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Camp Manuel

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Camp Manuel:

EJ Manuel

Tony Moeaki

Brandon Kaufman

Stevie Johnson

Kevin Elliot


Another article said Robert Woods and C.J. Spiller also attended.A post by Gragg said he was there, too:

Retweeted by EJ Manuel


Good lil week of work with my boys
and B Kauf
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EJ didn't publish the story about his workouts. He's just taking the initiative to try and improve. He is driven. He was the #2 rated QB in America in High School. He did a great job in college, MVP of the Senior Bowl. I'm sure he wasn't thrilled with his first year. If you look at some of his highlights from last year you will see flashes of brilliance. I'm glad to hear he's working on his game. He might turn out to be amazing. Hope so.


We're all hoping so...


I'm noticing the thing that gets lost with most of the EJ detractors is that some of the folks who backed him most last off-season (Mayock, Buddy, etc...) admitted he was a project and a bit raw...I think Mayock, who was really in EJ's corner, explained it best... "You can mold him into something special. He's raw...But he's that piece of clay where you take him and you can turn him into what you want..." Now...Does that sound like he's referring to Andrew Luck? Of course not...We were warned, and some of us warned the rest of our Bills brethren, that EJ was going to take some patience...He's a real smart, real hard working kid who cares...We have to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best knowing what we know, what he came into the NFL as, and what the plan was all along... B-)

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Tony didn't say which 6 people were there. He may have invited them and they declined, but I doubt it.

You clearly did not read the article...it said that Stevie Johnson, Kevin Elliott, Brandon Kaufman, Tony Moeaki, CJ Spiller and Robert Woods were all there. I read somewhere else that Woods and Goodwin are taking classes, so it was hard for them to be there.


I am sure an invitation was extended to the rest of the skilled players...but most of them are probably rehabbing injuries. (or finishing school.)



As for Mike Caussin...I really do not think he is any competition for Moeaki, Gragg or any other TE we bring in. He is camp fodder every year and never makes the team...and from what I have seen of him, he is nothing to get excited over or even hope makes the team. He can't catch or block. lol.


"Moeaki is currently one of five tight ends on the Bills roster, and he'll be in heavy competition for playing time following the contract extensions of Scott Chandler and Mike Caussin." (Statement from the article posted above.)

Edited by Bob Malooga
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We're all hoping so...


I'm noticing the thing that gets lost with most of the EJ detractors is that some of the folks who backed him most last off-season (Mayock, Buddy, etc...) admitted he was a project and a bit raw...I think Mayock, who was really in EJ's corner, explained it best... "You can mold him into something special. He's raw...But he's that piece of clay where you take him and you can turn him into what you want..." Now...Does that sound like he's referring to Andrew Luck? Of course not...We were warned, and some of us warned the rest of our Bills brethren, that EJ was going to take some patience...He's a real smart, real hard working kid who cares...We have to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best knowing what we know, what he came into the NFL as, and what the plan was all along... B-)


We would have needed to be patient even if he were Andrew Luck 2.0. A much less polished prospect like Manuel needs even more. I honestly don't know what people were expecting.


Maybe it's because I vividly remember Joe Dufek as a Bills QB.



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I cant say a bad thing about this.

Fitz did it and he developed some serious loyalty. And he and Stevie actually looked telepathic at times.

If they are just chucking the ball , its still young guys getting toknow each other a bit better and about being team mates . Hurrah!

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Peyton Manning gathers his receivers in the offseason to build timing, chemistry, and team camaraderie = universally lauded. EJ does the same = ridicule by a cabal of crusading Bills' fans? :thumbdown:

That cabal is almost always negative this time of year.


If a poster sees no benefit from anything positive that occurs in the off-season, they should go away (get a hobby) and grace us in September, when the meaningful games begin.


Cabal members (you don't know who you are), you may return to the board September 1. That is all.

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That cabal is almost always negative this time of year.


If a poster sees no benefit from anything positive that occurs in the off-season, they should go away (get a hobby) and grace us in September, when the meaningful games begin.


Cabal members (you don't know who you are), you may return to the board September 1. That is all.

Telling a player to prove it on the field when you are 5 months away from opening day is beyond pointless.

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Good to see, but IMO this should be the expected behavior, not a newsworthy item. I fully expect any player on the team I root for to work year round. Not ripping on any of these guys, just saying that this should not even be worth news. Some guys spent some time trying to get better at their job. Happens every day across the country. Ho hum.

Edited by Thurmal34
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Good to see, but IMO this should be the expected behavior, not a newsworthy item. I fully expect any player on the team I root for to work year round. Not ripping on any of these guys, just saying that this should not even be worth news. Some guys spent some time trying to get better at their job. Happens every day across the country. Ho hum.

It is expected that players work on getting better year round. It is interesting, however (while maybe not "newsworthy" but this is a fan forum and not the New York Times, after all :)) that he has exhibited a lot of leadership in running these workouts and getting everyone to the various locations, as well as running the show while they are there. Some NFL QBs do this, but not all. I remember Jerry Jones publically coming out and saying last year that he wanted Tony Romo to be more like Peyton Manning and worry less about working on his golf game in the offseason and more about working on his NFL game. And that was after several seasons as starter and a huge contract. EJ just got here.
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Truly, nothing but good can come of this. The negative Nellies will always put their two cents in, but posting on a fan board saying"show me the results" 5 months before they hit the field has to be one of the more pointless things to do, unless it is solely to rustle feathers and bring about a response.

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Trent Edwards was a good leader and a crap QB. Its fine EJ is being a good leader, but we need him to win games and be a damn good QB. My point again is this, its a feel good story until it produces on the field. Guys I am past feel good stories, I want talent on the field and Wins. I don't give a crap if EJ does or doesn't lead camps, feeds the homeless, protects baby kittens etc. I would rather read of him tossing a bag of kittens INTO the burning building if the guy can win us a Damn Superbowl. The only feel good thing I want is the feeling when Russ Brandon holds up the Lombardi Trophy for us fans. Sorry to be a jerk about it, but after nearly two damn Decades, 4 superbowl losses, listening to Cowboy fans their team sucking and all ragging my ass about being a Bills fan, I want WINS. Not good stories, WINS And Superbowl trophies. Again I am sorry if that ruffles feathers, but isn't it time to quit settling for being jacked over stuff like a QB leading offseason workouts? Surely many of you get my point here.


Man...when did you start being such a buzz kill? We all realize that, ultimately, wins are what matter...but in case you didn't realize, they don't start playing real games until September. I can understand not getting too jazzed up about this...but you act like it is a negative. It is tough sometimes to keep things separate, but as long as you are still a fan of the team (and I know you are a die-hard), I find it much easier to enjoy this team if you don't hold everything bad that has happened in the last 15 years against the current team...

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Well, whether we like it or not EJ is our QB. Am I concerned? I am a little bit but I'm behind him 100% . There's just not enough material on him as an NFL QB to accurately say yay or nay at this point. He had "wow" moments. He had "WTF" moments. He does seem a helluva nice kid with a fantastic work ethic. How does that translate to success? It doesn't. But....he is easy to root for as our guy and I'm hopeful he gives us a lot to be proud of in the years ahead.

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I just hope more than anything that the injuries stay away, cos then if EJ fails he knows he has failed giving it his best shot. With the kid's desire to improve and be the best there is no way he fails having given it anything less than everything he has. If the injuries get in the way then he ends up looking back saying "what if.."

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"Quarterback X was once a rookie just hoping to make an NFL team, and that he did so much during his first NFL offseason that the coaches named him the hardest worker in the team’s conditioning program."


“You don’t find too many people playing that’s willing to sacrifice that much time to doing that,” Lewis said. “That’s why Quarterback X will always be considered one of the greatest of all time."


A nice quote about a QB from a writer and then by Ray Lewis about that QB's offseason training. Any guesses who Quarterback X is? It's Tom Brady. No one worked harder in the offseason to become what he is now. I'm not saying Manuel will become Tom Brady, but the kid at least has the work ethic down. If you think working hard in the offseason means nothing and only "wins" matter, then I don't know what to tell you.

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"Quarterback X was once a rookie just hoping to make an NFL team, and that he did so much during his first NFL offseason that the coaches named him the hardest worker in the team’s conditioning program."


“You don’t find too many people playing that’s willing to sacrifice that much time to doing that,” Lewis said. “That’s why Quarterback X will always be considered one of the greatest of all time."


A nice quote about a QB from a writer and then by Ray Lewis about that QB's offseason training. Any guesses who Quarterback X is? It's Tom Brady. No one worked harder in the offseason to become what he is now. I'm not saying Manuel will become Tom Brady, but the kid at least has the work ethic down. If you think working hard in the offseason means nothing and only "wins" matter, then I don't know what to tell you.


Great point. Those "wins" that we are all clamoring for now, begin the manufacturing process in the offseason in the form of hard work. How many stairmasters did Bruce Smith break?


Being a pro is a 24/7, 365 proposition. Nobody can fake it anymore.


Football character.



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