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Jimmy Graham unhappy with Saints

Coach Klein

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It's definitely interesting and I think the tag should be adjusted to groups. On offense, it should be Qbs/Catchers/Runners/Line. If more than 50% of your touches come through the air, you're a catcher. We're going to keep seeing these lawsuits as players and teams jockey for 'this guy is actually a..." situations.




poor form on drews part, even if i agree with him pretty strongly.


That's nothing. Brees has called Pete Carmichael "offensive coordinator" recently.

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Graham's franchise-tag designation pits practicality against letter of CBA


The labor deal requires that the franchise player be tendered at the position at which [he] participated in the most plays during the prior League Year.



Edited by papazoid
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poor form on drews part, even if i agree with him pretty strongly.


Wow, that's kinda of a richard move on Brees' part. Would he want someone talking about his contract situation a couple years ago? Personally, everyone should worry about their own financial situation.


Good for Brees. Graham..take your millions, play with heart, and be grateful. End of story.


Why does he need to take it and be grateful? He earned the right to a big payday. If he essentially plays like a big wr, he should get paid like one. He is arguably a top 3 receiver, regardless of position.

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Graham's franchise-tag designation pits practicality against letter of CBA


The labor deal requires that the franchise player be tendered at the position at which [he] participated in the most plays during the prior League Year.




I won't matter. Let Graham take it to arbitration. An arbitrator won't change his postition as TE.

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Yup. Even went to court over the amount the tag would be. Even if this goes a little messy, I think it'll get done by July.


I guess this is as good a place as any to state this...but I think Drew Brees is a fine QB, but kind of douche. He bent his team over the barrell, last season, when they had everything going against them...he got every penny he could, out of the Saints...no harm in that I suppose. But then, as soon as this season is over, he, self-servingly makes a public showing of insisting he will take a pay cut, or re-structure his contract, for the good of his team...then, on top of that, he sticks his beak into Grahams' contract situation. Perhaps my understanding of this whole thing is simplistic, but something about Bress rubs me the wrong way...he has been as selfish as anyone else.

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Wow, that's kinda of a richard move on Brees' part. Would he want someone talking about his contract situation a couple years ago? Personally, everyone should worry about their own financial situation.

I agree 100%. What kind of teammate would be speaking out in a way to reduce the amount of money that you could make? And how would you feel about him being a "leader" of the team?


I won't matter. Let Graham take it to arbitration. An arbitrator won't change his postition as TE.

Actually, after reading the CBA excerpt that was provided in the article I think that it's pretty clear that he would be considered a wide receiver by the language of the agreement. If the CBA says that "the franchise player be tendered at the position at which [he] participated in the most plays during the prior League Year", and a tight end by definition is a player that lines up tight to the tackle on the LOS, then how could anyone say that Graham played most of last year as a TE when he only did this on 33% of the snaps? Just because a guy is big and can block some, that doesn't make him a tight end.

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Wow, that's kinda of a richard move on Brees' part. Would he want someone talking about his contract situation a couple years ago? Personally, everyone should worry about their own financial situation.

Brees should stay out of this, or at the very least not make public statements about it. Keep it within the organization.

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I agree 100%. What kind of teammate would be speaking out in a way to reduce the amount of money that you could make? And how would you feel about him being a "leader" of the team?



Actually, after reading the CBA excerpt that was provided in the article I think that it's pretty clear that he would be considered a wide receiver by the language of the agreement. If the CBA says that "the franchise player be tendered at the position at which [he] participated in the most plays during the prior League Year", and a tight end by definition is a player that lines up tight to the tackle on the LOS, then how could anyone say that Graham played most of last year as a TE when he only did this on 33% of the snaps? Just because a guy is big and can block some, that doesn't make him a tight end.


No one has challenged this in the past. Findlay made some noise about it, but he re-signed...as a TE (well paid one). But even his lawyer thought an arbitrator would not side with his client, in order not to set that precedent.

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No one has challenged this in the past. Findlay made some noise about it, but he re-signed...as a TE (well paid one). But even his lawyer thought an arbitrator would not side with his client, in order not to set that precedent.


I wonder how many of the top 5 TEs in the tag calculation would qualify as WRs, should it succeed. I'd imagine cook, maybe Davis and gronk. The TE tag number could plummet, instead of rise like it should with a jimmy graham hitting the market.

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Lot's of money at stake...


Would you let 4+ mil go?

Not when you consider that every player is only one injury away from the end of days.


If I'm Graham I'd be very upset at the franchise tag....to the tune of sitting out kind of upset.


Brees is going to count 18.4 against this years cap. A 5 year 100 million dollar contact that paid him 40 mill in 2012.

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Wow, that's kinda of a richard move on Brees' part. Would he want someone talking about his contract situation a couple years ago? Personally, everyone should worry about their own financial situation.




Why does he need to take it and be grateful? He earned the right to a big payday. If he essentially plays like a big wr, he should get paid like one. He is arguably a top 3 receiver, regardless of position.


Well, for one: grateful for the opportunity to PLAY a GAME for a living! And, while I'm not with him during his work day, so I'll assume you know him better than I do in that he "worked hard" but since when does someone working hard give them the "right" to complain about making more money and then demand it? If I work hard, I do so because it's my job to work hard and do the very best I can regardless of what I'm compensated. Having said that, I have no problem with the Saints or anyone else rewarding him as they see fit...but to come out and bascially complain because he thinks he "deserves" more, well the market will bear that out. If you do Sir, you will get paid more, but if you do not, then you should take whatever contract works best for you and BE GRATEFUL that you get to play in the NFL and do those amazing things you used to do for free when you were a kid...this is a game...that's it. Do they lift weights, and train, and run, and study and work at being better??? Well, yes, otherwise they would just be volunteering their time...but they ARE getting paid, and more than most of us will ever make. I don't resent the athlete that wants to make more money, good for you Sir, live it up, enjoy it and plan wisely for your future...but, then don't come crying in public when they're "only" willing to give you $7 mill a year instead of $10 like you wanted...because somewhere, there is a lowly worker shoveling horse excrement making in a month, you what you make in minutes...So, yeah...how about gratitude...how about being a gentleman and graciously accepting a fair market offer and playing in the city and town that gave you shot, when 31 other teams didn't for 2 or 3 times over and then paired you with a great QB...and just enjoy life....and as for injury questions...so, if he gets paid $8 mill in a Franchise Tag and blows out his knee...I'm sorry, but I know plenty of police officers and Probation Officers and Parole Officers and Firefighters that take far greater risks doing THEIR job for signficantly less money, and almost all those guys won't see $8 mill in a lifetime let alone a year....cry me a river....play or don't play....ask for more, use your agent to get you the best deal you can...but don't complain when a team in the NFL is going to pay you big money to play a game.

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Not when you consider that every player is only one injury away from the end of days.


If I'm Graham I'd be very upset at the franchise tag....to the tune of sitting out kind of upset.


Brees is going to count 18.4 against this years cap. A 5 year 100 million dollar contact that paid him 40 mill in 2012.


Yup, that's why I think he should be pissed at the risk of losing out 4.5 million if tagged as a TE.

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Not when you consider that every player is only one injury away from the end of days.


If I'm Graham I'd be very upset at the franchise tag....to the tune of sitting out kind of upset.


Brees is going to count 18.4 against this years cap. A 5 year 100 million dollar contact that paid him 40 mill in 2012.


Agreed. I always take issue when people complain about what athletes make. They get a small percentage of the revenue that they generate. The whole "shut up and appreciate what you get argument" drives me crazy. You get what the market says you are worth.

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Agreed. I always take issue when people complain about what athletes make. They get a small percentage of the revenue that they generate. The whole "shut up and appreciate what you get argument" drives me crazy. You get what the market says you are worth.


I'll stand pat on my post just few minutes ago....we shall agree to disagree. But in order to justifiably understand my point, the enitrety of my statement must be read. Because, anything short of its entirety can be taken out of context. I whole-heartedly agree with you last sentence...but, as an athlete in any sport, just don't complain about it publicly or leverage the system against itself for your personal advantage...take what the market bears and be grateful for the opportunity. That ladies and gentlemen, is what generally marks the difference between sports heros of yester-year and the ones today. They were grateful...and LOVED the game...

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Agreed. I always take issue when people complain about what athletes make. They get a small percentage of the revenue that they generate. The whole "shut up and appreciate what you get argument" drives me crazy. You get what the market says you are worth.


While I agree with your larger point, I wouldn't call 47% a "small percentage of the revenue." It's certainly lower than in the last CBA, but it ain't minimum wage, either.



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