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The Sons of Anarchy


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Everyone is trying to follow "Dead Live" because it's been really successful but it's successful because of the interviewer, who doesn't take himself seriously and the audience, who cross virtually every demographic and just live for that show.


The first 3 or 4 seasons of Sons was great - on par with "The Shield" for best FX show but it fell off pretty dramatically. I'm not sorry it's gone. As was said earlier - I'll miss "Justified" much more. That show is now solidly number 1 all time for the network. Just a great show all the way through.

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Everyone is trying to follow "Dead Live" because it's been really successful but it's successful because of the interviewer, who doesn't take himself seriously and the audience, who cross virtually every demographic and just live for that show.


The first 3 or 4 seasons of Sons was great - on par with "The Shield" for best FX show but it fell off pretty dramatically. I'm not sorry it's gone. As was said earlier - I'll miss "Justified" much more. That show is now solidly number 1 all time for the network. Just a great show all the way through.


What always bugged me about Sons was that these guys made no money even though they were criminals.



I gave up on at the beginning of season 6 because I just felt like Jax acting was getting worse and worse.

Edited by meazza
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What always bugged me about Sons was that these guys made no money even though they were criminals.



I gave up on at the beginning of season 6 because I just felt like Jax acting was getting worse and worse.

he was getting a little more dramatic as the show went on. But I feel that may have been designed that way by Sutter.



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What always bugged me about Sons was that these guys made no money even though they were criminals.


To me, that was the beauty of it. No matter what they did it backfired -- you came to realize they were clinging to this "romantic" notion of what SAMCRO meant, but that dream never met reality.


I don't agree with those who say the show got worse as it progressed. It needed to change to further the plot and it did; I think what really happened is the violence was so shocking during those initial seasons that people started to become immune to it.

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I see some people on the internet complaining about the ending, but to me it fit exactly what I expected (not detail for detail, but the course it took). It was clear through this season Jax was on a one way street and it had to end with him dying. I wasn't disappointed with it, it was the way I saw it going from the first time he said he didn't want his sons to know that type of life.

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And his voice seemed to drop an octave every couple episodes. I dunno if it was from all those cigarettes or if Jax hit a late puberty


In real life, the actor has a very nasal sounding British accent

7 years ago his voice was really kiddish. He just got older.
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I see some people on the internet complaining about the ending, but to me it fit exactly what I expected (not detail for detail, but the course it took). It was clear through this season Jax was on a one way street and it had to end with him dying. I wasn't disappointed with it, it was the way I saw it going from the first time he said he didn't want his sons to know that type of life.


Straight from the department of redundancy department.

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The problem with "Afterword" is they went cheap. Hardwick on Talking Dead is a professional TV host. The pathetic comedian and the LA DJ on Afterword were predictably terrible because hosting a talk show on television is not what they do. I started watching Afterword just to bathe in the awkwardness. The attempted interview with Mark Boone Junior was one part hysterical and one part "man I feel bad for that host..."


Although imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it probably would have helped to have some celebrity fans of the show on toojust to mix it up. Too often the SOA actors went into "I'm a professional actor!" mode going on and on about the craft in the eerie quiet of the stage set.

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I see some people on the internet complaining about the ending, but to me it fit exactly what I expected (not detail for detail, but the course it took). It was clear through this season Jax was on a one way street and it had to end with him dying. I wasn't disappointed with it, it was the way I saw it going from the first time he said he didn't want his sons to know that type of life.


i really havent seen many (any) complaints about the actual story - im surprised you feel like you are.

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I just finished the series last night. I have mixed feelings about the show and some of it's turns, but overall I thought it was a good, but maybe a tad shy of great, series.


I thought the brutality of the show was a but of a two edged sword. The torture, maiming, and anguish were intriguing, but in a very disturbing way. For example, the episode where we see Chucky with his fingers cut off bothered me for days. But it also pulled me back into a series I'd started to lose interest in. Either way, the violence was gratuitous enough that I do think that despite some quality storytelling it bordered on "gore porn".


Over the final two seasons I really grew to hate Jax. I don't know if that was the writer's intent, but his arrogance got to the point of a serious God complex. He annointed himself the arbiter of justice and basically killed anyone who failed to live up to a standard he himself didn't live up to. And even though I thought Gemma deserved to die, it didn't sit well with me that Jax did it. She was still his mom. Jnowing he did it as revenge on her for Tara, (who I never cared for to begin with) just made it worse. It was just wrong on so many levels.


By the end of the series the only character I still liked was Unser (the guy with the world's longest known case of terminal cancer) and Jax killed him for little more than convenience. That really cemented what a piece of **** he had become. How he did Juice was pretty !@#$ed up too.


I'd have rather seen him summarily executed by SOA or handed over to the Chinese as a peace offering, but the ending was still preferable to him turning over a new leaf and living happily ever after, or going on the lam to start over. And they tied up all the loose ends Pretty nicely, so as a whole I thought it was a good end to a good series. And I appreciate them for ending it when they did and not trying to stretch another season out of it.

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One time somebody asked me if I were to be re-incarnated, what would I like to return as. My response was a womans bicycle seat


That picture is making me think that http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/sick.gif

Come on! Who you fooling. ;-P ;-P


That got me thinking of the an old joke. Ever hear the joke about fat chicks and mopeds? Of course you did. What do they have in common?



...They are both fun to ride until your friends see you on one. Well, I guess in your above re-incarnation wish... She'd be riding you. :-O LoL


EDIT: Ooops, replying to an old post. LoL It's so out of character for me. ;-)

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