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So...What happens next?

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Good thing the lease just got renewed. We should have 7 years hopefully left of Bills football. Guess Ralph's will and succession plan will be known. Will JKs group still buy the team?


Lots of sad news for us Bills fans, but wonder what is next...



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I know that this seems like an odd time for this but it probably means that the Bills remain in WNY assuming that the sale takes place sooner than later. No one is going to buy the team and pay a $400M penalty to break the lease. No one is going to buy the team and sit on them until the penalty drops to $28M and then move them. The sale taking place as far away from that 7 year "escape" clause as possible helps secure their place in WNY.


It is a sad, sad day for not only the Bills but all of the NFL.

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its something i have been wondering as well.

has the final countdown on the bills started?

are we going to end up like browns fans, watching the team move away and then win?

or worse is there just not going to be buffalo football anymore?

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The purpose of this wasn't to be insensitive; but this is the reality facing us. I figure it would be good to start a thread to at least cover us for those who have thoughts/comments regarding this and hopefully corral a bunch of threads before they even start.


RIP Mr. Wilson & Best Wishes for JK


Go Bills!

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What happens next??? With Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, a 24 hour news cycle, blogging and cracker-jack journalism (not to mention every other conceivable method of "instant gratification social networking" available) we will be in for piles and piles of speculation, conjecture, expert analysis and TBD members wringing their hands over some knitwit suggesting that the Bills will move next month, etc. Keep one thing in mind...no one knows what will happen until it happens. We can't control any of it. Say a prayer for Jim Kelly, have a sit down dinner with your family, tell your wife and kids you love them, and go on with your lives. RIP Ralph.

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