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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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What is it that banks and investment firms are doing wrong that is harming so many Americans or putting our economy at risk?

Truth be told wouldnt be bothered by her anti-wall street rhetoric. She's just a fart in wind when it comes to taking a position. She saying this to pacify the Warren crowd and trying to steal some of Bernie's momentum. If in office she'll cater to the big money donors and not tamper with large banks. What I think she'll do is get tax increases thru but leave plenty of loopholes again for her donors. So the burden will be on everyone else's shoulders. This is the same bait and switch crap her hubby pulled
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That hasn't happened, so really it's a moot point.


I'll play along however to be a good sport.


Even if Saddam had those WMDs (allegedly), it's not reason enough for the kind of war we waged on Iraq IMHO Didn't buy that argument then and still don't.


So if we find weapons buried for 15 years I still won't vote for Hillary because I dislike her for other reasons like her fakeness for example. 1 1/2 years ago she hawled in $1,600,000 for chumming up with and sucking up to Chase, Goldman Sachs, etc and today she is for the little guy and against the rigged system (in part perpetuated by the very same banks she chummed up with and took scads of cash from).


Her whole avoiding the Freedom of Information Act with her personal eMail server doesn't help her case with me either.

You make it painful. You say that you wouldn't vote for her because of her Iraqi war stance, but when that is taken out of the equation, you say that there are other considerations. That's fine. I don't disagree, but I sure as hell won't look to you for any enlightenment.

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Depressing. It just doesn't seem like there's much chance if her losing the dem primaries...


Bernie Sanders gaining on Hillary Clinton, with Biden looming: poll


Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont independent, has gained some ground against former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton over the past few months in the race for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, though Mrs. Clinton still has a firm grasp on the top spot, according to a new poll.


Mr. Sanders was well back at 17 percent, but his numbers have increased since his 7 percent showing in April and his 12 percent support in June.


Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who unlike the other candidates has not yet officially indicated his 2016 plans, was at 13 percent, with an additional 12 percent of Democratic voters saying they would be very likely to consider supporting Mr. Biden if he enters the race and another 31 percent saying they would be somewhat likely to consider it.


Biden is the only hope


Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/15/bernie-sanders-gaining-hillary-clinton-biden-looms/#ixzz3g08gg41U

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Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/15/bernie-sanders-gaining-hillary-clinton-biden-looms/#ixzz3g08VxDqn

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Republican field walloping Clinton in money race

While it’s a very, very big GOP field, Clinton is still facing off against a huge pile of cash.

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Republican field walloping Clinton in money race

While it’s a very, very big GOP field, Clinton is still facing off against a huge pile of cash.



Yeah, but when you consider the 60-90 days it takes to launder donations through the Clinton Foundation...

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Depressing. It just doesn't seem like there's much chance if her losing the dem primaries...


Bernie Sanders gaining on Hillary Clinton, with Biden looming: poll


Sen. Bernie Sanders, Vermont independent, has gained some ground against former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton over the past few months in the race for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, though Mrs. Clinton still has a firm grasp on the top spot, according to a new poll.


Mr. Sanders was well back at 17 percent, but his numbers have increased since his 7 percent showing in April and his 12 percent support in June.


Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., who unlike the other candidates has not yet officially indicated his 2016 plans, was at 13 percent, with an additional 12 percent of Democratic voters saying they would be very likely to consider supporting Mr. Biden if he enters the race and another 31 percent saying they would be somewhat likely to consider it.


Biden is the only hope


Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/15/bernie-sanders-gaining-hillary-clinton-biden-looms/#ixzz3g08gg41U

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter



Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/15/bernie-sanders-gaining-hillary-clinton-biden-looms/#ixzz3g08VxDqn

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

So, 56% of dem voters would actually consider Biden and Biden is the only hope? That Joe fella has really come a long way since being widely panned as Obama's assassination/impeachment insurance.






Ole "Plugs" can certainly give "Cankles" a run for her money.

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Truth be told wouldnt be bothered by her anti-wall street rhetoric. She's just a fart in wind when it comes to taking a position. She saying this to pacify the Warren crowd and trying to steal some of Bernie's momentum. If in office she'll cater to the big money donors and not tamper with large banks. What I think she'll do is get tax increases thru but leave plenty of loopholes again for her donors. So the burden will be on everyone else's shoulders. This is the same bait and switch crap her hubby pulled

I'm sorry but who's this everyone? The increasing majority who doesn't pay income tax?

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So, 56% of dem voters would actually consider Biden and Biden is the only hope? That Joe fella has really come a long way since being widely panned as Obama's assassination/impeachment insurance.






Ole "Plugs" can certainly give "Cankles" a run for her money.

Im neutral on JB and think he'd do an adequate job. Hillary will send this country in a hole we may never climb out of. Anyone but Hillary, both within the Dem and Repube parties, is my agenda

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Anyone but Hillary, both within the Dem and Repube parties, is my agenda

Make a note of this post and revisit in 15 months. It'll be good for a chuckle comparing this to all the cankle-washing you're gonna do after she gets the nomination

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I can see her having a meltdown when people start to challenge her on some of these things a la "At this point, what difference does it make!!!"


She will absolutely melt down. The age of 70 tends to be a crappy time to finally learn the world owes you nothing.

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She will absolutely melt down. The age of 70 tends to be a crappy time to finally learn the world owes you nothing.

And that people only put up with you because of your husband.

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This scoop from Politico’s Nick Gass has the potential to turn the 2016 election cycle upside down. Hillary Clinton’s team has tapped into a new and heretofore unknown and powerful force in communications, one so powerful that it cannot be ignored, let alone withstood. Team Hillary comms directer Jennifer Palmieri’s response to media questions about falling polling numbers now has “withering sarcasm” to overcome any bad news that might be reported about her.



Not just sarcasm, Gass writes, but “withering sarcasm”


Look out GOP !







Hillary favorables tumble in new AP-GfK poll.


Well.................She's an unappealing person, who's running a lousy campaign.............




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