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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Still waiting for @HillaryClinton to tweet about Chattanooga, but she is selling beer koozies


Hillary Clinton’s Twitter account has yet to post anything about Thursday’s horrific terror attack in Chattanooga that killed 5 servicemembers, but she did send her “best wishes” to those celebrating the end of Ramadan, And honoring Nelson Mandela, And 3 tweets today on the Seneca Falls Convention:


She is selling beer koozies, though:



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NY Times blistering critique of Hillary Clinton is journalism at its finest


There was a brief time this year when it almost seemed like the nation’s biggest newspapers, including the Gray Lady, were going to be giving Hillary Clinton the same level of required scrutiny which should apply to every candidate for elected office. It came when they actually covered the email server story and went into a fair amount of depth on it. Of course, it would have been embarrassing in the extreme to not do so, since everyone else on the planet was talking about it. But all good things must come to an end, as they say, and New York Times reporter Amy Chozick is “balancing” the coverage back out with this hard hitting background piece on the former Secretary of State. The title alone sets the tone in case you had any doubts.


Hillary Clinton Draws Scrappy Determination From a Tough, Combative Father


The piece is a real tear-jerker which portrays the father as at least a borderline abusive parent (which I suppose they have to do since he was a Republican) while still managing to find the positive side for Clinton since he toughened her up for the hard task of being president. But for all of the silky praise they manage to slide into this thinly disguised Clinton campaign advertisement, there is at least some interesting information about her family.


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NY Times blistering critique of Hillary Clinton is journalism at its finest


There was a brief time this year when it almost seemed like the nation’s biggest newspapers, including the Gray Lady, were going to be giving Hillary Clinton the same level of required scrutiny which should apply to every candidate for elected office. It came when they actually covered the email server story and went into a fair amount of depth on it. Of course, it would have been embarrassing in the extreme to not do so, since everyone else on the planet was talking about it. But all good things must come to an end, as they say, and New York Times reporter Amy Chozick is “balancing” the coverage back out with this hard hitting background piece on the former Secretary of State. The title alone sets the tone in case you had any doubts.


Hillary Clinton Draws Scrappy Determination From a Tough, Combative Father


The piece is a real tear-jerker which portrays the father as at least a borderline abusive parent (which I suppose they have to do since he was a Republican) while still managing to find the positive side for Clinton since he toughened her up for the hard task of being president. But for all of the silky praise they manage to slide into this thinly disguised Clinton campaign advertisement, there is at least some interesting information about her family.



Where does she draw her craven opportunism and chameleon-like public image from?


And I heard on the radio this morning that they're "rebooting" her again. She's the friggin' Bluescreen-of-death candidate.

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Where does she draw her craven opportunism and chameleon-like public image from?


And I heard on the radio this morning that they're "rebooting" her again. She's the friggin' Bluescreen-of-death candidate.

Of course! Hillary = Windows ME.

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Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Gen. Wesley Clark: Let’s Throw Radical Muslims Into Internment Camps:


“If these people are radicalized and they don’t support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States as a matter of principle, fine. It’s their right and it’s our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.”





The important question to me is..............will any of Clark’s fellow Democrats be asked about his comments by their operatives with bylines?




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BLUE CIVIL WAR: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Black Lives Matter’ Triangulations.


Last month, Clinton herself said “all lives matter” in a speech at a black church, arousing the ire of some progressives—though not enough to make her apologize for using the phrase, as O’Malley did after his roasting at Netroots. Clinton’s statement Tuesday indicates that she likely won’t make the mistake of saying “all lives matter” again, at least during primary season.

It might be tempting to dismiss Hillary’s triangulation on “black lives matter” as petty primary posturing with little political significance. In fact, it points to a very real division within the American left, with important implications for the future of the Democratic Party—namely, the division between economic populists who rally around the politics of class and social progressives who rally around the politics of identity.

, Hillary’s chief rival, is clearly a social liberal, but the unifying theme of his platform—which includes single payer healthcare, a Wall Street crackdown, and a 90 percent top tax rate—
is economic populism
. Clinton has attempted to adopt a left-wing populist tone during the primary campaign, but as a private jet-setting multimillionaire whose top donors are Wall Street banks, she cannot credibly position herself to Sanders’ left on class or economic issues. Her Facebook statement rebuking Sanders and O’Malley on race—along with other policy moves like her celebration of the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision and her leftward pivot on immigration—can be seen as an effort to compensate for her populist deficiencies by emphasizing her identity politics bona fides.








New Quinnipiac poll puts Rubio, Walker, and Bush ahead of Hillary in Colorado, Virginia, and Iowa — all states Obama won in 2012.

Here's the new poll.
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BLUE CIVIL WAR: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Black Lives Matter’ Triangulations.


Last month, Clinton herself said “all lives matter” in a speech at a black church, arousing the ire of some progressives—though not enough to make her apologize for using the phrase, as O’Malley did after his roasting at Netroots. Clinton’s statement Tuesday indicates that she likely won’t make the mistake of saying “all lives matter” again, at least during primary season.

It might be tempting to dismiss Hillary’s triangulation on “black lives matter” as petty primary posturing with little political significance. In fact, it points to a very real division within the American left, with important implications for the future of the Democratic Party—namely, the division between economic populists who rally around the politics of class and social progressives who rally around the politics of identity.

, Hillary’s chief rival, is clearly a social liberal, but the unifying theme of his platform—which includes single payer healthcare, a Wall Street crackdown, and a 90 percent top tax rate—
is economic populism
. Clinton has attempted to adopt a left-wing populist tone during the primary campaign, but as a private jet-setting multimillionaire whose top donors are Wall Street banks, she cannot credibly position herself to Sanders’ left on class or economic issues. Her Facebook statement rebuking Sanders and O’Malley on race—along with other policy moves like her celebration of the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision and her leftward pivot on immigration—can be seen as an effort to compensate for her populist deficiencies by emphasizing her identity politics bona fides.








New Quinnipiac poll puts Rubio, Walker, and Bush ahead of Hillary in Colorado, Virginia, and Iowa — all states Obama won in 2012.

Here's the new poll.


Here's MSNBC in a state of shock over the polls. Pretty funny. Like how can all of America not be on board with Hillarys greatness?

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If it was mentioned earlier, my apologies.


Clinton email scandal could prompt criminal probe


Two inspectors general have taken steps that could prompt the Justice Department to launch a criminal investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information in connection with Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server in her former role as secretary of state.


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As well it !@#$ing should. Anyone else - including myself - would be in a world of **** for doing what she did. The same issue (improper use of personal email for government work) is what led to the OPM data breach.


Yup I'd be kicked to the curb in my biz.

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Here's MSNBC in a state of shock over the polls. Pretty funny. Like how can all of America not be on board with Hillarys greatness?

Joe Scarborough => Beaker_%28Muppet%29.jpg


Chuck Todd =>ZOMBIE-DISCO-SQUAD.jpeg


Mika Brzezinski => mika.jpg always looks like she forgot to use lube with her ben wa balls. She puts the "ug" in Smug.

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Joe Scarborough => Beaker_%28Muppet%29.jpg


Chuck Todd =>ZOMBIE-DISCO-SQUAD.jpeg


Mika Brzezinski => mika.jpg always looks like she forgot to use lube with her ben wa balls. She puts the "ug" in Smug.

Mika seems particularly distraught. In shock that the entire country isn't as half witted as she is. These people are in their own little liberal left wing vacuum. Very strange.

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This my favorite one. The Hillary defender kept trying to dodge the real issue with "Colin Powell did it too.", " We're not email management experts", and my favorite which she asked twice, "I wonder how high it would be if we stacked 55,000 pieces of paper on top of each other?"


Answer: 10 yards ( since this a football site I chose yards instead of feet. ). If she really wanted to know its not hard to figure out. A quick Yahoo search found this site by document management experts says 150 pages per inch.




3rd grade math from there.


I wonder how tall is the stack of the ones she DIDN'T turn over?


Turning over email on hard copy is just another way to skirt the process. A dump of the emails from the server would contain the header information which would contain a lot more info about how the email was sent and its path through the internet.


Electronic emails would also allow for quick searching. Better to make 'em have to scan 'em in and full text index 'em first buying more time and providing less information.

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3rd grade math from there.

If the ACA, 2009 Stimulus, 2000 Election, and 70 years of redistributionist economics have proven anything, it's that Democrats aren't very good at math




Turning over email on hard copy is just another way to skirt the process. A dump of the emails from the server would contain the header information which would contain a lot more info about how the email was sent and its path through the internet.

Which is exactly why they don't want to turn them over



Electronic emails would also allow for quick searching. Better to make 'em have to scan 'em in and full text index 'em first buying more time and providing less information.

There's only two reasons they would use the hard copy instead of a searchable soft copy. Either they're hiding something or they're just being dicks.


I used to work with a guy that was audited by the IRS in the past before I had known him. He kept detailed records and had nothing to worry about. His accountant had his assistant sort thru all of the documents and receipts then once they were in order the documents were photocopied. Then they took an old shoe box and dumped the original documents and shuffled them around. When they visited the IRS agent they handed him the shoe box :lol:

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True. Or both. My money's on both.


Shocked, yes, shocked I am that the people who were so petty as to remove all the "W" keys from the White House computer keyboards before they left office could be petty and dickish.

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it's this kind of crap one of the reasons I cant stand her. Stumping for environmentalist votes she belches out some outlandish promise that she as president would not have unilateral authority to deliver on.


Hillary Clinton Pledges to Install 500 Million Solar Panels If Voted President


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