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It's on like a mofo: NBA edition...Lebron opts out of Miami


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He apparently is making the announcement on his website ( lebronjames.com ) ... but everyone in the world is trying to log onto it so it's slow.

It just crashed. We heard 3:30 was a possibility as that is Akron's area code. Maybe he meant 3:30 Pacific. lol
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As long as Chandler Parsons makes his way to Dallas I could care less about lequeen.


East is weak.

Everyone in Cleveland acting like if he returns they can hang the championship banner. I don't think so. I give them a good chance, esp if they get Kevin Love, but far from a sure thing. I do undertsand the excitement though. But with he and Manziel in the same city ESPN can just set up a satellite office there.
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What has he done to get their hopes up? It's been all assumption and innuendo on the part of the media really. All he has done is have his rep meet with the Cavs. That's it. I really think if he was staying in Miami he would have stated so already but on the flip side, if he's already made a decision at all, then why hasn't he said so already? Could he actually still be deciding? Is he waiting on a commitment from the Cavs that they have a deal in place for say Love? Is he waiting on a commitment from someone else (Carmelo out of nowhere?) to go somewhere else? It's crazy, anything could go down. I'm still thinking the Cavs though.


Cavs forums are reading like the Mario Williams thread right now, it's great!


Where is a good Cav forum? I tried finding one last night.


As for your first paragraph, that's exactly what I was thinking..........Somebody did say on the radio that if he didn't want to crush Cleveland fans, he knows how to leak info so the media knows he's not going there. Not sure what to think on that.

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Where is a good Cav forum? I tried finding one last night.


As for your first paragraph, that's exactly what I was thinking..........Somebody did say on the radio that if he didn't want to crush Cleveland fans, he knows how to leak info so the media knows he's not going there. Not sure what to think on that.


I've been reading this one here and there. Up to 172 pages.



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Any updates on this?


No because the NBA free-agency thrives on blue-balling everyone always. Melo was gonna have his decision today. So was Lebron. Surprise, neither of them do. They still have rumors flying around. All a reporter has to say is "I heard this from my sources, but I don't know if it's true," and he has free reign to spew anything.

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That bigger dude on ESPN who's name is escaping me, but he's a LeBron "expert" and he is doing things right. He isn't reporting anything that he is not 100% positive is accurate. He stated last night that he knows what this means to the city of Cleveland and he would rather be the 70th person to hit on the story knowing that it is completely accurate than one of the first to break it and be wrong and tear the hearts out of the sports aspect of that city again. Perhaps worse than the last time.


I'm taking everything that he's saying to the bank. I believe he knows of the Sheridan story and believes it to be true, but can't get that 100% confirmation that Sheridan got so he won't say he's going to Cleveland. However, the way he stated that he would rather be late on it than wrong, I believe that he thinks the Cleveland story is correct. He never specifically mentioned the story though.


Sheridan on the Herd yesterday completely backed his story, said that he would never say something is 100% if it weren't because his whole reputation and career are on the line if he's wrong. And you know what, for a story like this, he's right. If he gets this wrong, he's done with any credibility he has. And in the breaking news biz, that's everything. (Why I'm done with CNN as a news source anymore - haven't been back to their site or channel since all of the misreporting when that plane disappeared). He stated that we would hear a lot about "unfinished business" when the decision comes. So, if he does chose Cleveland and LeBron concentrates on that part of it when he announces, then this dude was spot on the whole time. If he doesn't concentrate on the unfinished business aspect of it, then I think Sheridan just got lucky as hell that he was right. To his credit though, he nailed LeBron to the Heat before anyone else years ago.


Sound bite of Sheridan on the Herd. I hate the Herd, but this is a good listen about his certainty, protecting his source, and the Cavs nervousness.




I'm still on LeBron to the Cavs.

Edited by Mark80
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My prediction is still Lebron stays with the Heat, gets max-ish contract. Bosh stays, takes a little pay cut. Wade stays, takes a huge pay cut.


Melo stays in NYC for big money, or goes to Chicago for championship aspirations. LA doesn't truly offer him anything.

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Not a Cavs fan or Heat fan. The Cavs forums are blowing up about LeBron supposedly still hung up on the letter from the owner. They are saying it's a way for them to push blame for his not signing with the Cavs on the owner, not LeBron, saving PR face. Many have flat out given up hope. This must be excruciating for them.


However, I think this video is more telling to me from when he landed. I see this as a Wade last ditch effort to convince him to say, I see LeBron wiping away a tear at the 3 min mark and them hugging it out at the end. The body language in this video speaks volumes in my opinion. Lots of head shaking, Wade adamant with his hands, LeBron not giving much back, just listening. Judge for yourself if you care:



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Not a Cavs fan or Heat fan. The Cavs forums are blowing up about LeBron supposedly still hung up on the letter from the owner.


I didn't pay attention to all the hoopla four years ago, but it astounds me that a pro sports team owner would be so stupid and childish to have written that hissy-fit open letter after James left Cleveland. What an idiot. It almost makes me want to see that guy get screwed over again here. Maybe James should make him issue a new letter apologizing before he signs.

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I didn't pay attention to all the hoopla four years ago, but it astounds me that a pro sports team owner would be so stupid and childish to have written that hissy-fit open letter after James left Cleveland. What an idiot. It almost makes me want to see that guy get screwed over again here. Maybe James should make him issue a new letter apologizing before he signs.


Agreed. Also, he kept it up on the website until just last week! Seriously man, hold a grudge much? He had to know that this day would come when they would have a legit shot to get him back. He had to know that LeBron hated the letter. Get pissed, post the letter to your fans for a few months, maybe a year, take it down and move on! If that ends up really being the reason LeBron doesn't come back (I still think he does), then it has to go down as one of the stupidest moves an owner has ever made in sports. I mean, that's up there with Babe to the Yankees in my opinion.

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