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Help us Obi John Wawrow, you're our only hope

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If I recall from his spat with Nevergiveup I do not think he enjoys being called "Warrow". Not sure what his view on "Jon" is either.

:o Jon is his first name and Wawrow is his last name. :huh:


Edit...my public apology for screwing up Mr. Wawrow's first name. I would have bet money I had it right.

Edited by Beerball
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Is this whole special teams injury thing a myth? Ive been watching this game for over forty years. Probably watched over 1000 games lifetime. Maybe 2000 if you throw in college. Guys dropping like flys on special teams is one thing that has never stood out to me! I say put Sammy in the return game. We need all the help we can get. Hes a dangerous playmaker. Get the ball in his hands anyway you can!!!!!

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Is this whole special teams injury thing a myth? Ive been watching this game for over forty years. Probably watched over 1000 games lifetime. Maybe 2000 if you throw in college. Guys dropping like flys on special teams is one thing that has never stood out to me! I say put Sammy in the return game. We need all the help we can get. Hes a dangerous playmaker. Get the ball in his hands anyway you can!!!!!

Does the name Kevin Everett ring a bell. Edited by Rockinon
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Does the name Kevin Everett ring a bell.


I wouldn't call it the norm, and he wasn't a returner.... The injury rate does have an uptick on returns, but I'm not sure that returners get hurt at enough of a clip compared to say a receiver catching a screen or going over the middle to say he should never ever go back there. Frankly I just wouldn't be sure he's noticeably better than a Goodwin or mckelvin though in those roles.

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I have to think that the work that Goodwin did in the preseason on KO returns gave him a lot of confidence that he could play in the NFL and it transferred over to the regular season. I don't think that Sammy really needs the confidence, and I think we have a few guys who can excel on KR returns so he is not needed. But I also don't recall a lot of guys getting serious injuries in the last few years on KR either. It's probably just as dangerous if not more dangerous to be a member of the KR or KO team as far as injuries go than it is to be the return man. They get popped or get their bell rung, but you don't see a lot of bad injuries.


And yes, I'm sure you can find some guy somewhere.


a simpler solution would be to dump crossman.

Good ST coaches cannot coach scrubs to become good STs.

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Is this whole special teams injury thing a myth? Ive been watching this game for over forty years. Probably watched over 1000 games lifetime. Maybe 2000 if you throw in college. Guys dropping like flys on special teams is one thing that has never stood out to me! .....


It's not that they are dropping like flies, it is the rate of injury that is the issue. On average you would need to watch 24 games of returned KRs to roughly equal the average number of offensive/defensive plays played in one game. I am certain that the number of injuries sustained to the Kick Returner over those 24 games would be far in excess of the average number of injuries sustained by an individual WR position(It actually would be many, many more games of KR needed as not all plays are directed towards a WR position but I hopefully have conveyed the "rate of injury" point).



......The injury rate does have an uptick on returns, but I'm not sure that returners get hurt at enough of a clip compared to say a receiver catching a screen or going over the middle to say he should never ever go back there......


I think that this is a very good point. I would be very interested to see the numbers of rate/game injuries for KR compared to WRs(or RBs) in individual types of Offensive plays. If the numbers were somewhat comparable.......would people agree with not putting ones best weapons in those plays(for fear of injury)? I would think not.


Conversely, assuming again the rate/game injuries were similar, one might decide that the benefits of a good kick return are similar to those on a good WR screen(or whatever other play is dangerous).......and decide to use one's best weapons as KRs.


This is all of course speculation as we don't know the actual numbers.......but maybe Marrone does?

Edited by Dibs
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Last season, he had his only healthy outside CB fielding punts all year; to me, that was just nuts and I think he got away with a bad decision right there.

I think the gentleman who already stated that if we have trouble getting Watkins going on O, look for us to find other ways to get him the ball. I think he is correct. I think one of Watkins greatest talents is his vision along with his athleticism, it ought to be very hard to get a square hit on him....(knock on wood, no jinxes, no jinxes, no jinxes.)

Thurman Thomas was fantastic at evading solid shots....first hard tackle I ever saw him receive the tackler got a hold of his jersey and whipped him to the ground. He bounced of our lousy turf....evading hits is a underated talent....Thomas had a lot of carries and a long carreer because of it...

At least until Flutie threw him that suicide pass that the Thurmanator saw coming and extended skyward anyway and got annihilated.. .

Another proud moment in Buffalo Bills QB history....


Go Bills!

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