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Did Marrone/Whaley rift start with Sammy Watkins selection?


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So they didn't tell him beforehand they were going to trade up? That is crazy. It was reported for weeks that the Bills were looking to move up for a WR. What did he think they would need to give up for Sammy, a bag of footballs? Just seems nuts he wouldn't have known.

The story doesn't say that he didn't know, just that he strongly disagreed and they did it anyway which isn't at all hard to believe.

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I cant help but laugh at people sometimes.


OBJ gets 20 targets per game. Sammy gets 5.


Maybe OBJ is getting open more often than Sammy? I mean, maybe, just maybe, that's the reason for more targets????



Unless ESPN's stats are wrong ODB had 132 target all year and Sammy had 128.

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Ok, but does that affect targets to catches?

That's 2.8 more targets a game, from a much more accurate QB...


Another thing to think about--with Beckham, the Giants were only 4 and 8...meaning they played from behind in many games, which would have helped pad the passing stats. Two-thirds of his targets, catches and yards were in losses, six of which were blowouts (by 8 points or more).

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The QB difference is a valid argument, but sammy does have a worse target/catch ratio

Here where the QB play comes in:


On down and distances of 10+ yards, Beckham was targeted 76 times and caught 53 balls (70%). Sammy was targeted 62 times with 32 catches (52%). That speaks to QB accuracy and protection time, both of which Buffalo had problems with...

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The QB difference is a valid argument, but sammy does have a worse target/catch ratio

Which means? What about their # of drops? Targeted just means they looked his way, not that the ball was catchable. I think we can all agree you'd rather have Eli targeting you than KO.

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So they didn't tell him beforehand they were going to trade up? That is crazy. It was reported for weeks that the Bills were looking to move up for a WR. What did he think they would need to give up for Sammy, a bag of footballs? Just seems nuts he wouldn't have known.


I could be wrong and I'm not in the mood to search the archives here, but I'm pretty sure I read a media or twitter report about a day before the draft that described Buffalo's trade with the Browns pretty accurately.

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With the recent news that Marrone stormed out of the draft room after the Watkins pickes I wanted to revisit this video. From the video, there's really no telling if he did or didn't, but I thought there were a few nuggets.


- Marrone is barely shown in the video, with the exception of the Bills working to trade up to get Carlos Hyde in the 2nd round.


- When it was all hugs and handshakes in the war room....Marrone was no where to be seen. Whaley, Russ, Overdorf, Monos and others are fist bumping and hugging after picks 1 and 2, and Marrone is never on the camera which is a bit odd.


- Please let's not have Russ in the war room next year. First off, the dude appears to be wearing his Florida Marlins championship ring........really? Second, the guy is working phone lines and is clearly gung-ho about getting Sammy. When Cleveland says they have another call and Whaley puts the phone down....Russ looks like he's ready to cry, thinking they missed out on Sammy. His face reads like a kid who's parents just told him he can't go to a sleepover. I want that guy no where near negotiations for the Bills in the future. Any competent negotiator will and has steam rolled him (see Jimmy Sexton and the Cleveland Browns.)


- I really get the impression Russ was a huge part of the aggressiveness and foolishness to move up for Sammy. Whaley admitted that Russ was the "point man" if they were going to trade up with Jacksonville, as far as discussing proper compensation to move up to that pick. Once again I don't want Russ Brandon anywhere close to being in a position to discuss compensation for moving up in a draft. The dude is totall incompetent when it comes to anything involving football. Get him out of the building please!

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You know what that tells me? Maybe Marrone wanted an olinemen first--maybe trade back for Martin or Lewan.

So to compensate Whaley picks 3 linemen later.

What a circus.

And you know this, right? Or maybe you are just passing gas in a hurricane.

It stings so much that Watkins isn't the best WR in the draft that you have to come up with any criticism you can to make one of the best talents in years so that he looks inferior to Watkins. Dude Beckham is great. He has been great from day one and like barring injuries going to be a sure fire first ballot HOFamer. Laugh all you want that he only played 12 games but he did only play 12 games and blew Sammy Watkins out of the water. I know it hurts but Beckham is better than Watkins.

Time for you to head back to New Jersey.

No franchise QB, and no 2015 #1 & #4 picks. Then factor in that Marrone wanted different players for the O line last off season, and was denied by the FO. Then his starting QB just walked away for some unknown reason.


I can see why there was a rift between HC & GM, and then both of them answering to the Marketing / finance guy couldn't have been as the smartest option.


Really, Mrs. Marrone, it is time for you to stop posting here.
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The story doesn't say that he didn't know, just that he strongly disagreed and they did it anyway which isn't at all hard to believe.


But what does it say about a guy's self discipline if he's working with a team, his viewpoint is overruled and the team makes a decision he disagrees with, he knows it's going down in advance, and he still loses his cool and blows out of the room like a toddler in a tantrum when it's implemented?


Stuff happens. People disagree. You speak your piece, you make your case, the final authority (be it majority vote or one decision maker) overrules you, and you do whatever you do to let it out (cuss, punch a wall, wear out a treadmill, vent to a friend). Then you "Cowboy up" and move on.

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This is BS. I clearly remember the interviews with Sammy after the draft. They would ask him if he had any idea that the bills would go up and get him. His response was that he had an idea after a pre draft meeting with Marrone. Sammy said Marrone had a big grin like he knew something and kept asking him if he wanted to be a bill.


Clearly just spin and damage control


It could both be true. Marrone could even have lobbied strongly for drafting Sammy Watkins, but not realized or endorsed what was given up to get him.

Something like this:


Marrone says our receiver corp is still a big hole. Woods is good but he needs more. Johnson doesn't suit him. His #1 priority for the draft is a great receiver with velcro hands who can suck in every ball in his vicinity. He likes Watkins. That's his job - tell the GM what he needs and share his player evaluations.


Whaley says "if you want Watkins, we'll try to get him for you but we'll need to trade up, he won't last." They toss around what they might have to give up to trade up, and how it might impact the rest of the draft, but they don't really know. Now it's Whaley and the FO job to figure out just what value they put on Watkins - what's their max offer? This isn't Marrone's job in the Bills organization so he's out of the loop there.


Marrone isn't part of draft day wheeling-dealing - his seat seems to be on the other side of the bunting, with the other coaches and scouts? Or am I missing something?


So Whaley starts wheeling and dealing with Cleveland. They want too much. He counter offers 2 or 3 times according to that video clip, I lost track.

They make the deal and make the pick. Everyone is all smiles and handshakes. (Who is Mr Smiley? Is that Brandon?)


Then Marrone finds out exactly what the deal was, as opposed to what they tossed around ahead of the fact, and he thinks it's too much, he wouldn't have made that deal. He storms out.


What I don't get is why anyone would think that re-habilitates Marrone to storm out of the war room, if that's what he did? To me it argues a petulant temper which is poorly controlled.


On the other hand, if he walked out to take a leak or stretch his legs knowing it was gonna be a long time before the Bills pick again and he's not needed, I can see the media puffing it up to make something of it now.

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Comedy gold: "If you told me back in February that we were going to get Cyrus Kuonjo (sp?) in the second round...I wouldn't have believed it" (Jim Monos)


I bet there is a heluva compilation tape one could make by capturing post-draft comments from personnel men around this league. Classic.


I'm still absolutely amazed at the naivete of those in the media and fan base who are buying the oh-so-conveniently-timed release of this "Marrone was furious after the draft" story.


Are you telling me Graham, Rodak, Buscaglia, Capaccio, LaContorta, Schefter, etc., etc., wouldn't have run like crazy with this back in May? That trade was the story of the draft!


Wake up!

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With the recent news that Marrone stormed out of the draft room after the Watkins pickes I wanted to revisit this video. From the video, there's really no telling if he did or didn't, but I thought there were a few nuggets.


- Marrone is barely shown in the video, with the exception of the Bills working to trade up to get Carlos Hyde in the 2nd round.


- When it was all hugs and handshakes in the war room....Marrone was no where to be seen. Whaley, Russ, Overdorf, Monos and others are fist bumping and hugging after picks 1 and 2, and Marrone is never on the camera which is a bit odd.


- Please let's not have Russ in the war room next year. First off, the dude appears to be wearing his Florida Marlins championship ring........really? Second, the guy is working phone lines and is clearly gung-ho about getting Sammy. When Cleveland says they have another call and Whaley puts the phone down....Russ looks like he's ready to cry, thinking they missed out on Sammy. His face reads like a kid who's parents just told him he can't go to a sleepover. I want that guy no where near negotiations for the Bills in the future. Any competent negotiator will and has steam rolled him (see Jimmy Sexton and the Cleveland Browns.)


- I really get the impression Russ was a huge part of the aggressiveness and foolishness to move up for Sammy. Whaley admitted that Russ was the "point man" if they were going to trade up with Jacksonville, as far as discussing proper compensation to move up to that pick. Once again I don't want Russ Brandon anywhere close to being in a position to discuss compensation for moving up in a draft. The dude is totall incompetent when it comes to anything involving football. Get him out of the building please!

Watch at the end. looks like Russ Brandon is yelling at Marrone. Marrone was sitting across from Brandon next to Jim Monos.


Its obvious Marrone left because of those 4 IMO. Brandon, Overdorf on the phones, Whaley, and Monos. Overdorf I bet didnt get along with Polian.

Edited by TheTruthHurts
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