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Favorite all time movie?

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Forrest Gump is always a fun watch, as is the Boondock Saints, but I've gotta give my vote the Shawshank Redemption as well.



I would definitely like to add that I personally love Unleashed. It's a martial arts movie starring Bob Hoskins, Morgan Freeman, and Jet Lei. The acting is phenomenal, and the fight scenes are great. Check it out some time.

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Excellent film, but I must correct you. It's "Se7en".


Schindler's List.

I'll never know why Ralph Fiennes did not win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.


I'm embarrassed to admit that I have not seen Schindler's List. I will see it as soon as I can. Film lovers everywhere, please accept my apology.

No apologies needed. I consider myself to be a big movie fan, and there are a lot of movies I haven't seen. Probably because I watch the same movies over and over again.

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I have three movies in my "Top 5 movies" list.


In no particular order....

Stand by Me

Pulp Fiction

The Court Jester


On a side note, many of the movies listed above are in my "Top 100 movies" list. :thumbsup:

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Excellent film, but I must correct you. It's "Se7en".


No apologies needed. I consider myself to be a big movie fan, and there are a lot of movies I haven't seen. Probably because I watch the same movies over and over again.


I'm going to wait for the sequel - Ei8ht


I rarely ever watch the same movie twice. I just did it with Godfather I and II - which BTW, no votes for them??..........And, I did like it better the 2nd time. (Actually the third for I, but I was pretty wasted when I saw it in college)

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My tastes in movies are all over the place...


If I had to pick one movie: "Jaws"


I have seen it probably a dozen times all the way through, and many more in bits and pieces on cable over the years...one of those movies I can never pry myself away from. I have owned about 4 different dvd/blu-ray releases of it over the years...it is about as perfect a movie as I can think of. Suspenseful, scary, great acting, great writing... the movie that started the "summer blockbuster" era of Hollywood...nothing has come close since, in my book.


Others I would consider on a particular day:


Planet Of the Apes (the original with Heston)

Star Wars (the first one, the only one that matters IMO)

To Kill a Mockingbird

City Of God

They Shoot Horses Don't They



Leaving Las Vegas


Short Cuts




Godfather II

Edited by Buftex
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My tastes in movies are all over the place...


If I had to pick one movie: "Jaws"


I have seen it probably a dozen times all the way through, and many more in bits and pieces on cable over the years...one of those movies I can never pry myself away from. I have owned about 4 different dvd/blu-ray releases of it over the years...it is about as perfect a movie as I can think of. Suspenseful, scary, great acting, great writing... the movie that started the "summer blockbuster" era of Hollywood...nothing has come close since, in my book.



I can not say enough about "Jaws", it is an amazing movie. It is the one movie that I love that I have never seen in a movie theater on the silver screen.


Since you are a big fan of "Jaws", I highly recommend that you check out the documentary movie "The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact and Legacy of Jaws". It was made several years ago, and oddly enough the film makers could never find a distributor to release it theatrically. I do know that it is on dvd. Please check it out. It is a must see for all fans of "Jaws".

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I hate the summer blockbuster season. Jaws was the first and I would think Star Wars was the 2nd two years later.


But, I hate all this apocalypse crap we get now.


I'm glad I don't see any of that crap listed here as favorite movies.

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I don't think I could ever pick one specific movie that's my favorite. Here's my current top 5:


1. Pulp Fiction

2. Fight Club

3. Idiocracy

4. Goodfellas

5. Schindler's List


Although, I'd say The Departed, Taxi Driver, The Godfather, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or any 80's comedy cracks the top 5 regularly.

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Hard to pick just one, but I'd probably go with Saving Private Ryan or The Usual Suspects. Some other candidates I did not see mentioned above:


The Deer Hunter

American Graffiti

Chariots of Fire



Risky Business - - just 'cause sometimes in life ya gotta say WTF

Body Heat

Who's the U-Boat commander?

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I can not say enough about "Jaws", it is an amazing movie. It is the one movie that I love that I have never seen in a movie theater on the silver screen.


Since you are a big fan of "Jaws", I highly recommend that you check out the documentary movie "The Shark Is Still Working: The Impact and Legacy of Jaws". It was made several years ago, and oddly enough the film makers could never find a distributor to release it theatrically. I do know that it is on dvd. Please check it out. It is a must see for all fans of "Jaws".


For me, it was a toss-up between Jaws and Schindler's List...ultimately, I chose Schindler's List for the historical importance.


But Jaws is an absolutely fabulous film. One of those rare occasions when the film is better than the book.

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I'm going to wait for the sequel - Ei8ht


I rarely ever watch the same movie twice. I just did it with Godfather I and II - which BTW, no votes for them??..........And, I did like it better the 2nd time. (Actually the third for I, but I was pretty wasted when I saw it in college)


An interesting debate I have had with friends over the godfather-- which one is better: 1 or 2?


I actually like godfather 2 more.

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Two more classics...


Children Of Men


Joe Dirt

Joe Dirt absolutely should be on the list. The movie has everything. And just the shot of Brandy getting off that horse makes it top 10.
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