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Tired of Deflategate

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No. Wells gave a reason to compel NE to comply which he later knew to be false, but he wrote them up for it anyway.





They did make McNally available. And Brady. Brady complied with everything asked of him except give his copies of the texts they already had of his.




Is there a rule that an indivdual has to be made available to be interviewed as many times as an "independent investigator" realizes that he overlooked the absolutely most basic evidence already in his possession?


Here's how absurd it must have been:


Brady: "so how did it go?"


McNally: "it was weird--i gave him all the texts and yet he never asked me about "the Deflator"


Brady: "holy sh""T! haha"


Time passes....


Wells: "hey wait a minute! I just realized that my The Wells Report staff had already identified McNally "the Deflator" before I interviewed him---and I had no idea! I need to interview him all over again. You must comply!"


Kraft: "blow me..."

Congratulations. You just became a more disingenuous responder than the Patriots. Didnt really think that was possible.


I already knew you were going to say two=unlimited. Pathetic.


Also, his staff didn't identify McNally as the Deflator before he interviewed him at all. But rather, after he interviewed McNally they went back to texts before the season started, because up until then they didnt suspect he had been doing it for years, and then found the reference to calling himself the Deflator. Then Wells went to the Pats to ask McNally why he was called the Deflator, but wasn't allowed.

Edited by Kelly the Dog
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Based on the current discussion, I think we can conclude that both sides took shots at each other, made mistakes, and were uncooperative. That happens when one is on the offensive and the other is on the defensive. Heh...just like the game of football.


We'll find out who wins the game soon.

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No. Wells gave a reason to compel NE to comply which he later knew to be false, but he wrote them up for it anyway.


So wells tricked them into not complying?



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Brady didn't cheat. But Wells cheated Brady out of his opportunity to deny cheating.


That's awesome.

truly. if this isnt fun i dont know what is.

now where is my yarn and those confounded knitting needles that keep conspiring against me.

knitting should be simple. but its not.

maybe its those damnable cats messin with me.


Patriots have pushed the envelope and the NFL trips over themselves like it's the 3 stooges.

Krafty pants, Rog and Curly (wells report)

idiots all.

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So wells tricked them into not complying?




Flip your record.


Patriots figured they dodged a bullet when Wells revealed he didn't read the texts he had in hand before the first interview. They likely laughed when Wells came at them with the "I have new information!" stuff. They decided not to give him another bite at the apple.


Brady didn't cheat. But Wells cheated Brady out of his opportunity to deny cheating.


That's awesome.



None of that is true--he did cheat. Wells certainly gave Brady that opportunity--and Brady made the most of it.


Where did the cleverness go?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Congratulations. You just became a more disingenuous responder than the Patriots. Didnt really think that was possible.


I already knew you were going to say two=unlimited. Pathetic.


Also, his staff didn't identify McNally as the Deflator before he interviewed him at all. But rather, after he interviewed McNally they went back to texts before the season started, because up until then they didnt suspect he had been doing it for years, and then found the reference to calling himself the Deflator. Then Wells went to the Pats to ask McNally why he was called the Deflator, but wasn't allowed.

If you want to talk about disingenuous, recall that the Pats* first press salvo defending themselves from the non-compliance charge was to say that they'd made McNally available to the investigation 4 or 5 times already., when in reality all but one of those times was initially just talking to NFL folks before Wells got involved. Go back and look--they worded it in a deliberately murky way to imply that Wells talked to Needledumb multiple times. Total scumbags.


Flip your record.


Patriots figured they dodged a bullet when Wells revealed he didn't read the texts he had in hand before the first interview. They likely laughed when Wells came at them with the "I have new information!" stuff. They decided not to give him another bite at the apple.




None of that is true--he did cheat. Wells certainly gave Brady that opportunity--and Brady made the most of it.


Where did the cleverness go?

You don't seem to understand how this game is played, Herr Doktor. A regulator (which to my mind is really what Wells was most like here) or investigator can talk to people as many times as he wants to. People can decide not to comply, but there are then sanctions for non-compliance.

Edited by MattM
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If you want to talk about disingenuous, recall that the Pats* first press salvo defending themselves from the non-compliance charge was to say that they'd made McNally available to the investigation 4 or 5 times already., when in reality all but one of those times was initially just talking to NFL folks before Wells got involved. Go back and look--they worded it in a deliberately murky way to imply that Wells talked to Needledumb multiple times. Total scumbags.

Oh I know. It's one of the biggest reasons we know they cheated. Three different non-Wells investigators, right after the game and in the ensuing days, asked McNally why he went to the bathroom with the balls and he gave three different answers. Those were the missing three interviews.
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Im going to post it here too, despite giving a thread to it, as a few quotes jump out as why the saints situation makes me gun shy on NFL investigations now.....




He claims that his punishment was based on what he told an NFL investigator in 2010 but that the league didnt seem certain what was discussed in that interview, who was present or who had done the questioning. (When asked about the interview, the NFL declined comment to SI.) Recalls Hargroves agent, Phil Williams: I thought I was in the Twilight Zone.



Worse, the league fingered Hargrove as a source -- he was said to have told a Vikings player about the system after that 09 playoff game (the Minnesota player has since denied this account)and claimed it was his voice on a sideline video saying, Bobby, give me my money following a nasty high-low late hit of Favre by defensive end Bobby McCray and tackle Remi Ayodele. (The voice clip has become widely disputed as Hargrove wasnt even on the field when that play took place.)

the second quote being one that always bugged me about the "independent investigator" that stuck to the NFLs story, despite it making no sense for Hargrove to be the voice. Theres some more content in the article and its a good read on a former bill with a roller coaster journey through life.


Im not accusing Wells/NFL of doing the same here, but having followed that closely, it makes it hard for me to swallow anything the NFL puts out without some questions in the back of my head.

Edited by NoSaint
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Im going to post it here too, despite giving a thread to it, as a few quotes jump out as why the saints situation makes me gun shy on NFL investigations now.....






the second quote being one that always bugged me about the "independent investigator" that stuck to the NFLs story, despite it making no sense for Hargrove to be the voice. Theres some more content in the article and its a good read on a former bill with a roller coaster journey through life.


Im not accusing Wells/NFL of doing the same here, but having followed that closely, it makes it hard for me to swallow anything the NFL puts out without some questions in the back of my head.

The league is not to be trusted, regardless of whether one hates Brady or not.

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Im going to post it here too, despite giving a thread to it, as a few quotes jump out as why the saints situation makes me gun shy on NFL investigations now.....






the second quote being one that always bugged me about the "independent investigator" that stuck to the NFLs story, despite it making no sense for Hargrove to be the voice. Theres some more content in the article and its a good read on a former bill with a roller coaster journey through life.


Im not accusing Wells/NFL of doing the same here, but having followed that closely, it makes it hard for me to swallow anything the NFL puts out without some questions in the back of my head.

Roger Goodell has demonstrated an inability to be fair and reasonable in the manner he carries out his authority in handling discipline cases. He has been erratic and injudicious in not only making his determinations but in the manner in which he investigated these cases. His handling of the Ray Rice case was more based on how he looked rather than on the facts of the case. When this case went to an arbitrator his more severe second ruling was quickly overturned. It was very apparent that Goodell lied when he made the claim that he had new information that he didn't have when making his first ruling.


The deflategate fiasco is not really about Brady as many make it out to be. It is about how a deciding authority with a lot at stake for the league and the parties involved ineptly handled a disciplinary responsibility that he ferociously controlled.


Jonathan Vilma defeated Goodell over the manufactured Saints' episode by taking the matter to court and having a neutral party review the case. It very quickly and decisvely overturn Roger's ruling against him. That is what Brady should do. He should get an injunction against Goodell's ruling and then have his day in court. He will easily win with his very talented and tough legal representation.


The following attachment is a Washington Post column by Sally Jenkins that demonstrates how absurd it was for such a trivial matter to become a ridiculous fiasco because the commisioner mishandled the situation right from the start.



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