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Marrone yells to Russ "go ahead and fire me"


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Why are so many down on Marrone? What have nice guys and yes men got us. Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off. Marrone is doing what it takes to change a losing culture. Give him a chance.

It's about time we had a feisty, mean, volatile coach. I'm sick of these nice guy pansies like Chan and Jauron. ;)

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It's also a swat at his own players.

It could be taken that way, but IMO it has much more to do with the organization as a whole. We've been losers. It starts at the top and touches everyone.


The players who have been around are part of that, although the few that have been here longest really don't deserve that label (thinking of FJ, EW, KW.) When you lose for so long it really can seem like a miracle is needed to turn it around.

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It could be taken that way, but IMO it has much more to do with the organization as a whole. We've been losers. It starts at the top and touches everyone.


The players who have been around are part of that, although the few that have been here longest really don't deserve that label (thinking of FJ, EW, KW.) When you lose for so long it really can seem like a miracle is needed to turn it around.

Maybe, but it seems like someone who doesn't think of themselves as a miracle-worker is probably the best person to bring that about.

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Brandon is clearly very good at marketing. Since he's taken over in the public eye, the Bills have been younger, hipper and easier to sell. He's sold change and done a great job.


Whaley is a great scout and becoming a great gm. Loved this draft and think he's been a part of some very good drafts already in Buffalo. His trade for Jerry Hughes was great.


With that said, they need to let Marrone run the show on the field and in the locker room. It's not time to sell or scout, its time to win games. They hired Marrone to run the show and the buck needs to stop with him. Who plays, how players are used or disciplined is his decision. If they have questions, ask later behind closed doors. He shouldn't have to worry about this board or what any other media source thinks. Marrone just needs to win and let Brandon sell it.


Marrone turned Syracuse around by cutting the crap and getting good football players to play hard everyday for him. He needs to the same now and can do it if people would just leave him alone. If we want to win then let the man do his job.


It's hard to know what the fight was over but can imagine Orton might have something to do with it. Orton has always been a guy peeking over the starters shoulder and not content unless he's starting. Manuel needs time to develop and now each mistake he makes, fans will scream for Orton. Marrone knows that is not the formula for team unity, winning now or later.


Still think this is a 9-7 team if they let Marrone continue on the path he set. Really could care less what he calls himself if he wins.

the HC/FO power struggle is extremely common in the NFL. If the team is winning, no one hears about it unless it goes off the chain like Harbaugh. I hope Marrone gets a chance to do what he was brought in to do. People can laugh about the term "culture change" but it truly doesn't happen overnight.


In Jacksonville, when Caldwell was hired as GM, the owner told him he had 4 years and it was a long term rebuild. He and Bradley not feel the same pressure, but they also had less talent in place and much different ownership dynamics.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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I'm thinking a bit differently...I feel Brandon and Whaley view Saint Doug as "their guy" but the rest of the front office fall into the old way of doing things. I'm really hoping El Pegual keeps the first three and jettisons the rest.


I think that's almost a given...Though Marrone is going to have to show on-the-field improvement to cement his position...I really don't see any way Brandon or Whaley go...Though Brandon may get a different title... B-)

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I think that's almost a given...Though Marrone is going to have to show on-the-field improvement to cement his position...I really don't see any way Brandon or Whaley go...Though Brandon may get a different title... B-)


I don't know, last time El Pegual gave his FO another chance, he ended up with a fire sale.

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I don't know, last time El Pegual gave his FO another chance, he ended up with a fire sale.

Pegula's known to be a pretty loyal guy. If you put your trust in someone you believe in with a big job and they screw it up big time (Darcy), would you then just scrap your lifelong strongly held belief system and just assume the next guy you like and trust is going to screw up big time, too? Or think, hey, the one guy let me down but I don't think this next guy is going to let me down, he looks good to me.

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I'm not saying I know Marrone because I don't. But he was raised in the Bronx. I'm born and raised in NYC aldo. I know EXACTLY what needs to be done. Marrone needs to get punched in the face. That's the ONLY way he's going to wake up.


He's very arrogant (not earned by the way), has other people report injuries which would only take a minute to go through the list to the media, puts these fake smiles on that have me thinking to myself, hey self, whhy did we hire this dude again? Point is, I don't like the guy and I like him even less as a coach but I dtill have to root for him to succeed cuz I'm a Bills fan.




I would pay money to see you try to punch Marrone in the face. He would murder you. And becoming a NFL OC, D1 head coach, and now a NFL head coach is definitely earning your way. But I'm sure your resume is way more impressive.


And this ain't great but stuff like this happens at every work place. If the Bills are terrible, people will point to this. If I'm Marrone, I tell my places eff everyone ehi isn't in this lockerroom. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.


A good coach could use this as motivation. I guess we'll see what kinda of coach Marrone is.

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Okay, I've read every post in this thread, and here's my comment:


This thread could serve as a case-study in confirmation bias.


The folks that don't like Marrone think he's losing the team, the anti-Brandon faction thinks it's his fault, the "bean counters run the team" crowd gets their respective licks in, the happy-go-lucky group brushes it under the table, etc etc etc


As for reality: there's very likely tension inside 1BD, as well there should be...14 years of losing is unacceptable. A new owner means change, and that could include anyone who's job performance hasn't been up to snuff.


Why the argument is being reported as breaking news escapes me, and it seems like an effort to stir up trouble.


Again though, everything with this team comes back to play on the field. Winning solves everything.

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I would pay money to see you try to punch Marrone in the face. He would murder you. And becoming a NFL OC, D1 head coach, and now a NFL head coach is definitely earning your way. But I'm sure your resume is way more impressive.


And this ain't great but stuff like this happens at every work place. If the Bills are terrible, people will point to this. If I'm Marrone, I tell my places eff everyone ehi isn't in this lockerroom. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.


A good coach could use this as motivation. I guess we'll see what kinda of coach Marrone is.


I agree with this - we're about to find out what Marrone is made of. There is a lot of talent on this team. Go coach it.

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Okay, I've read every post in this thread, and here's my comment:


This thread could serve as a case-study in confirmation bias.


The folks that don't like Marrone think he's losing the team, the anti-Brandon faction thinks it's his fault, the "bean counters run the team" crowd gets their respective licks in, the happy-go-lucky group brushes it under the table, etc etc etc


As for reality: there's very likely tension inside 1BD, as well there should be...14 years of losing is unacceptable. A new owner means change, and that could include anyone who's job performance hasn't been up to snuff.


Why the argument is being reported as breaking news escapes me, and it seems like an effort to stir up trouble.


Again though, everything with this team comes back to play on the field. Winning solves everything.


Good post.

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I agree with this - we're about to find out what Marrone is made of. There is a lot of talent on this team. Go coach it.


Yup. Again, it's not good to do it in public but these are alpha men with big egos who are under a ton of pressure to win. This happens all the time in a football lockerroom. Coaches get in fistfights. Players fight. For the good teams, it bonds them. For the bad teams, it divides them. We'll see what it does for the Bills.


And I'm not surprised a bunch of writers who have probably never played football on any level are shocked by it. But the Bills were dumb for not having it happen behind closed doors.

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