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Trump Alone at the Top

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I haven't gotten to this thread in a while. Does anyone know if the guinea pig cage made it to EII?

I think he said it got past Cleveland.

I also think he only posts here when he's drunk. Gets a handle of vodka and posts like mad on his days off while getting dizzy from chugging the 80 proof.

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I think he said it got past Cleveland.

I also think he only posts here when he's drunk. Gets a handle of vodka and posts like mad on his days off while getting dizzy from chugging the 80 proof.



Is it a reinforced guinea pig cage tested for falling drunks?

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Trump up 5 points CNN/ORC poll



I am starting to think that "none of the above" should be an actual option. And by that I do not mean "someone else", I mean none of the above. Nobody. A 4 year hiatus. The parties can pick their candidates and put them up. Fine. But if the vote goes to "none of the above" then nobody gets the electoral votes needed. We still have the other two branches of the federal government for 4 years along with state and local. That's enough government anyway. No president so everything is considered a veto and requires override to get passed. The Senate can appoint a VP who can do the diplomatic crap and that's all.


I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it, they die. If any of the codgers on the Supreme Court die then we just wait for a new Prez 4 years out. If we get under 5, the dead judge's spouses are automatic appointments right back up to 9 judges and they are forced to re-marry in case they don't last long.

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At one time, Ronald Reagan was a Democrat.


Yes, but his actions confirmed it. Everything Trump suggests and discusses is true to Democratic principles.


He just does it in a brash way that makes non-thinking people feel happy and warm in their skinny jeans, but all you hear is more spending, more government, more red tape, more "I alone can fix the problems of this country."


You should listen to some of Reagan's speeches and you'd understand how ridiculous your comment is.

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Yes, but his actions confirmed it. Everything Trump suggests and discusses is true to Democratic principles.


He just does it in a brash way that makes non-thinking people feel happy and warm in their skinny jeans, but all you hear is more spending, more government, more red tape, more "I alone can fix the problems of this country."


You should listen to some of Reagan's speeches and you'd understand how ridiculous your comment is.


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Yes, but his actions confirmed it. Everything Trump suggests and discusses is true to Democratic principles.


He just does it in a brash way that makes non-thinking people feel happy and warm in their skinny jeans, but all you hear is more spending, more government, more red tape, more "I alone can fix the problems of this country."


You should listen to some of Reagan's speeches and you'd understand how ridiculous your comment is.

The Republican party of old is no more. Trump mortally wounded it.

Look at the Dems, they've morphed into a Frankenstein monster. It's heart and soul is "progressive" socialism, and it's brains is grandma and grandpa (both Clintons, Pelosi, Reid).


It would have been the kiss of death had they espoused those principles from the 60s to 2000. Now they're pleased as punch to be seen as Santa Claus.


Trump's Republican party probably has more in common with the old Democrat mainstream now. At least he got the conservative right to shut the !@#$ up about gays. That's something. It was a total loser talking point. It should never have been a talking point. The gub'ment needs to stay the hell out of our bedrooms.


If you're Donald Trump, you thirst for power. That's what you do. If you want to save money on car insurance - switch to Geico.

I still would like to see AG Chris Christie go after Clinton and Lerner.

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The Republican party of old is no more. Trump mortally wounded it.

Look at the Dems, they've morphed into a Frankenstein monster. It's heart and soul is "progressive" socialism, and it's brains is grandma and grandpa (both Clintons, Pelosi, Reid).


It would have been the kiss of death had they espoused those principles from the 60s to 2000. Now they're pleased as punch to be seen as Santa Claus.


Trump's Republican party probably has more in common with the old Democrat mainstream now. At least he got the conservative right to shut the !@#$ up about gays. That's something. It was a total loser talking point. It should never have been a talking point. The gub'ment needs to stay the hell out of our bedrooms.


If you're Donald Trump, you thirst for power. That's what you do. If you want to save money on car insurance - switch to Geico.

I still would like to see AG Chris Christie go after Clinton and Lerner.

Abortion needs to be next. Except for "partial birth" ones.

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The Republican party of old is no more. Trump mortally wounded it.




Trump may have mortally wounded it but it was only prone because of people like McConnell, Boehner, Ryan and their ilk. It has been going on of years and they had been ex[posed and were teetering. Cruz was the person they were against and Trump stepped in and killed both the Cruz side and the RINO side.


There are still enough people in the country that something will happen that takes a new form. Trump is Trump. There won't be something built around him that lasts long because it is all about him. There is still the power in the Boehner wing and they will try to re-build but nobody is buying what they're selling. There are conservatives but they will be attacked. The Dems have similar issues but not identical. Half of me wonders if Trump had run as Dem if he could have split the Bernie/Hillary middle and ended up as their candidate. All he did was attack the other Republicans without saying anything specific about what he'd do. There are enough angry Dems that it might have worked their too.


I could see an 8 party system emerging if the 2 existing parties didn't have such a lock down on the structures that make the rules.

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Trump may have mortally wounded it but it was only prone because of people like McConnell, Boehner, Ryan and their ilk. It has been going on of years and they had been ex[posed and were teetering. Cruz was the person they were against and Trump stepped in and killed both the Cruz side and the RINO side.


There are still enough people in the country that something will happen that takes a new form. Trump is Trump. There won't be something built around him that lasts long because it is all about him. There is still the power in the Boehner wing and they will try to re-build but nobody is buying what they're selling. There are conservatives but they will be attacked. The Dems have similar issues but not identical. Half of me wonders if Trump had run as Dem if he could have split the Bernie/Hillary middle and ended up as their candidate. All he did was attack the other Republicans without saying anything specific about what he'd do. There are enough angry Dems that it might have worked their too.


I could see an 8 party system emerging if the 2 existing parties didn't have such a lock down on the structures that make the rules.


Really would we be ANY worse off with 8 parties than 2?

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