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Study on Seahawks show 1st round picks are overrated...

Big Turk

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Interesting...says teams that typically do well draft great in rounds 2-5 and sometimes don't even have first round picks some years...lots of graphs, charts and analytics...interesting...seems to fit Bills well...no first round pick and have gotten Woods, Alonzo and Brown in rounds 2 and 3...



Edited by matter2003
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Interesting...says teams that typically do well draft great in rounds 2-5 and sometimes don't even have first round picks some years...lots of graphs, charts and analytics...interesting...seems to fit Bills well...no first round pick and have gotten Woods, Alonzo and Brown in rounds 2 and 3...

Study shows that if you draft All-Pro gems in the late rounds, first rounders don't matter? Woah.

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Yeah, but did they take into consideration the boost teams like Seattle and Pittsburgh (just to name two) get from their PED use? Watching a certain set of teams "develop" talent regularly from mid rounds and beyond sends up red flags. Seeing those same teams consistiently finish their seasons stronger than most teams - both in terms of wins and losses as well as their abilities to physically dominate at that point and it gets pretty obvious which teams are pushing PEDs. Throw in some PED busts like Seattle had last season and the HGH Doctor in Pittsburgh - who got busted two years after his long tenure with the Steelers - and things start to look pretty shady. It's sad to think that to have a real chance a team not only needs a quality QB, but has to cheat hard. It's really killing the sport for me.

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Where the link?


This needs to be sent to the Redskins!

Sorry posted link

Study shows that if you draft All-Pro gems in the late rounds, first rounders don't matter? Woah.

Moreso that teams way overvalued first round picks in trades based on their career results

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So let me understand this, based on the OP post because I'm too lazy (probably like the author of the article) to read it, but if I am clear, drafting well in 4 out of the first 5 rounds (80%) and 4 out of 7 total (57%) makes you good? Wait, drafting well in consecutive rounds as talent begins to decline makes you good? I thought you could survive on first round studs and seventh round overachievers alone. That's earth-shattering, someone have that guy submit his work to an academic journal.I never thought of it but now it makes sense that the teams in high school that always won dodge ball had great players in the first couple rounds, like the pitcher from the baseball team, and managed to not let the AV dweeb picked last effect them so much, you know, because they get picked off early just like 6th and 7th round picks get cut. BTW, water is wet.

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Bad stats throughout the article (the correlations are not strong enough to be considered significant). Main glaring hole is effect of total number of draft picks. One could argue that teams with less 1st round picks have traded them away for more 2-5 picks and ones with more first round picks gave up 2-5 round picks to get the extra first rounders. To truly show the point asserted by the article you have to show that when the total number of picks is equal having more 2-5 picks is more valuable than more 1st rounders. Otherwise it is just saying more picks is more wins which is not surprising.

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Biggest difference for the Bills is the Nix-Whaley era has been fairly successful at this, at least since 2011.


Brown 3

Henderson 7

Woods 2

kiko 2

Bradham 4

Searcy 4


Decent depth:

Goodwin 3 (I know, questionable on this one)

Duke Williams 4

Brooks 4

Hairston 4


Kouandjio and Richardson could make the 2014 class a real success. I have high hopes for Cockrell too.

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Who needs to draft a RB in the first when they can trade some goober for a future HoF RB with a 4th.


The Seahawks secondary is so good because that is Pete Carroll's forte, and unlike some coaches he is clearly knowledgeable in that facet. The Seattle GM wanted to draft Wilson in the 2nd round, and since the rest of the NFL is pretty clueless they were able to still draft him in the 3rd.


Some teams actually have scouts that can properly evaluate talent in all areas of their team, and sometimes they just get lucky.

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Interesting...says teams that typically do well draft great in rounds 2-5 and sometimes don't even have first round picks some years...lots of graphs, charts and analytics...interesting...seems to fit Bills well...no first round pick and have gotten Woods, Alonzo and Brown in rounds 2 and 3...





Glad to see teams following my advice on this, Started a thread on this awhile back but can't find it. Anyway said it was best to trade as many pick as possible to get as many 2-3 rounders where most of talent really is.

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Glad to see teams following my advice on this, Started a thread on this awhile back but can't find it. Anyway said it was best to trade as many pick as possible to get as many 2-3 rounders where most of talent really is.

The "trade back and get more picks " tactic is one I like. It provides an even level across the roster. GMs and scouts are not over rated but the top of the draft is when you look at the talent level in a draft class.

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