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Patriots locker room attendant implicated in Deflate gate

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Sure, one could get a gauge to "close" at the intended weight.


Czaban on DC radio did a test during his show Thursday or Friday and it only took a fraction of a second to lower the PSI from 13 to 11.5.


If this were a normal rest room... Swap out the balls hidden in the drop ceiling or a cabinet (under the floor) is a much more reasonable task than deflating 12 balls,



The game balls shall not leave the possession of the Referees hence forth.


Officials mark the balls they examine. You'd need a set of balls marked the same way to do that swap, or mark them during the swap.


As ridiculous as this speculation is getting, we may as well suppose they were using lasers to deflate them at a distance with quantum cooling.

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Officials mark the balls they examine. You'd need a set of balls marked the same way to do that swap, or mark them during the swap.


As ridiculous as this speculation is getting, we may as well suppose they were using lasers to deflate them at a distance with quantum cooling.


Physicist Hoodie's next presser!

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wouldn't video also record the second person on the grassy knoll entering before and exiting after.


Come on people MAKE the theories reasonable!!!


Haha! I thought the same thing and knew someone would reference the second shooter on the grassy knoll.


But hey... maybe video DID record the second person entering before and after, and the league is sitting on that information for now. Or maybe the second person entered and exited through the drop ceiling a la Jason Grimsley.


Just having fun.

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It took a fraction of a second to drop a ball 2 psi but it's hard to imagine dropping 11 balls that much in 90 seconds?

Sounds about right. Just thinking of a timeline for this it would be pretty simple to do. Say he enters the bathroom and dumps the entire bag of Pats* balls on the floor. Give that about 25 seconds (which I think is generous). Then grab each ball, deflate and put in the bag, even at 6 seconds per ball you're still right around the 90 second mark. Even with just a needle and no gauge, you can count to 2 or whatever they needed to drop the pressure.


If anyone wants to send me a bag of 11 balls I'd be more than happy to test my theory.

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It's really not that unreasonable at all. Assuming the guy went in with the goal of deflating the balls, he would know what he is doing and would have done it before.


He isn't there to decide what to do. He already has the routine down cold and it's a quick operation without wasted time.


Taking 12 balls out of a bag would not take him more than 10 seconds. If he spent 5 seconds deflating each of 11 balls that's only 55 seconds, plus the original 10, leaving him with 25 seconds to put them back in the bag.


He also could have used two needles/gauges (one in each hand) very easily, thus cutting the needed time in half.

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It's really not that unreasonable at all. Assuming the guy went in with the goal of deflating the balls, he would know what he is doing and would have done it before.


He isn't there to decide what to do. He already has the routine down cold and it's a quick operation without wasted time.


Taking 12 balls out of a bag would not take him more than 10 seconds. If he spent 5 seconds deflating each of 11 balls that's only 55 seconds, plus the original 10, leaving him with 25 seconds to put them back in the bag.


He also could have used two needles/gauges (one in each hand) very easily, thus cutting the needed time in half.

Yup. Two gauges, plug one in then the other, then go back and lift them both out. Would take about 6-7 seconds for two balls.
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To me the fumbles per play stat shows that they have been getting more and more liberal with their ball prep since the rule change in 2006 that allowed them to prep their own balls.





Those are the stats for fumbles lost. It was refuted a bit in the other thread. I think the same guy redid the study for all fumbles later on the page though

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There is also less than zero chance that this hasn't been going on for quite some time. There is no way they were winning a bunch of games by huge scores in the middle of the season and THEN decided late in the season to start deflating the footballs.

Nor is it even possible they would wait for the playoff to try it.

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If you thought Patriots* fans were insufferable before, just wait until they beat Seattle Sunday night.


Greatest Team of All Time. Case closed. No more debate. Brady > Montana (won't make any sense because it never did but it will be said).


The Patriots won't win if they can't cheat. They can't cheat because they're under a microscope because it's the SB. Probably the same reason they were undefeated in 2007 and then lost in the Bowl to the Giants. The league supplies the balls for the SB.

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The idea that a locker room attendant acted independently without the consent or knowledge of a control freak coach is total absurdity. If this is actualy something the league and the Patriots are going to suggest happened then we've gone past the point of comedy. When hearing this rolling on the ground uncontrolled laughter is the appropriate response. If I was league spokesman I would be unable to make this statement to any press conference because I would just burst out laughing like Jimmy Fallon used to do on a Saturday Night Live skit.


All crimes have one thing in common, motive. I've yet to see any official explanation of why a ball boy/locker room attendent would on his own deflate footballs to a specific pressure without a clear motive. Because he heard Brady liked 'soft balls' in his hands (a source of jokes itself). What was in it for him? There would be no compensation, no public recognition, no reward whatsoever. How did he know what the lower pressure value should be? Where did he get that information? Who told him?


This excuse sounds like something a 5 year old would make up. My apologies to all 5 year olds to have in any way compared you to that slimeball Belichek and the doucebag Patriots organization..

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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Those are the stats for fumbles lost. It was refuted a bit in the other thread. I think the same guy redid the study for all fumbles later on the page though



Wouldn't they lose fewer fumbles because the deflated ball doesn't bounce as far away from the fumbler?

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Give me a break. If the gauge was off they would have already come out and said so. There is no doubt they already checked the gauge or gauges. It's not like they are going to be using old rusty gauges that they found laying in a damp corner of someone's basement. And a low pressure gauge being off by more than 10% is pretty ridiculous too. It is one of the least likely scenarios possible. I don't know what your hidden agenda is about this, but your ridiculous bias is obvious. If the Patriots weren't guilty, there is no way in hell the NFL would do this to them. And there is no way Goodell would do this to Kraft. It is not good for anyone to falsely accuse the Patriots. This story would have been quickly squashed if it wasn't true.


I am NOT stating this is what happened, I am asking questions based around the Peter King comment. I have no hidden agenda, just addressing information coming out like the rest of us as it doesn't all align. F the Pats, but just because I am not a Pats fan doesn't mean I am going to be quick to convict on unconfirmed rumors, many of which contradict each other or have proven to be incorrect up to this point.


You see, unlike many others, I am not pretending to know what we don't know. The truth is we all know nothing because NOTHING has officially been released. You don't know if it was 1 ball, 11 balls, 2 PSI, 1 PSI, some more than others, etc etc. You don't know if they balls were inflated by the refs at half time. You don't know if all 24 balls were checked after the game. You don't know if only the Pats balls were checked at half time.


Its all speculation and there are a number of stories that contradict themselves here, been flat out inaccurate, etc. Which is it...11 balls 2 PSI under, or one 1 ball with the others not as much? There are two stories claiming both.


So the questions that absolutely has to be known, if we are to assume the Peter King statement is true that all 24 balls were test after the game and were correct air pressure, are:


1. Did the Colts also have their 12 game balls checked at Halftime?

2. What was the Colts pre game PSI set at, and what did it test at later? (just because its a legal PSI still post game doesn't mean it didn't fluctuate).

3. Did the refs inflate the Pats balls at halftime?


All of this is directly related to Peter King saying ALL 24 balls checked out correctly after the game. Before the significance of that information can be understood (as it can really hurt or really help the Pats case), those 3 questions must have accurate answers to see how it impacts. Right now those are not known and I only see a lot speculation and assumptions in terms of that info.


And don't underestimate how poorly this is being handled by the NFL

So after the refs determined the Pats balls were under-inflated at halftime with the faulty gauge, they put more air in the balls which actually would have overinflated the balls, right? How do you explain that the balls were back to normal with the accurate gauges at the end of the game then?


You don't know if they put more air in the balls...just like you don't know how many balls, or how much PSI as there are contradicting stories on that. Thats the point...

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Officials mark the balls they examine. You'd need a set of balls marked the same way to do that swap, or mark them during the swap.


As ridiculous as this speculation is getting, we may as well suppose they were using lasers to deflate them at a distance with quantum cooling.

a quick dip in nitrogen bath in the toilet tank!!! :nana:

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I guess we'll see. I expect the Seahawks to whoop them like they whooped Denver.


That would be the perfect ending to these two weeks of non-stop Patriots* bashing.


I think this is their last shot. If Seattle can stop them now they'll be capped at 3 rings, and have all this cheating stuff hanging over their heads going into the offseason.

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