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Someone Tell Me Again Why Buddy Traded Lynch...


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This topic hasn't been discussed enough.

It's an appropriately timed topic. It comes up when you watch your former players play stunningly well in the playoffs while your team watches the playoffs from the comfort of their couches for the fifteenth consecutive year.

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It's an appropriately timed topic. It comes up when you watch your former players play stunningly well in the playoffs while your team watches the playoffs from the comfort of their couches for the fifteenth consecutive year.

Part of the reason that it is beaten to death though is that it isn't stunning. He's a HOF player playing at a HOF level.
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Part of the reason that it is beaten to death though is that it isn't stunning. He's a HOF player playing at a HOF level.

Lynch is a terrific player who is a compelling player to watch. However, as good as he is he is not a HOF player, in my estimation.


There is a also good chance that he won't be with the Seahawks when his next contract is due because of cap considerations and because of the short positional life span.

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Lynch is a terrific player who is a compelling player to watch. However, as good as he is he is not a HOF player, in my estimation.


There is a also good chance that he won't be with the Seahawks when his next contract is due because of cap considerations and because of the short positional life span.

There is also a great chance that he will be the #1 RB in FA.

Edited by CountDorkula
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You want tho hear something funny about Lynch and Ralph Wilson? You know Ralph would sometimes meddle on Draft Days? Lynch was one of those Ralph picks.

You want to know something else that is funny? The owner was such a brilliant talent evaluator that it was reflected in the team's historical record.

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And so did Green Bay. They were closer to getting Lynch, but didn't want to give more than a sixth (I believe)

The NO Saints said they wanted to give Buffalo a 3rd round pick, and Nix wouldn't even answer the phone or talk with them.


Yea, a first for a 4th is lame, and whats lamer is that the Bills coaching staffs couldn't figure out how to get the best out of him.

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The better question is why Buddy Nix was given the reigns in the first place - here is a man who was half-retired and who had ZERO qualifications to be running an NFL team, yet that's who Ralph Wilson tabbed for GM. And Nix set this team back another 5 years.


As for Lynch - as others have touched on, the issue is player development, something this franchise has been very bad at over the last 15 years, but has gotten better with recently. It's an elusive concept that doesn't get enough discussion around here. It's one thing to draft good prospects (the Bills have enough trouble just doing that), but once you draft them, you have to develop them into quality NFL players both on and off the field. Some organizations excel at this. You see the Steelers take the long view with draft picks who start out as slight disappointments but end up as excellent players in defined roles within their system after 4-5 years (Hayward, Woodley, Timmons, many others). Yet the Bills historically have cut bait on players who have started to flounder out of the gate - it's not surprising that many of those players turn their careers around elsewhere, in stable organizations, leaving Bills fans with a paranoia about why this keeps happening. Lynch is a perfect example, though there are many, many others around the league.


As some have mentioned, the Dareus example is a sign that the Bills have finally started taking the concept of player development seriously. Some of our less-informed fans and demagogic writers (Jerry Sullivan) were running him out of town several months ago - yet the Bills were patient with him, and he became the centerpiece of the defense this past season. As much as I hate Doug Marrone, he deserves a lot of credit for Dareus. For the Bills to be successful long-term, they need to take seriously the idea of player development. They also need to make sure Buddy Nix is off of the payroll once and for all - he is a total buffoon.

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The only reason Punkshawn Lynch is playing football at all is that his lawyers have been able to keep him out of jail. They continued his DUI for two years until the witnesses started forgetting details and contradicting earlier statements. They've also continued his assault arrest. If I'm the NFL, I drop the hammer on this punk when he finally does have to face the music. He may be a great running back NOW, but he fell off the cliff here and looked like crap his last season. If he stayed here, do you really think he would be playing as well as he is? Congratulations to him for figuring out football. Too bad he hasn't figured out life yet.


As far as Fred vs. Punkshawn, Fred has a higher YPC career wise, and Lynch only topped him in 2012, Fred's worst season ever, and this year when we had no O-line to speak of. Bottom line, if Fred had been able to get going earlier in his career, and had more carries, he would also be HOF material. Unfortunately, that won't happen because Fred was unlucky enough to be a Buffalo Bill.

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For a box of tape?


The dude single handed put the Seahawks on his back today. Beast mode indeed...

Hindsight. When we traded him he was bad and there was no reason to predict he would turn into what he is now. I'm happy for him that he's turned it around, though. There's basically no way that he would be the player he is today if he were still on the Bills.



For the same reason that the Seahawks are expected to let him walk: He's a tool and a huge distraction.


Nah, it's mainly just that he's going to be old and expensive. Not ideal RB qualities.

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Lynch was apiece of crap here in Buffalo and the fans ran him out of town because of his !@#$ personality...


Buddy just made the deal, but it was the fans who wanted Lynch gone. This forum was loaded top to bottom with people fed up with Lynch's off field antics. Me included. He was a screw up away from a long suspension

Trading away Lynch & drafting CJ is one of the many mistakes the team has made that keeps us out of the playoffs. We should have kept Lynch & drafted a QB.



No team would of kept putting up with Lynch after the off field stuff he was doing here. AND it was the fans who ran home out of town. Fans were livid and sick of Lynch's BS here

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Trading away Lynch & drafting CJ is one of the many mistakes the team has made that keeps us out of the playoffs. We should have kept Lynch & drafted a QB.

We should have drafted neither.


To think, we have spent 1st round picks on lynch, mcgahee, and spiller, and a 2nd rounder on Henry. Plus, we tried to get Hyde in the 2nd this year! All the while, undrafted RBs like fred Jackson and joique bell were right here. So stupid.

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We should have drafted neither.


To think, we have spent 1st round picks on lynch, mcgahee, and spiller, and a 2nd rounder on Henry. Plus, we tried to get Hyde in the 2nd this year! All the while, undrafted RBs like fred Jackson and joique bell were right here. So stupid.

If Todd Gurley is available when Buffalo picks. Don't be surprised to hear his name in rd 2.

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If Todd Gurley is available when Buffalo picks. Don't be surprised to hear his name in rd 2.

I've been thinking that is a distinct possibility. It will depend on if they sign someone like Ingram in FA. They will have a between the tackles type of RB on their roster next year that is not currently there.

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