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Rams Relocate to LA; Chargers Have 1st Option to Also Move

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from what I understand, SDs issue isn't fan support or ticket sales, it is lack of corporations in SD to sell the suites in a new stadium and lack of public funding. Spanos won't privately fund. LA will easily sell the corporate suites and they don't even care about fan support. It's all about the first part to fund the stadium. The Cali residents would know more but I think it's the lack of corp HQ in SD, with it being a rather transient area with all the military.


As one of those transient military members, I'm not staying here... there is little incentive as I mentioned. Definitely a very overrated place- we should have moved to Washington state.

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As one of those transient military members, I'm not staying here... there is little incentive as I mentioned. Definitely a very overrated place- we should have moved to Washington state.

interesting perspective - thanks. I know it is very expensive and though it is nice, if it's 100 degrees with droughts it's not worth it!
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The NFL's greed is pushing this. Unfortunately, Ralph was one of the first to extort massive amounts of funds for a new stadium, which doesn't do enough for the local economy considering the investments from the local governments.


I am of the opinion that no public $ should be spent on stadiums. The return on investment is zero or negative to the local governments, and it seems criminal for billionaires to ask taxpayers to pay for their locations when they make profits to the tune of $30 million per year.

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The NFL's greed is pushing this. Unfortunately, Ralph was one of the first to extort massive amounts of funds for a new stadium, which doesn't do enough for the local economy considering the investments from the local governments.


I am of the opinion that no public $ should be spent on stadiums. The return on investment is zero or negative to the local governments, and it seems criminal for billionaires to ask taxpayers to pay for their locations when they make profits to the tune of $30 million per year.


I would not say that is true in Buffalo's case... I cannot imagine the state of the local economy if the Bills and Sabres didn't get the stadium deals they were looking for. It's not worth the risk to NOT do it if the market is a smaller one with a very strong fan base.

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from what I understand, SDs issue isn't fan support or ticket sales, it is lack of corporations in SD to sell the suites in a new stadium and lack of public funding. Spanos won't privately fund. LA will easily sell the corporate suites and they don't even care about fan support. It's all about the first part to fund the stadium. The Cali residents would know more but I think it's the lack of corp HQ in SD, with it being a rather transient area with all the military.

Yolo.... its funny but sad that's what they said about Buffalo with no fortune 500 companies. As for the stadium, The Ralph puts it to shame.

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should be Raiders, there were there once and they are just across the bay from SF, time to spread the wealth


Only 3 of those options mean more money.

Guess which one they're lying about?


They will expand. sixteen teams in the playoffs.


more chances to get in


If they're going to switch, it should be back to the powder blue jerseys that are just outstanding.


why does everyone love those light pastel colors? I hate em, I like dark foreboding colors and loved the Dark Navy Bills colors of mid 2000s which everybody hated of course

The stadium is terrible, prices are terrible, and frankly there's better things to do.


Even though it'd suck if they moved, any die hard Bolts fan will have no problem driving 2-3 hours to the game in LA.


would be like Bills moving to Syracuse which I wouldn't be in favor of but I would still be a fan (about the same distance for me actually)

Isn't that what everyone said about Bills fans if the Bills were to move to Toronto?


wrong country BIG difference


The temperatures were record setting this summer... late October, over 100 degrees at my place. Last year, close to the same temperatures but it cooled down sooner. There is just not enough water to keep things green here... the grass is turning brown due to lack of water. I'm betting eventually it very well could.


Don't know why that can't distill ocean water, we did it in the Navy not that big of a deal to do.

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Why does there have to be TWO LA teams?


It seems smarter to spread them around

It's all about having home teams games to televise in the LA market. That's it, and is why the NFL has kicked around building a stadium in LA on it's own. The league wants a team ( or 2 ) in LA even if they play in an empty stadium every week. The TV ad dollars are the driver.

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The stadium is terrible, prices are terrible, and frankly there's better things to do.


Even though it'd suck if they moved, any die hard Bolts fan will have no problem driving 2-3 hours to the game in LA.

Exactly. They aren't moving 3,000 miles away. Call them the SoCal Chargers.


should be Raiders, there were there once and they are just across the bay from SF, time to spread the wealth



more chances to get in



why does everyone love those light pastel colors? I hate em, I like dark foreboding colors and loved the Dark Navy Bills colors of mid 2000s which everybody hated of course



would be like Bills moving to Syracuse which I wouldn't be in favor of but I would still be a fan (about the same distance for me actually)



wrong country BIG difference



Don't know why that can't distill ocean water, we did it in the Navy not that big of a deal to do.

The answer: energy costs. There is a difference between desalinating enough water for a boat and an entire metro area.
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The stadium is terrible, prices are terrible, and frankly there's better things to do.


Even though it'd suck if they moved, any die hard Bolts fan will have no problem driving 2-3 hours to the game in LA.

Have you driven on the San Diego Freeway recently, even when it's not rush hour?

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whats up with that drought thing anyway? sounds scary. is it really turning into a desert?


It has always been dry here, and our local rainfall is relatively unimportant. The core of the drought is the northern and mountain parts of the state where rainfall and snowpack accumulate and drive the agriculture in the middle of the state.


In terms of building a new stadium with tax dollars and corporate suites, LA is a much better place to do that than San Diego, and Spanos has known this for a while. There are options here that would be worked out if LA wasn't so tempting, but I don't think San Diego is any more prepared to compete with LA right now than it was when the Clippers moved North years ago.

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