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What the hell is wrong with me?

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I must disagree. I wouldn't say that's what's wrong. I'd say that's a byproduct, and a effect to what's wrong. What caused me to get to this point in my life?


You spend all day talking to imaginary dudes. That's what's wrong.......part 1.

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Number 171. You still live home with mom.

Number 203 you never put the toilet seat up to pee

Number 134 You never flush

Number 135. You use have a roll of toilet paper to wipe

Number 136. You never clean off the seat when you get poop on it

Number. 137. You never wash your hands.

Number 178. You never cover your mouth when you sneeze

Number. 179. You wipe your snot on your arm

Number. 180. You pick your nose

Number. 181. You eat what you pick

Number 182. When you use a a tissue you never throw it away

Number. 7 You pick your zits and try to hit people when you pop them

Number. 3. You only shower 1 time a week

Number. 4. You never use soap when you shower

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You seek the attention of anonymous men on a football fan site. Like, too much.

For some reason I feel this is a low blow.

You're asking a bunch of strangers who don't know you personally "what is wrong with me." It seems like instead you might ask this of a therapist. I'm not poking fun at you. It sounds like you may need some professional help.

For some reason I feel he could shoot himself after reading this.

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You're asking a bunch of strangers who don't know you personally "what is wrong with me." It seems like instead you might ask this of a therapist. I'm not poking fun at you. It sounds like you may need some professional help.

where better to get the best help than right here
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