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Bucky Gleason: The Pegulas May Be in Over Their Heads


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Gleason is a hack but I cannot help but agree. These folks ARE in over their heads. This drought is gonna reach 20 before we know it. Rex staying around only plants the seeds for that fate. As a Sabres fan, the Pegulas are no better than the crooked Rigas family. We're left waxing harmonious over Seymour and Nordy Knox. Bills fans will soon be pining for Ebenezer Ralph and his miserly henchmen.By the way, who are the Pegulas? From where did they come? We know their wealth came from poisoning ground water- but who exactly are they? Are they lizard people? Is Terry a member of the Illuminati? Are they members of the Morman chruch? And what kind of name is "pegula"? What is that- Slavic or something? In Esperonto "pegula" is translated as "devil".


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Of course this is true.....but fans need to realize that the Pegulas didnt create this drought.......

Agree 100% IMO, we're lucky to have owners with deep pockets that are willing to spend on both teams as previous sports owners [Golisano, Rigas] has been cheap. I just think the Pegula's are inexperienced with owning and operating sports franchises and we're going through some growing pains with them. I do believe they want to win championships in both hockey and football and are not just about making a buck.

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I don't know of any Bills fans that want the Pegulas gone. Saying someone is on over their head does not equal wanting them gone.

Then what does it mean? We want them to hire people to make their decisions? That's what they did, but apparently they picked the wrong people. So now do they hire people to hire people to make their decisions? It's a conundrum, isn't it? Maybe they should hire Bucky since he's so smart.
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Then what does it mean? We want them to hire people to make their decisions? That's what they did, but apparently they picked the wrong people. So now do they hire people to hire people to make their decisions? It's a conundrum, isn't it? Maybe they should hire Bucky since he's so smart.

As far as I have read, and I could be wrong, the Ryan hiring, including contract terms, was the decision of the Pegulas directly.

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A first year NFL owner doesn't necessarily make the right moves and shouldn't be expected to do so. Hiring Rex was a mistake and, unfortunately, the agony will be extended. But there are owners who make countless mistakes year after year (Snyder). At least Pegula isn't telling the coach how to coach (Snyder) and making all the personnel decisions himself (Snyder until this season). Give Pegula a break and let him learn like any rookie does.

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Isn't Gleason the one who suggested sexist comments about Kim? Bucky Gleason is a hack. He's a goddamn loser. So is Sullivan. These guys are third-rate reporters writing garbage articles in a town that eats up anything relating to the local sports teams. If they were in a more competitive, serious journalistic environment, their careers would be very short-lived. They're both total, complete zeroes. I really don't care what they have to say about anything, and neither should Kim and Terry.

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Isn't Gleason the one who suggested sexist comments about Kim? Bucky Gleason is a hack. He's a goddamn loser. So is Sullivan. These guys are third-rate reporters writing garbage articles in a town that eats up anything relating to the local sports teams. If they were in a more competitive, serious journalistic environment, their careers would be very short-lived. They're both total, complete zeroes. I really don't care what they have to say about anything, and neither should Kim and Terry.

Mrs. Gleason (Mr. WEO) is going to be fuming when she sees that you're calling her husband a "hack."

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Because it's a ****ty opinion.


Not because I disagree with it. Because it it basically calls the Pegulas incompetent for the decisions of other people, and suggests the solution of having people other than the Pegulas make those decisions, which is utterly nonsensical.


Other people? Many here have fallen over themselves to absolve the GM for his role in picking Rex. They have pointed squarely to Pegulas.


I'm not saying I agree with this guy's opinion, but one can read it and understand his point of view, instead of dismissing it because he is a "hack".


Reporter, writer, journalist, columnist...whatever. You just sound butt hurt because I insulted your favorite writer. If you like that hack and are upset that I called him a hack, then I'll call the whaambulance and have them pick you up.


This may be the first thing I have ever read by Gleason...I mean who the F reads the Buffalo newspaper anyway? I don't give two dumps about Bucky Gleason.


You haven't really shown any ability to counter his argument other than to call him a hack. It's not very persuasive.


One season as owners and we want them gone. Bills fans are nothing if not patient.


Not patient? This and other boards filled with passionate fans pouring it out 24/7, increasing annual season ticket sales, sold out stadium---depite 15+ years of mediocrity and playoff futility? Clueless assessment.


Your disgust for Bills fans is, as usua,l poorly contained.


Isn't Gleason the one who suggested sexist comments about Kim? Bucky Gleason is a hack. He's a goddamn loser. So is Sullivan. These guys are third-rate reporters writing garbage articles in a town that eats up anything relating to the local sports teams. If they were in a more competitive, serious journalistic environment, their careers would be very short-lived. They're both total, complete zeroes. I really don't care what they have to say about anything, and neither should Kim and Terry.


Where would that be? What "serious journalistic environment" are you imagining? Every media outlet (print, broadcast, online) is FILLED with guys with such hot takes. What are you talking about?

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