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Trump Alone at the Top

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Don't you?


Yes, which is where the Trump thing comes from. Again, the GOP was handed a schittstorm of state assemblies, governor's seats, House and Senate...and still gave in to the left's needs for more spending, etc. They really are no different.


But Trump is not the way out. It's the way down. It's gatorman-level stupidity. He's a self-promotional fool who will only make the conservative movement even less of a force than it is right now.


#nevertrump, man. No matter the cost.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Yes, which is where the Trump thing comes from. Again, the GOP was handed a schittstorm of state assemblies, governor's seats, House and Senate...and still gave in to the left's needs for more spending, etc. They really are no different.


But Trump is not the way out. It's the way down. It's gatorman-level stupidity. He's a self-promotional fool who will only make the conservative movement even less of a force than it is right now.


#nevertrump, man. No matter the cost.

I disagree. He may be the exact bomb we need.

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To destroy American society, yes I agree exactly.

What are we destroying, exactly? Generations of spoiled morons, a bureaucratic mess of a federal government that has embedded its cancerous tendrils too extensively to be fixed, a President who throws around monarch-esque power on whims, and a total disregard for the ideals this country was founded on?


No great loss there. The FF's would've already revolted.

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I disagree. He may be the exact bomb we need.


But he's a bomb without a fuse. He's never had a real chance to win, which is exactly how he's campaigned. He entered the race to stir things up, get some publicity because he's a whore, and help his gal-pal Hillary out. When he started to win his mentality might have changed (he might believe he really can win) but the situation hasn't. He's about as electable as herpes.


It's her turn. It's already been decided.

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But he's a bomb without a fuse. He's never had a real chance to win, which is exactly how he's campaigned. He entered the race to stir things up, get some publicity because he's a whore, and help his gal-pal Hillary out. When he started to win his mentality might have changed (he might believe he really can win) but the situation hasn't. He's about as electable as herpes.


It's her turn. It's already been decided.

If that's true, so be it.


There's still time for a fracture at a convention.

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If that's true, so be it.


There's still time for a fracture at a convention.


I don't doubt that and expect there to be some drama come convention time (hopefully not the type Gator is rooting for, but I digress). It wouldn't surprise me to see a brokered convention. Cleveland is certainly preparing like there will be unrest in July, probably lots of turmoil ahead.

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But he's a bomb without a fuse. He's never had a real chance to win, which is exactly how he's campaigned. He entered the race to stir things up, get some publicity because he's a whore, and help his gal-pal Hillary out. When he started to win his mentality might have changed (he might believe he really can win) but the situation hasn't. He's about as electable as herpes.


It's her turn. It's already been decided.

I have always wonder that myself, with him being a Clinton supporter in the past. Is he just going to continue to say and do more outrageous **** until he is unelectable to even the staunchest trumpets? Sure seems to be headed that way, Clinton looks like she has a free pass to the White House.


I'm not convinced he wants to be president.

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I have always wonder that myself, with him being a Clinton supporter in the past. Is he just going to continue to say and do more outrageous **** until he is unelectable to even the staunchest trumpets? Sure seems to be headed that way, Clinton looks like she has a free pass to the White House.

I'm not convinced he wants to be president.

I don't think he intended on doing this well when he entered the race, so your gut may be right that he doesn't want to be president. Though his ego is so big I do think it's possible he started off that way then let his ego take over once he started to do well.


But I'm with you. I think his campaign is theater designed to unravel Hilary's opponents and make her appear to be the moderate choice.

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But I'm with you. I think his campaign is theater designed to unravel Hilary's opponents and make her appear to be the moderate choice.



As is the Sanders Campaign.


Sure, she is to the right of the Leftist Socialist...........................................


but she is just as far from the Center Moderate as Cruz is from the right.

Edited by B-Man
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I don't think he intended on doing this well when he entered the race, so your gut may be right that he doesn't want to be president. Though his ego is so big I do think it's possible he started off that way then let his ego take over once he started to do well.


But I'm with you. I think his campaign is theater designed to unravel Hilary's opponents and make her appear to be the moderate choice.

It's really a disgrace that those are the options we are left considering. Among a million other things we are supposed to vote for a guy acting like a 70 year old entitled frat boy or a conniving hag who is an embarrassment to all women after letting her husband round around on her in the public eye time and again.


What a message to our youth and the future of our country. Agendas, beliefs and policies don't even deserve to be discussed when your looking two jack asses in the face. Which ever one gets elected I hope they choose to go with the Obama shtick and spend the majority of their time golfing or doing ESPN interviews.


Reality TV turned American politics....can't wait to see the side show of trying to appoint a SCJ during this clown show.

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It's really a disgrace that those are the options we are left considering. Among a million other things we are supposed to vote for a guy acting like a 70 year old entitled frat boy or a conniving hag who is an embarrassment to all women after letting her husband round around on her in the public eye time and again.


What a message to our youth and the future of our country. Agendas, beliefs and policies don't even deserve to be discussed when your looking two jack asses in the face. Which ever one gets elected I hope they choose to go with the Obama shtick and spend the majority of their time golfing or doing ESPN interviews.


Reality TV turned American politics....can't wait to see the side show of trying to appoint a SCJ during this clown show.


It's what plants crave.

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But he's a bomb without a fuse. He's never had a real chance to win, which is exactly how he's campaigned. He entered the race to stir things up, get some publicity because he's a whore, and help his gal-pal Hillary out. When he started to win his mentality might have changed (he might believe he really can win) but the situation hasn't. He's about as electable as herpes.


It's her turn. It's already been decided.

My deepest darkest fear is this. Billdeberg choice?

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Cruz is a joke. Repubes already tried pasting together a Bonnie and Clyde team with McCain and Palin. How'd that work? Get with the program dude, voters aren't buying the establishment $#!+ anymore. Not just repubes, if Hillary didn't have the DNC super delegates, she'd be in serious trouble of losing to the outsider Bernie.


If Bernie doesn't win the nomination and runs as 3rd party vs Hillary and Trump, I think he'd have a pretty darn good chance of winning. It seems a LOT of people hate Trump and a LOT of people hate Hillary. And a LOT of people hate both.


I'm hoping this happens and Bernie wins. Screw you Demicans and Rupublicrats. POWER to the people for a change.

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It's really a disgrace that those are the options we are left considering. Among a million other things we are supposed to vote for a guy acting like a 70 year old entitled frat boy or a conniving hag who is an embarrassment to all women after letting her husband round around on her in the public eye time and again.


What a message to our youth and the future of our country. Agendas, beliefs and policies don't even deserve to be discussed when your looking two jack asses in the face. Which ever one gets elected I hope they choose to go with the Obama shtick and spend the majority of their time golfing or doing ESPN interviews.


Reality TV turned American politics....can't wait to see the side show of trying to appoint a SCJ during this clown show.


It still goes back to voters. The vast vast majority don't really understand who makes up their government, what the government is doing (or not doing) and what they want from their government and whether or not what they want is even sound. Trump gave a lot of voters a reason to support him early on. He raised real issues, expressed the outrage that more should express over government incompetence and garnered the spotlight because the media gave it to him. At the same time on the Repub side there was more of a sameness among more than a dozen other candidates and some of that sameness was their steadier campaign style.


At this point I'll settle for almost any Republican that can get elected as my preferred candidates are not running any longer and Cruz has shown me too many "politician" characteristics recently. Kasich is growing on me in recent weeks.


If Trump fails to get 1237 delegates, I say it's wide open as the voters did not make a clear choice. Let the delegates decide from whoever they want at that point.


This election should be a slam dunk for Republicans given Obama's terrible presidency and Hillary's negatives. If she win this will go down as one of the larger political failures or our time just as 2012 did. Romney should have destroyed Obama. Voters suck.

Edited by keepthefaith
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It's really a disgrace that those are the options we are left considering. Among a million other things we are supposed to vote for a guy acting like a 70 year old entitled frat boy or a conniving hag who is an embarrassment to all women after letting her husband round around on her in the public eye time and again.


What a message to our youth and the future of our country. Agendas, beliefs and policies don't even deserve to be discussed when your looking two jack asses in the face. Which ever one gets elected I hope they choose to go with the Obama shtick and spend the majority of their time golfing or doing ESPN interviews.


Reality TV turned American politics....can't wait to see the side show of trying to appoint a SCJ during this clown show.


You're not wrong. I think most of the posters here, on both sides of the political spectrum, would generally agree that their respective parties are not offering any substance and are pretty upset about it. Trump has his supporters on this board, as does Cruz and Hillary, but outside of the die hards I don't see a lot of enthusiasm outside of the folks wanting to stick it to the establishment.


But the establishment is best served by Hillary Clinton becoming the next President, which is why the Trump and Sanders crowds are actually doing the work for her.


We have a federal government that's bought and paid for by special interests, those special interests have no desire to see a change in the establishment because they are the establishment. It's not the government itself that's the issue (politicians are disposable), it's the limited range of interests being represented by the government that's the issue. 2010 changed the game, and we're seeing the results of that decision, that there is no difference between a $1,000 donation and a $100,000 donation in a legal sense, come home to roost.


The system is set up now to corrupt the legislators. Buying them off under the guise of free speech and assuring that the majority of American voices are never heard or considered when it comes to matters of governance. It's not the politicians fault, not really. They have to raise a ridiculous amount of money every day ($2,300 a day for Congressmen, $14,000 a day as Senators) just to be relevant and re-electable -- that just doesn't leave time in the day for them to listen to anything but big money donors and results in a very myopic view of the issues facing every day Americans.


It's what plants crave.



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Kasich--would bring competence and mostly conservative principles back to the White House.

Cruz--would bring strong constitutional conservative bona fides along with a prickly disposition as our POTUS.

Trump--would (does) scare the schit out of the establishment, but would hire competent people to run things on a daily basis. He could just as easily tear things down in a good way or bad way.

Sanders--Probably couldn't get much of his agenda accomplished unless of course if his shirt tails are really, really long.

Clinton--very corrupt and unprincipled. Has no accomplishments. Could be indicted. Tammany Hall here we come.


This happens to be my order of preference of the viable candidates that are left.

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