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Trump Alone at the Top

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Read and understand the damn article. Kristof recognizes that by the time he and his peers started taking Trump seriously, it was too late. Dear lord, you're a moron.


So are you saying that news people don't care about journalistic integrity at all, just ratings? So if they're only interested in promoting a story that gives them max coverage, why trust the news at all?

Not sure why you need to insult, it does not help your point.


I just think he is wrong. How would have journalists taking Trump seriously have made a difference with his speeches, debates or interviews? He never gives a straight answer anyway. He was called on his BS at every step and his supporters could care less. Heck, when Megayn Kelly tried to call him on being sexist look what happened, blood in her eyes!


And do news people care about integrity? Sort of, I suppose. Ratings are what drive the business and without ratings the people running things get fired. Some sources are better than others, but that's in the eye of beholder.

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Read and understand the damn article. Kristof recognizes that by the time he and his peers started taking Trump seriously, it was too late. Dear lord, you're a moron.


So are you saying that news people don't care about journalistic integrity at all, just ratings? So if they're only interested in promoting a story that gives them max coverage, why trust the news at all?

kristof's musings are nonsense. they're explained by misplaced liberal guilt. if it had been kristol writing it, it would have been to serve as a smoke screen for the real issue: the mythical empowerment (mostly by talking head cons) of an emerging underclass that accurately sees it's piece of the American dream disappearing. the saddest part is that trump is the least likely remaining candidate to be their savior and they're too stupid to realize it.

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kristof's musings are nonsense. they're explained by misplaced liberal guilt. if it had been kristol writing it, it would have been to serve as a smoke screen for the real issue: the mythical empowerment (mostly by talking head cons) of an emerging underclass that accurately sees it's piece of the American dream disappearing. the saddest part is that trump is the least likely remaining candidate to be their savior and they're too stupid to realize it.


Trump's terrible, but Hillary is far worse of a candidate when it comes to restoring a middle class or restoring the piece of the disappearing American dream. She's only interesting in making the rich (her) richer and bombing as many brown people as she can in 4 years.


But keep on thinking the Left and Right aren't both marching to the same tune.

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