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Polian critical of Bills not drafting a QB

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Of course the real reason the Bills did not take a QB is that Whaley is still invested in EJ Manuel. When the organization gets over that, another will be drafted. I would have like Petty......to bad.


And, as I now count the numbers, if one QB gets hurt....and it has happened every year for us recently, then Tuel makes the team again (or practice squad) dumb dumb dumb....

they seemed to get over it enough to sign Taylor
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I've said before and I'll say it again, why in the world would we want another QB when we allready have 4 proven backups on the roster and there isn't any starter material out there to add. Polian is being dumb imho.

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I've said before and I'll say it again, why in the world would we want another QB when we allready have 4 proven backups on the roster and there isn't any starter material out there to add. Polian is being dumb imho.

Because no one listened to you this first time? ;)

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Bill Polian has forgotten more about football than I will ever know. However, even an idiot like me is probably correct in not being disappointed that the Bills did not waste a draft pick on any of the available QBs in this draft as zero, nada, zilch, none of them seems remotely possible to payoff for the Bills on a timeline relevant to this team.


This team has gone a decade and a half without even making the playoffs. Who does Polian think we should have drafted to help us take the essential first step of making the playoffs this year.


The BPA approach clearly does better at this.

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Thank you again, Doug Marrone, from the bottom of my heart.

Probably the single event this offseason. That turned this franchise around on a dime.

I'm so glad Polian and his yellow teeth are no where near Buffalo's front office.

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As I said many times though, he wasn't talking about drafting guy for a 2-3 yr project on day 3 like the packers did. He was referring to drafting a guy to compete for the job today, like the Jets did.

if cook had declared this year, Kiper or one of those guys said he would have been a top 15 pick. I'm glad he went back though because he only had 1 1/2 yrs experience as a starter. And because we have a 1st rd pick next yr ;)


I'm with you there. I'm glad this class of QBs sucked for just that reason.


Polian just happens to be correct.

The Bills end up putting all of their eggs into one basket when they draft a QB, as they did with EJ.

If you keep drafting quarterbacks every year, you'll hit paydirt sooner or later.

The Patriots did not need a QB when they selected Brady in the 6th round of the 2000(?) draft.

They already had Drew Bledsoe, John Friesz, and Michael Bishop, who they drafted in the seventh round the previous year.

Look how that worked out for them..........


He's not correct. Drafting a QB every year is a silly philosophy that has no place in an NFL front office's strategy. Ever. There's not enough reps, or time, or opportunity for multiple QBs to distinguish themselves as either "the guy" or "trade bait" if your'e taking one every year. We have 3 QBs on the roster, you may not agree that any of them are "the guy" (and I'd agree) but they're all better than anyone taken after the 2nd pick in the draft. Wasting a high pick (2nd or 3rd rounder) on a QB just to take a QB is a stupid philosophy and unworkable in reality.

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The time for the Bills to draft a QB was several years ago when we passed on Russel Wilson 3 times (trading up for TJ Graham in the process) SMH

Every single team passed on him at least twice. I don't get why people think he was a sure thing when he came out - he obviously wasn't.


The only thing drafting a QB after the first round guarantees is that you're going to miss at a very significant rate:



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He's right, they've mismanaged the position and continue to do so. DRAFT ONE EVERY YEAR UNTIL YOU FIND ONE. Overdraft if you have to - BPA is less important when you don't have any QB. Mettenberger last year. Grayson, Hundley or Petty this year. You can't win the lottery without buying tickets. It's the most important position. Believe it or not it's more important than nickel corner or the fourth RB.


Dude -- the Bills have two QBs on the roster heading into camp that they didn't have last year. They have a better chance of hitting paydirt with Cassel or Taylor this year than they would have had by drafting a project in the 4th-7th rounds.

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why burn a pick on a QB. The Bills prob were going to take Petty or Grayson, but when they were gone, there is no point in taking a guy you don't think can be a franchise player. Polian is not a great GM either, IMO. He had Peyton Manning and could never build a team around him. He did some good stuff here, but for the past 20+ years has been mediocre in both his job and his analysis.

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Good teams that manage for the future realize that qbs will always be valuable commodities on the trade front. The pats are another good example; they've drafted 9 qbs since just 1999.

We picked up 2 QBs in FA and EJ still might make something of himself. It's not like the front office ignored the position. A lot of people keep harping on this but to keep using picks on QBs that don't pan out has a cost. It is far better to take a player you are certain at least has a good chance to make the team. Honestly, I have doubts that the 2 top QBs taken in this draft could even start this year, on this team. We have Matt, EJ and Tyrod. ALL three have potential. It's almost as if people want to completely ignore everything other than the QB position in hopes of finally finding their Russel Wilson. "This is a team sport yet nothing matters but QB." Get real!!! This isn't the draft that any of us envisioned. I get that. The sky isn't falling though. We are just going to have to roll with what we got.

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Dude -- the Bills have two QBs on the roster heading into camp that they didn't have last year. They have a better chance of hitting paydirt with Cassel or Taylor this year than they would have had by drafting a project in the 4th-7th rounds.


We picked up 2 QBs in FA and EJ still might make something of himself. It's not like the front office ignored the position. A lot of people keep harping on this but to keep using picks on QBs that don't pan out has a cost. It is far better to take a player you are certain at least has a good chance to make the team. Honestly, I have doubts that the 2 top QBs taken in this draft could even start this year, on this team. We have Matt, EJ and Tyrod. ALL three have potential. It's almost as if people want to completely ignore everything other than the QB position in hopes of finally finding their Russel Wilson. "This is a team sport yet nothing matters but QB." Get real!!! This isn't the draft that any of us envisioned. I get that. The sky isn't falling though. We roll with what we got.


Great perspective, you are 100% correct. This team is loaded with talent, got even more in the draft, and some people complain we didn't get a QB. Who should we have drafted, and why? CRICKETS!

Edited by RyanC883
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Not a good QB class. Something out of our control.


As far as QB's next year, Kessler has improved in spring with his pocket presence and ability to get rid of the ball quick when sensing pressure. The only issue for him is the deep ball. Let's see how he does this year throwing deep.


I always mark down a USC qb in forecasting performance because they usually got great weapons and O-Lineman as a luxury not available at other schools.

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Probably the single event this offseason. That turned this franchise around on a dime.

I'm so glad Polian and his yellow teeth are no where near Buffalo's front office.

Keep that in mind when Polian has something to say about the Bills. Schadenfreude, anyone?
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Niners snagged him, but I felt as though we should have taken Blake Bell... As a TE for sure, but he's also a more natural passer than Kaepernick... Could spell trouble if coaches see Bell throwing the rock around in TC... All Bell needs is a shot. he's definitely one of "those guys"

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Great perspective, you are 100% correct. This team is loaded with talent, got even more in the draft, and some people complain we didn't get a QB. Who should we have drafted, and why? CRICKETS!

We need to address the QB situation!!


...Okay, how.


I don't know but we better address it.


...Fine, any names?


No. But, damn it, this must be addressed!

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Draft (or otherwise acquire) a potential long term solution at QB each and every year until one is found. Then acquire another the same way at some point, like Green Bay likes to do.



so are we agreed that a 1st round qb is ,at best, a 50/50 proposition?


that the odds aren't all that much longer for a mid round pick?


i think recent history bears that out. Then why not go best available mid round qb til you find one? what's that vaunted bills anaytics dept been up to? there must be a statistical analysis on drafting a qb…any fool can tell you that drafting one is the most commonly successful method. you have to actually draft some in order to find one.

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I always wonder about players Ozzie Newsome lets go for nothing. He's one of the best in the business for a reason.


Don't think too hard over this one. Backup QB, he's paying Flacco a mint...and there were (at least) two teams clamoring to sign Taylor.

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I always wonder about players Ozzie Newsome lets go for nothing. He's one of the best in the business for a reason.

seriously.., he's a back up qb who played like 15 reg season snaps. What kind of trade do you think he could have made for him?
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