you need to look up the definition of "angst."

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What effort? Some phone calls for a couple of weeks?---to take 3% of a millionaires salary? That's free money. You have given absolutely no logical reason for Marrone's agent to fire him other than the agent hasn't found Marrone a HC job yet. At least Marrone is getting looks. Every look he gets is potentially quick cash in his agents pocket. You keep describing Marrone as a pain the ass client, yet you don't give any evidence ass to how he is being a pain in the ass to his agent. Whatever Marrone's personality is, it certainly never bothered his agent. There is zero benefit for Sexton to dump Marrone.


It's a bizarre take and therefore not really valid, unless you just want to toss a very goofy idea out there.


You seem to be very agitated about this discussion. If I'm an agent and one of my clients has gone from being a "truly" hot HC candidate (when the Bills hired him), to being passed over for what is now approaching double-digit jobs and likely to remain an assistant, I start wondering why I want my name associated with him.


You don't have to agree, it's ok -- but please dispense with the tirade.

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You seem to be very agitated about this discussion. If I'm an agent and one of my clients has gone from being a "truly" hot HC candidate (when the Bills hired him), to being passed over for what is now approaching double-digit jobs and likely to remain an assistant, I start wondering why I want my name associated with him.


You don't have to agree, it's ok -- but please dispense with the tirade.

Because he's paying you. And you have approximately hundreds of other clients.

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Yup, and don't completely discount the knock to an agent's credibility if he keeps pushing a tainted prospect.


Marrone did not prove to be an effective HC and has now been turned down more times than FireChan in high school. He's poison. Don't make this about your crusade against Rex.

Marrone was a more effective coach than Rex. What does that say about Rex?


Crusade? Which crusade are you referring to? Marrone does not work for the Bills. Why even bother with the former employee who didn't want to work in western NY? He left on his own accord. Adios!


I don't have strong feelings pro or con over the former curmudgeon HC. He certainly wasn't an upper tier HC for us and he certainly wasn't very likable. Overall, he did a decent job. So why get so irritated over him? He's gone. If you want to work yourself into a state of frenzy over coaching performance then don't look any farther than what happened this season under the current obnoxious coach who squandered a playoff spot because of his stubbornness and dumbness. Now that is something to crusade over!

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Marrone was a more effective coach than Rex. What does that say about Rex?


Crusade? Which crusade are you referring to? Marrone does not work for the Bills. Why even bother with the former employee who didn't want to work in western NY? He left on his own accord. Adios!


I don't have strong feelings pro or con over the former curmudgeon HC. He certainly wasn't an upper tier HC for us and he certainly wasn't very likable. Overall, he did a decent job. So why get so irritated over him? He's gone. If you want to work yourself into a state of frenzy over coaching performance then don't look any farther than what happened this season under the current obnoxious coach who squandered a playoff spot because of his stubbornness and dumbness. Now that is something to crusade over!


John, I like you. You're passionate about the Bills. But on this issue you are far more in a state of frenzy than I am. Your crusade against Rex goes far beyond anything I've ever said about Marrone.

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