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It's on like a mofo: NBA edition...Lebron opts out of Miami


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He played at a super small D-3 school, Hamilton College, he's still the second or third leading scorer for them despite playing in an era without the three point line (and he was a dead-eye shooter, so his numbers would have been ridiculous with a 3 point line). I was never the player my father was, but I could hold my own through high school and college -- still, I don't think I've ever beaten him in one on one or horse. He just doesn't miss.


The summers he hung out with Riley I think they were both 19 or 20, last couple years of college / first year out college kind of thing -- they stopped doing it when Riley moved on to California to play for San Diego (then LA) and my dad stayed in Scranton and wound up leaving the CBA for law school.


Nice. I was talking to a guy a couple of years ago - my friend's boss - who played hoops at Hamilton. He said it was a lot of fun.


Those games on the courts of NYC must have been intense!

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Nice. I was talking to a guy a couple of years ago - my friend's boss - who played hoops at Hamilton. He said it was a lot of fun.


Those games on the courts of NYC must have been intense!

Small world! When I go home next I'll see if I can find some of the old photos and post them on here of those trips. There aren't many but a few. As intense as those games were (especially when they were the only two white kids playing, and winning on those courts consistently) my dad said playing pickup at Cousy's camp (where Cousy would play with the coaches) were way more intense because of Cousy's intensity.


During the middle of a game which Cousy and his team were winning by 10 (playing to 15, this is a game of all college age players and above, not campers), Cousy threw a behind the back pass so hard, and so unexpected, it broke the recipient's nose. Cousy's reaction? While the guy is lying on the court bleeding, Cousy's berating him for dropping the pass and letting the other team get possession and kicks him off his team, choosing to play short handed instead. The kid goes off the court, expecting to get some sympathy from Red Auerbach who instead simply told him "stop bleeding and start scoring then maybe you won't get screamed at".


I have no love for the Celtics, but stories like that made it hard to hate them growing up.




Reports breaking in NYC and LA that Mello is going to announce he's staying with the Knicks tomorrow afternoon.

Edited by GreggyT
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Small world! When I go home next I'll see if I can find some of the old photos and post them on here of those trips. There aren't many but a few. As intense as those games were (especially when they were the only two white kids playing, and winning on those courts consistently) my dad said playing pickup at Cousy's camp (where Cousy would play with the coaches) were way more intense because of Cousy's intensity.


During the middle of a game which Cousy and his team were winning by 10 (playing to 15, this is a game of all college age players and above, not campers), Cousy threw a behind the back pass so hard, and so unexpected, it broke the recipient's nose. Cousy's reaction? While the guy is lying on the court bleeding, Cousy's berating him for dropping the pass and letting the other team get possession and kicks him off his team, choosing to play short handed instead. The kid goes off the court, expecting to get some sympathy from Red Auerbach who instead simply told him "stop bleeding and start scoring then maybe you won't get screamed at".


I have no love for the Celtics, but stories like that made it hard to hate them growing up.




Reports breaking in NYC and LA that Mello is going to announce he's staying with the Knicks tomorrow afternoon.


I'd love to see those pictures!


That's funny about Cousy. I've played with a couple of oldtimers like that - grizzled football and basketball coaches who had played in college. I was in 8th grade and they're yelling at me like that!


How old was Cousy at the time?


hahaha...this is getting great




I've seen this all over twitter, but thinking no way can that be his neighborhood, esp. that first picture, could it?

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I'd love to see those pictures!


That's funny about Cousy. I've played with a couple of oldtimers like that - grizzled football and basketball coaches who had played in college. I was in 8th grade and they're yelling at me like that!


How old was Cousy at the time?


He was still playing but it was towards the end of his career in Boston, had to be the early to mid 1960s, I forget the exact years. So probably early 30s I'd guess.

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He was still playing but it was towards the end of his career in Boston, had to be the early to mid 1960s, I forget the exact years. So probably early 30s I'd guess.


Wow - I was thinking he was past his playing days. That must have really been awesome to play with him when he was still that good.


There's some hope-- he left the meeting with Riley with no deal.


I was glad the meeting only lasted an hour.


I have the feeling he'll announce what he's doing Thursday.

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