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Vikings place Peterson on exempt list

Freddie's Dead

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Sorry I haven't been able to weigh in on this today, but I've been busy. I heard through the grapevine that the manager of my local Food Lion got in a heated argument with his wife and things got physical. I don't know the details, but I herded up a half dozen other douche bags who also have really strong opinions about situations they don't know much about to picket the store. We won't stop until he gets what he deserves, and that's to be fired, because we decided that's what he deserves.


It's getting a little tense because his wife and kids are up here asking us to stop because if he gets fired he can't provide for them, but we know better than they do. I took a pop psych course in college and watched an episode of Oprah about this, so I know.


Anyway, I gotta get back to doing God's work but I'll keep you guys posted.


If only you had a video of the beating....

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What a noble goal! Who cares about the victims of child abuse, I just want to know why pot is so bad.

Did you even read the post you are replying to? You have so misconstrued what was said so flagrantly you should be on Faux News....

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Did you even read the post you are replying to? You have so misconstrued what was said so flagrantly you should be on Faux News....


I sure did.


"I have to wonder if the public is reacting to the fact that smoking Mj a few times is a year long suspension and knocking someone out is a 2 game suspension is having an impact here."


What does this sentence mean? Does it mean the public is saying, "hey why are multiple failed marijuana tests worse than domestic violence?" Does this sentence say maybe the public is reacting to the disparities in punishments between those two crimes? Does it say anything about caring about domestic violence in anyway BESIDES pot use being worse?


Maybe you should read the post I responded to, you clearly missed his point.

Edited by FireChan
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It's nice to see that I'm not the only one that thinks Goodell has become a dictator. He creates the rules as he goes and lies through the rest of it.

Right now the criminal justice system takes a back seat to Goodell the justice system were you are guilty until proven innocent.

He needs to go.

I believe he has influenced teams to act before due process and Minnesota is a perfect example of it. I'm not saying that Peterson is right but why not wait until a conviction.

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I understand that while the NFL is getting black eyes left and right with this bad PR, each case is different.... Some may be innocent, some may be guilty... Let due process take it's course, then take the appropriate action... That seems like a no brainer to me!!!


I'd agree except he admitted it!


If he didn't do it, and adamantly said he was set up, fine, wait for due process. But he admitted he caused those marks on a 4 year old. Not sure how this becomes a slippery slope.


Rice is on video, AP admitted it. These are not gentlemen who have been framed.

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Sorry I haven't been able to weigh in on this today, but I've been busy. I heard through the grapevine that the manager of my local Food Lion got in a heated argument with his wife and things got physical. I don't know the details, but I herded up a half dozen other douche bags who also have really strong opinions about situations they don't know much about to picket the store. We won't stop until he gets what he deserves, and that's to be fired, because we decided that's what he deserves.


It's getting a little tense because his wife and kids are up here asking us to stop because if he gets fired he can't provide for them, but we know better than they do. I took a pop psych course in college and watched an episode of Oprah about this, so I know.


Anyway, I gotta get back to doing God's work but I'll keep you guys posted.


Do they still sell that bleached chicken at the Food Lion?

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How do you not understand what I'm saying? You're either purposely turning a blind eye to what's right in front of you or you're just trying to start something here. I said, I'm not condoning what Peterson did. Reread what I said please.



"Someone can easily doctor up a photo and present it as evidence to take a player out for weeks while the legal process takes its time because of the social media factor."


I would suggest that you go back and re-read the start of this thread. Including where you replied to me out of nowhere like I was replying to a post you had made. I was just commenting on the situation.

Edited by BlueFire
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I would suggest that you go back and re-read the start of this thread. Including where you replied to me out of nowhere like I was replying to a post you had made. I was just commenting on the situation.


The question you had asked in your response to my response was answered in my origional response. I don't get what you're not understanding.

Edited by HamSandwhich
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Never mind, I must be getting tired, let me review again. Ha!




The question you had asked in your response to my response was answered in that response. I don't get what you're not understanding.

Well thats clear as day. I also don't get what he doesn't understand about the question that was posed in his response to your response which was answered in the response that he didn't understand.

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Well thats clear as day. I also don't get what he doesn't understand about the question that was posed in his response to your response which was answered in the response that he didn't understand.


Haha, I knew there would be some smart alecky remark to that. Clear as mud, I know. That's why I edited it, but it probably makes no sense still.


I would suggest that you go back and re-read the start of this thread. Including where you replied to me out of nowhere like I was replying to a post you had made. I was just commenting on the situation.


It's too long ago for me to remember. Been a long day, but it was likely because you were suggesting things that most people were saying that I did not agree with or that I thought you were speaking directly to my statement. Either way, I wasn't attacking you, just having a conversation with people in this thread. Or the voices in my head. I think I'm going nuts, I need more sleep.

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My apologies if this has been posted, but I just saw what I think is, unfortunately, the best way to get the NFL to straighten up. First you had the Rasisson hotel pull out, which was great, and now this:


From Budweiser:


“We are disappointed and increasingly concerned by the recent incidents that have overshadowed this NFL season. We are not yet satisfied with the league’s handling of behaviors that so clearly go against our own company culture and moral code. We have shared our concerns and expectations with the league.”





Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/yael-t-abouhalkah/article2128144.html#storylink=cpy

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It's nice to see that I'm not the only one that thinks Goodell has become a dictator. He creates the rules as he goes and lies through the rest of it.

Right now the criminal justice system takes a back seat to Goodell the justice system were you are guilty until proven innocent.

He needs to go.

I believe he has influenced teams to act before due process and Minnesota is a perfect example of it. I'm not saying that Peterson is right but why not wait until a conviction.


First, he admitted doing it.


Second, there's no due process in a private organization. Your boss can fire you tomorrow without a jury trial.


The NFL is a privilege and it has a conduct code. Players are held to a standard (or should be Ray Lewis) and if they violate it, there are consequences.

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First, he admitted doing it.


Second, there's no due process in a private organization. Your boss can fire you tomorrow without a jury trial.


The NFL is a privilege and it has a conduct code. Players are held to a standard (or should be Ray Lewis) and if they violate it, there are consequences.


i think that what many are complaining about isnt the existence of a conduct code and punishments but that they are all over the place and in the vikings case seem to be bending not based on their own takes on the topic but by what is trending on twitter. How do you otherwise explain them waffling back and forth without new facts coming out? the leadership in the organization has been unimpressive, and only made things worse - which is their right, but it doesnt make it right.

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