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Colt Lyerla wants a comeback.


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That's funny. I lived in Buffalo for 12 years, and it's one of the hardest partying towns that I've ever lived in.


Whups, think you slipped and fell into a Sar Chasm


If the comparison to Eugene OR and GB, WI as "too hard to stay out of trouble" wasnt enough of a tell, I think the

"Have him come to Buffalo where some of the HOFers can desribe their years of clean living while they played there ..."

should have given it away. That would be our HOFers who were noted for puking their guts out the morning after they drank all night?

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Here's a quote from his video "plea" to teams:


"To the NFL teams out there, obviously there have been a lot of bad decisions made in the past, . . ."


I'm usually not one to harp on bad grammar, but the use of passive voice is pretty striking. That quote doesn't really sound like a guy ready to take responsibility for his actions in that he's basically saying "stuff happens."


I think you're exactly right.

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True. Eugene Oregon and Gren Bay Wisconsin are just too intense, party life-wise, for a guy like this too stay out of trouble.


Have him come to Buffalo where some of the HOFers can desribe their years of clean living while they played there ...

Pretty funny.

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Kick the tires. Colt is a freak who jumps up on 62" boxes. He has been in drug counseling for 18 months and been clean for awhile. People can overcome, although it is rare. Chris Carter did. Colt must realize this is his last shot

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Kick the tires. Colt is a freak who jumps up on 62" boxes. He has been in drug counseling for 18 months and been clean for awhile. People can overcome, although it is rare. Chris Carter did. Colt must realize this is his last shot

I'm all for giving people second chances ... hell, even third chances. But if all of the stuff that WEO posted is true (pasted below), it looks like substance abuse is one of the things to least be concerned about:


Cocaine possession: check.

Dui: check

Took money in college: check

Injured to IR during a practice: check

Crazy conspiracy (Sandy Hook shootings didn't occur, parents are "liars") theorist: check

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I am pretty sure there is plenty of cocaine and alcohol to be had in Buffalo.

What ? you forget the hookers and the gambling and the violence

that wasnt me.

and if i was. that was along time ago.


so I vote Yes, for Colt.

a TE ? we need one.

let him workout for the Bills. he can hang with Richie and get into yoga.

he has shown he is in condition and very possibly dedicated.

some of us take a little longer to come around.

In Rex I Trust

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Cocaine possession: check.


Dui: check


Took money in college: check


Injured to IR during a practice: check


Crazy conspiracy (Sandy Hook shootings didn't occur, parents are "liars") theorist: check


This guy has it all. Let's beat the crowd and sign him now.

You are correct. Better fit for Pats*. Thanks for pointing this out!

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