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The Sons of Anarchy


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Good episode- and made me miss the earlier seasons before it got TOTALLY ridiculous.


hated the last 10 seconds. Enough Jesus imagery? And of course it looked terribly fake.


Just as well fake, that would be one waste of a really nice HD Knucklehead


Never thought I'd see a series to surpass the Sopranos, but this was it

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Another finale where it didn't live up to the sum of the series. I still haven't experienced a "great" summation to a great show. The closest was breaking bad.


The wire had a great ending season / episode (it also helps that it's the best show ever)



One thing I totally don't get is that ratty chick with the blanket - she shows up at the truck stop with Gemma - and then gives jax the blanket - what's her deal??? Did I miss something?


Ok never mind - I did some googling and yes I did miss something, for those that were in the same boat as me, see link below



Edited by PaattMaann
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That finale got a bit too LOSTY for me with all the spontaneous symbology with the homeless woman, communion bread and the fake crows.


It was an ok finale but I was expecting something more intricate from Kurt Sutter considering the layers of storytelling included in the the Shield finale which I found to be one of the more excellent ones in recent years.

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Watched the series finale last night; had not investigated any spoilers so it was all fresh. I don't know what folks are complaining about, other than that painfully awkward and uninteresting "Anarchy Afterword" following the episode. Jesus Christ, that was terrible.


Wendy and kids safe, and destroy all evidence of JT's and Jax's writings so boys won't ever find them -- check.

Nero "taking care of" things to provide for Wendy and the kids -- check.

Transition of SAMCRO leadership and patching in of Tardarius -- check.

Eliminate remaining competition (Marks) and allow SAMCRO opportunity to return to what they originally wanted (running guns) -- check.

Give DA necessary info to clean up the Unser/Gemma mess and tie up the Tara investigation -- check.

Pay last respects to Tara and JT, and go out on his own terms -- check.


Pretty successful if you ask me.

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Watched the series finale last night; had not investigated any spoilers so it was all fresh. I don't know what folks are complaining about, other than that painfully awkward and uninteresting "Anarchy Afterword" following the episode. Jesus Christ, that was terrible.


Wendy and kids safe, and destroy all evidence of JT's and Jax's writings so boys won't ever find them -- check.

Nero "taking care of" things to provide for Wendy and the kids -- check.

Transition of SAMCRO leadership and patching in of Tardarius -- check.

Eliminate remaining competition (Marks) and allow SAMCRO opportunity to return to what they originally wanted (running guns) -- check.

Give DA necessary info to clean up the Unser/Gemma mess and tie up the Tara investigation -- check.

Pay last respects to Tara and JT, and go out on his own terms -- check.


Pretty successful if you ask me.


almost everything ive seen anywhere has echoed "high quality episode, but the jesus ending was bad."


you have to admit, the last 10 seconds or so got incredibly heavy handed with the jax=biker jesus stuff, and beyond that they simply werent able to pull off the realistic look needed in that scene. when they followed the crow to the sky the first time, they should have simply come back down to a crash scene and faded out... the rest of that scene when they panned down and he was still riding was sutter getting himself off.


before that, any complaints were just minor standard issue things that you get from sutter/hunnam, and take the good with the occasional bad.


and the afterword stuff has been awful every week. i cant believe they couldnt find someone reasonable to host that. between the guy that started the season and sutter im not sure who did worse running that abortion of an after show-- and you would think it would be a pretty easy slam dunk success.

Edited by NoSaint
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Sutter is just terrible live. He is a terrible speaker. And probably way too much of a drunk or stoner to put a comprehensive interview together.


yea when they canned that first guy, i figured they would bring in somebody a little more solid. sutter wouldve been great on the other side of the table, but driving the after show was not a good fit for him at all.

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