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Josh Gordon fails another drug test; 1-yr banishment


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I don't know the whole situation, but could be just a rich, twenty something athlete that likes a smoke and a drink now and then. Stupid, because it's ruining his career, but to say it's self destructive might be a stretch.


Might want to look up the definition of self-destructive. Just saying. B-)

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i have no idea, just presenting another view. In another extreme, he could have shared a nice bottle of wine over dinner and got tested right after that and failed. Nothing else. I personally doubt that's the story, but who knows.

The context doesnt matter. "No more drugs and alcohol" means no more drugs and alcohol. Its that simple.

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He's stupid, no doubt. But I find it pretty stupid of the NFL to suspend a guy for a year, regardless of what he did previous, for having what amounts to two drinks in the off season.

it was part of his treatment plan that he couldn't drink. He chose to do so anyway knowing the test was coming. I believe he is tested weekly.
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The context doesnt matter. "No more drugs and alcohol" means no more drugs and alcohol. Its that simple.








Yeah, no ****. We weren't discussing the rule, just that it may not be this crazy drug and drunk crazed guy. Just like most other NFL'ers that get faced all the time, but never get in a dui situation.

Edited by klos63
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His career is fine if he can fix his demons. Hopefully he understands this and uses this year as a wake up. He needs help, his friends probably aren't his friends. Needs new surroundings.


Said everyone after every violation he's had since the 7th grade...at some point, this statement ceases to exist

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it was part of his treatment plan that he couldn't drink. He chose to do so anyway knowing the test was coming. I believe he is tested weekly.

I understand that, and he is stupid, but that doesn't mean it isnt stupid for the NFL to suspend him for doing something in a small way that isn't illegal at all, and doesn't hurt anyone, even him. If it's not even up to the DUI level, it's insignificant. .06 is tiny. I wouldn't say that if he registered a sloppy drunk test. It's just stupid on both parts. He wasn't driving drunk, he wasn't even drunk (although he may have been if not probably was before).

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That worked for me. I was on a really bad path, transferred colleges and hung out with people I would have considered "boring" before.


Just finished getting my masters a month ago. Heard most of those guys didn't graduate

HUGE congrats on that! (I wish I knew how to bold on my ipad on this site!)


I, unfortunately, know way more about this subject than I ever thought I would (or should). For those who say he's an idiot and deny the tragedy, you don't know what you don't know. I don't want to preach, so I'll just say this is sad that a person who's apparently been using to some degree since the 7th grade has deep issues. The issues come before the addiction. It doesn't make him stupid. He could even be far more intelligent than many of us. Substance abuse has NOTHING to do with intelligence. And it is in fact a tragedy, for him, his team and their fans.

Edited by Augie
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HUGE congrats on that! (I wish I knew how to bold on my ipad on thid site!)


I, unfortunately, know way more about this subject than I ever thought I would (or should). For those who say he's an idiot and deny the tragedy, you don't know what you don't know. I don't want to preach, so I'll just say this is sad that a person who's apparently been using to some degree since the 7th grade has deep issues. The issues come before the addiction. It doesn't make him stupid. He could even be far more intelligent than many of us. Substance abuse has NOTHING to do with intelligence. And it is in fact a tragedy, for him, his team and their fans.

Alcoholism is a terrible disease and addiction is a terrible disease but there are all kinds of people who can just stop whenever they want. Many cannot, perhaps most cannot. I happen to know a lot about this subject, too. He seems like a habitual user. He could easily just be stupid.

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Yeah, no ****. We weren't discussing the rule, just that it may not be this crazy drug and drunk crazed guy. Just like most other NFL'ers that get faced all the time, but never get in a dui situation.


A person doesnt need to be dancing with the lampshade on his head to be an alcoholic. He was given clear consequences, and choose the substances anyways. When confronted with the consequences, a simple "bottle of win with dinner" is equivalent to being what you refer to as "crazed".


If this is all about his "free choice" then he should have chosen to retire from the NFL.

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HUGE congrats on that! (I wish I knew how to bold on my ipad on this site!)


I, unfortunately, know way more about this subject than I ever thought I would (or should). For those who say he's an idiot and deny the tragedy, you don't know what you don't know. I don't want to preach, so I'll just say this is sad that a person who's apparently been using to some degree since the 7th grade has deep issues. The issues come before the addiction. It doesn't make him stupid. He could even be far more intelligent than many of us. Substance abuse has NOTHING to do with intelligence. And it is in fact a tragedy, for him, his team and their fans.


This ^


I had my own battle...after my father was murdered when I was 18, I started hanging around people taking me down a bad path. I wasnt intentionally being destructive, but I had a void to fill and consequences were way down the list of concerns. Fortunately the first time I visited his grave (fathers day 7 months later) since the funeral shook me hard and woke me up. I was ashamed and embarrassed of what I thought he might think of what I had been up to. That snapped me out of it and turned my life around. I never had an addiction to anything...never needed a drink or drugs, but if I was around it I would participate and the people I was around had it most the time. But, if I would have stayed the course I certainly would have developed addictions as I watched those same friends fall to it, many never made it. In fact one of my closest friends back then was last scene living under a bridge and begging for money in drive thrus.


its a fine line between control and losing control. Inner demons wreak havoc on where a person can fall. I can drink and smoke weed and stuff, no problem, always have been. In fact, I rarely do even though I live at the beach in a neighborhood where there is always something going on. Those demons never rooted in me thankfully as seeing my dads picture staring back at me was all the fuel I needed to defeat them and keep my head on straight and be a man.


I feel like a guy thats been failing tests since 7th grade, every year in fact, has some kind of inner demon thats won and he has failed to defeat. Its easy to call him stupid, but unless you have that inner fight its probably something you won't understand. The Browns need to take his career from him, much like Philly did with Cris Carter. He needs to come face to face with something to give him the fuel he needs to beat that demon before he loses for good.


it isn't a choice for him I suspect...until he fixes whats broken inside, he isn't going to be able to be the man he's capable of being. No amount of probation or suspensions is going to do that for him. Probation is a band-aid...until he deals with whats causing him to self destruct, he won't ever stay the course.

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Alcoholism is a terrible disease and addiction is a terrible disease but there are all kinds of people who can just stop whenever they want. Many cannot, perhaps most cannot. I happen to know a lot about this subject, too. He seems like a habitual user. He could easily just be stupid.

He certainly MAY be stupid, I don't deny that. I'm sayng that has nothing to do with his abusing of substances. I have a HUGE financial and emotional investment in education and experience with this topic. Short of anyone who is a professional in the field, I am pretty knowledgeable, and not just about alcoholism. (Trust me, I wish it wasn't so.) There are some newer theories about those who "can just stop whenever they want", and why. It's complicated and I don't want to crusade, but I'd urge people who are less informed to become educated before they judge.

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He certainly MAY be stupid, I don't deny that. I'm sayng that has nothing to do with his abusing of substances. I have a HUGE financial and emotional investment in education and experience with this topic. Short of anyone who is a professional in the field, I am pretty knowledgeable, and not just about alcoholism. (Trust me, I wish it wasn't so.) There are some newer theories about those who "can just stop whenever they want", and why. It's complicated and I don't want to crusade, but I'd urge people who are less informed to become educated before they judge.

I'm sure you know a ton about the subject, but I would say that you were the one judging. We don't know what his real history is. Chances are he is an addict that cannot help himself, and he may not even be stupid, just an addict that needs help and I hope he gets it. But he also may not be at all. He may be able to stop, he is just stupid. It's less likely but it's indeed possible.

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Trade a 7th for him, stash him until weed is legal everywhere and it's removed from the NFL banned list.


I'd trade him for a 7th. That's about it.


This ^


I had my own battle...after my father was murdered when I was 18, I started hanging around people taking me down a bad path. I wasnt intentionally being destructive, but I had a void to fill and consequences were way down the list of concerns. Fortunately the first time I visited his grave (fathers day 7 months later) since the funeral shook me hard and woke me up. I was ashamed and embarrassed of what I thought he might think of what I had been up to. That snapped me out of it and turned my life around. I never had an addiction to anything...never needed a drink or drugs, but if I was around it I would participate and the people I was around had it most the time. But, if I would have stayed the course I certainly would have developed addictions as I watched those same friends fall to it, many never made it. In fact one of my closest friends back then was last scene living under a bridge and begging for money in drive thrus.


its a fine line between control and losing control. Inner demons wreak havoc on where a person can fall. I can drink and smoke weed and stuff, no problem, always have been. In fact, I rarely do even though I live at the beach in a neighborhood where there is always something going on. Those demons never rooted in me thankfully as seeing my dads picture staring back at me was all the fuel I needed to defeat them and keep my head on straight and be a man.


I feel like a guy thats been failing tests since 7th grade, every year in fact, has some kind of inner demon thats won and he has failed to defeat. Its easy to call him stupid, but unless you have that inner fight its probably something you won't understand. The Browns need to take his career from him, much like Philly did with Cris Carter. He needs to come face to face with something to give him the fuel he needs to beat that demon before he loses for good.


it isn't a choice for him I suspect...until he fixes whats broken inside, he isn't going to be able to be the man he's capable of being. No amount of probation or suspensions is going to do that for him. Probation is a band-aid...until he deals with whats causing him to self destruct, he won't ever stay the course.


good points, and very sorry to hear about your Dad and your situation. But like you, Josh needs to seek the help he needs. He has a ton of $$. He should use the next year to find and get himself into the best treatment center in the world. Josh Hamilton at one point had a terrible time with substance abuse, perhaps Josh should give him a call.

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I'm sure you know a ton about the subject, but I would say that you were the one judging. We don't know what his real history is. Chances are he is an addict that cannot help himself, and he may not even be stupid, just an addict that needs help and I hope he gets it. But he also may not be at all. He may be able to stop, he is just stupid. It's less likely but it's indeed possible.

No, please don't misunderstand. I didn't mean to judge anyone. He does what he does because he feels the need to do it. It's not at all simple, and it's almost impossible to understand. I agree with you, he needs help and I hope he gets it. The money is the least of his problems.

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I'd trade him for a 7th. That's about it.


good points, and very sorry to hear about your Dad and your situation. But like you, Josh needs to seek the help he needs. He has a ton of $$. He should use the next year to find and get himself into the best treatment center in the world. Josh Hamilton at one point had a terrible time with substance abuse, perhaps Josh should give him a call.


Thanks, its been just over 20 years now and it still drives me today.


The game needs to be taken from him. That means the Browns need to cut him. If any other team signs him they would be doing a disservice to the kid. He needs to have his career taken and have to fight for it back this next year. Suspensions are just him having a time out and waiting to play again. He needs to have nothing to go back to...he needs something to fight for. Mine was easy...I just wanted my dad to look down and be proud, and thats all the motivation I needed. What ever is troubling him, he needs to deal with it and find the strength to fight. Otherwise, it will never change.


And yes, Josh Hamilton and Cris Carter are great examples of this.

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