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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Note to self: Juror #8 holds his liquor like John Wawrow.

Bwahaha!!!! Touché. Not even going to lie, I'm three in on Blanton's and counting.


But you could have at least quoted the edited post!!!

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Here's that video again.....................


hillary-angry.jpg?resize=110%2C85Leave it to the good (and quick) people at Reason TV to mashup Hillary’s claims about her email use and the FBI’s findings.
It’s pretty devastating. Some independent super-PAC ought to be airing this material:


I don’t disagree with those who are disappointed that FBI Director James Comey more or less re-wrote federal law to avoid criminally prosecuting a leading contender for the presidency, four months before the election. On the other hand, I can’t really say that I blame him. It seems to me that Comey left the judgment on Hillary to be rendered by the American people. And he certainly made it clear what the FBI thinks of the Democrats’ nominee.


I agree with Roger Simon, who writes: “Did Comey Actually Destroy Hillary Clinton by ‘Exonerating’ Her?”

He may have let her off the hook legally, but personally he has left the putative Democratic candidate scarred almost beyond recognition.

By getting out in front of the Justice Department, the FBI director, speaking publicly in an admittedly unusual fashion, was able to frame the case in a manner that Attorney General Loretta Lynch in all probability never would have.




I think that is correct. In essence, Comey said today that if American voters are dumb enough to elect as president a woman who was “extremely careless” in handling “very sensitive, highly classified information,” so that it is “possible that hostile actors gained access to” her email account, and then lied repeatedly and shamelessly about what she had done, it’s on the voters. I suspect that Comey thinks he has done what he can or should do to blow the whistle on Hillary.

What will the political impact be? By rights, it should be devastating. If the Director of the FBI made similar findings about another candidate–Donald Trump, for example–it would be considered the end of that candidate’s career. The press would be full of demands that he withdraw and allow a more fit candidate to be nominated. We are not seeing that with Hillary, of course. For her, the bar is set extraordinarily low. Anything short of criminal charges is claimed by her as a victory, and the press largely goes along with those low expectations.

Still, it is not a great platform from which to seek the presidency: Vote for me, I’m not going to the federal penitentiary! Many observers think that voters already consider Hillary to be a liar and a crook, so this won’t damage her reputation. I think that, for once, this is too cynical a view of the electorate. I expect that as the FBI’s findings continue to reverberate, reinforced–one assumes–by competent Republican campaigning, they will be an albatross around Mrs. Clinton’s neck.

If Mrs. Clinton were a skillful politician, she might be able to throw off the albatross. But she isn’t skillful. She is like Richard Nixon, determined to make a career in a field for which she is not naturally suited. (Only Nixon had more ability.) As the campaign wears on, and as she grows ever more shrill and desperate, and her health increasingly becomes a question mark, I predict that Director Comey’s denunciation of Hillary’s conduct as Secretary of State will be seen as a turning point in an election that Hillary won’t win.

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Here's that video again.....................




hillary-angry.jpg?resize=110%2C85Leave it to the good (and quick) people at Reason TV to mashup Hillary’s claims about her email use and the FBI’s findings.

It’s pretty devastating. Some independent super-PAC ought to be airing this material:


Video at the link: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2016/07/hillary-vs-comey.php








I don’t disagree with those who are disappointed that FBI Director James Comey more or less re-wrote federal law to avoid criminally prosecuting a leading contender for the presidency, four months before the election. On the other hand, I can’t really say that I blame him. It seems to me that Comey left the judgment on Hillary to be rendered by the American people. And he certainly made it clear what the FBI thinks of the Democrats’ nominee.


I agree with Roger Simon, who writes: “Did Comey Actually Destroy Hillary Clinton by ‘Exonerating’ Her?”




He may have let her off the hook legally, but personally he has left the putative Democratic candidate scarred almost beyond recognition.

By getting out in front of the Justice Department, the FBI director, speaking publicly in an admittedly unusual fashion, was able to frame the case in a manner that Attorney General Loretta Lynch in all probability never would have.




I think that is correct. In essence, Comey said today that if American voters are dumb enough to elect as president a woman who was “extremely careless” in handling “very sensitive, highly classified information,” so that it is “possible that hostile actors gained access to” her email account, and then lied repeatedly and shamelessly about what she had done, it’s on the voters. I suspect that Comey thinks he has done what he can or should do to blow the whistle on Hillary.


What will the political impact be? By rights, it should be devastating. If the Director of the FBI made similar findings about another candidate–Donald Trump, for example–it would be considered the end of that candidate’s career. The press would be full of demands that he withdraw and allow a more fit candidate to be nominated. We are not seeing that with Hillary, of course. For her, the bar is set extraordinarily low. Anything short of criminal charges is claimed by her as a victory, and the press largely goes along with those low expectations.


Still, it is not a great platform from which to seek the presidency: Vote for me, I’m not going to the federal penitentiary! Many observers think that voters already consider Hillary to be a liar and a crook, so this won’t damage her reputation. I think that, for once, this is too cynical a view of the electorate. I expect that as the FBI’s findings continue to reverberate, reinforced–one assumes–by competent Republican campaigning, they will be an albatross around Mrs. Clinton’s neck.


If Mrs. Clinton were a skillful politician, she might be able to throw off the albatross. But she isn’t skillful. She is like Richard Nixon, determined to make a career in a field for which she is not naturally suited. (Only Nixon had more ability.) As the campaign wears on, and as she grows ever more shrill and desperate, and her health increasingly becomes a question mark, I predict that Director Comey’s denunciation of Hillary’s conduct as Secretary of State will be seen as a turning point in an election that Hillary won’t win.

Complete BS. This lap dog POS failed miserably and undermined the rule of law. Eff him.

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So Comey says at the end of the press conference that it doesn't meant that anyone else can do what Clinton did without getting arrested....


...what the hell does that mean? He basically said Hilary is exempt from the law.

He is a lap dog. That is what lap dogs do.

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So Comey says at the end of the press conference that it doesn't meant that anyone else can do what Clinton did without getting arrested....


...what the hell does that mean? He basically said Hilary is exempt from the law.

Followed almost immediately by Trump at a rally extolling the virtues of Saddam Hussein.


I wish I was kidding.


I'm not.


Well done Trumpster Divers. Well done.

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Followed almost immediately by Trump at a rally extolling the virtues of Saddam Hussein.


I wish I was kidding.


I'm not.


Well done Trumpster Divers. Well done.


At this point, does it really matter what Trump says? We're talking about corruption so obvious that even MSNBC is worried it could hurt Hilary's brand.

From this day forward, giving zero f#$%$ is a valid excuse for breaking the law.

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So Comey says at the end of the press conference that it doesn't meant that anyone else can do what Clinton did without getting arrested....


...what the hell does that mean? He basically said Hilary is exempt from the law.

He is a lap dog. That is what lap dogs do.


Comey essentially said "here are all the reasons she should and otherwise would be indicted, but I have been told not to indict her, or else."


Followed almost immediately by Trump at a rally extolling the virtues of Saddam Hussein.


I wish I was kidding.


I'm not.


Well done Trumpster Divers. Well done.


He "praised" SH for being really good at killing people terrorists and stabilizing the region. That's how he's been attacking HiLIARy on her perceived foreign policy advantage over The Donald, first by making the mistake to vote to invade Iraq and then making the same stupid/incompetent mistake by over-throwing Gadaffi in Libya.

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Comey essentially said "here are all the reasons she should and otherwise would be indicted, but I have been told not to indict her, or else."




Or else what? This "straight shooting Patriot" could have had every "or else" in the world thrown at him and the alternative was still worse. He still chose the alternative, which is basically telling the country that the next president can do whatever the F she wants. No straight shooter would or could ever do that. It is the last nail in the coffin of the rule of law. He is a piece of excrement.



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AP FACT CHECK: Clinton email claims collapse under FBI probe

Associated Press


Original Article



Wait...................I keep reading she was "cleared"........... :D





´So Discouraging´: Giuliani Says Comey Made ´Special Exception for the Clintons´

Fox News


Original Article






Poll: The Donald and Hillary Nearly Tied, Clinton’s Lead Drops to One Point over Trump

by Alex Swoyer


Original Article



It doesn't matter if it's good news or bad news...........EVERY TIME Hillary's exposure is up, her ratings go down.

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He "praised" SH for being really good at killing people terrorists and stabilizing the region. That's how he's been attacking HiLIARy on her perceived foreign policy advantage over The Donald, first by making the mistake to vote to invade Iraq and then making the same stupid/incompetent mistake by over-throwing Gadaffi in Libya.


That's not what he's doing. He's being an idiot. On the one day he could have hit Hillary's corruption over and over and and over, he praises Hussein?


Should he point out the good qualities of Hitler? "Sure he burned a bzillion Jews, but he did get guns off the street."


Other candidates would have had an ad from Comey's presser out before Hillary left NC. But no.


It's what most of us expected from a life-long Democrat posing as a conservative.

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That's not what he's doing. He's being an idiot. On the one day he could have hit Hillary's corruption over and over and and over, he praises Hussein?


Should he point out the good qualities of Hitler? "Sure he burned a bzillion Jews, but he did get guns off the street."


Other candidates would have had an ad from Comey's presser out before Hillary left NC. But no.


It's what most of us expected from a life-long Democrat posing as a conservative.


He`s an idiot, there is no other explanation.


And frankly, it doesn't shock me based on the type of supporters he has.

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There is a FAKE news story out this am, reporting that Guccifer, the Romanian hacker who says he got all of Hillary's e-mails,

was found dead in his jail cell.



The interesting part to me is that everyone commenting on the phony story, initially believed that it could happen.


That's where we are today.





Poll finds Dem voters less likely to support a candidate if the candidate endorsed Hillary: http://heatst.com/politics/is-hillary-clinton-tanking-down-ticket-dems/







Edited by B-Man
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That's not what he's doing. He's being an idiot. On the one day he could have hit Hillary's corruption over and over and and over, he praises Hussein?


Should he point out the good qualities of Hitler? "Sure he burned a bzillion Jews, but he did get guns off the street."


Other candidates would have had an ad from Comey's presser out before Hillary left NC. But no.


It's what most of us expected from a life-long Democrat posing as a conservative.


He's been hitting her repeatedly about being corrupt. But there are only so many times you can say that in an appearance before you need to move onto other topics. Again he's trying to build the case against her being qualified because of her alleged strength in foreign affairs. Again listen to what he actually said/did and not how it was spun.


And as for him being a Dem, if you're expecting a true Repub to ever be president again, you're deluding yourself. The social issues are retarded, considering they're rooted in religion, but even the Church is starting to change their stances slowly. So then you need to ask yourself who would be better for the economy and national security? IMHO it's clear. Again we're not dealing with great, or even good, choices here so it's a matter of picking the lesser of two evils.

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He's been hitting her repeatedly about being corrupt. But there are only so many times you can say that in an appearance before you need to move onto other topics. Again he's trying to build the case against her being qualified because of her alleged strength in foreign affairs. Again listen to what he actually said/did and not how it was spun.


And as for him being a Dem, if you're expecting a true Repub to ever be president again, you're deluding yourself. The social issues are retarded, considering they're rooted in religion, but even the Church is starting to change their stances slowly. So then you need to ask yourself who would be better for the economy and national security? IMHO it's clear. Again we're not dealing with great, or even good, choices here so it's a matter of picking the lesser of two evils.


I listened to what he said. He's an idiot.

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I really hope the Democrats nominate someone else. They won't, but I hope.


At this point, I'm only giving her my vote because I dislike Trump more.


I'm only giving Trump my vote because I absolutely, categorically refuse to vote for Royalty.

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