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If Stevie Catches it, do we lose?


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I was re-watching the end of the Bills' game this morning (nice way to wake up). On the play where Kuechly interferes with Stevie, it appear that Stevie would have had a good shot at catching that ball. If Kuechly didn't hold him, I don't think Stevie would have scored on that play.


It looks like he would have had to make a high (perhaps leaping) catch around the 8 yard line. There were two safeties deeper than him on that play between him and the goal line. If he does catch it and gets tackled short of the goal line, I don't know if the Bills could have lined up fast enough to get off a downed pass.


As it was, the play-clock was stopped on the INT at :14. If Stevie gets tackled in about the same amount of time, the Bills would have had about 10-12 seconds to run down field and down the ball. At most they would have had one play to score. With the INT, the clock was stopped and the Bills had time for 3 plays from the 11 yard-line. Fortunately, they scored in just two.


Of course, Stevie might have caught it and juked the safeties and scored on that throw.

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EJ made a reference to this play saying it was a blessing in disguise because they might have been stopped there and not been able to get setup in time to spike it. The route that Stevie was running though, I think he would have been able to get by the last guy and in.

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Well...what are the odds of Stevie getting in after the reception? (maybe, maybe not) What are the odds of getting to the line and spiking it? (pretty good) and the odds of not being able to spike it and losing? (not very good) . I think the way it turned out was the best option...get three plays and win the game...doesn't get better than that!

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I recall hearing about ten years or so that once a play is completed it takes 16 seconds to get to the line, get set and run another play. Likely that is influenced by length of play too. Even spiking the ball takes at least one additional second, so would have been close, at best there may have been time for one play.


Thinking about it some more, I'd give a 50/50 shot that SJ would have done a first down celebration that wasted at least five seconds.


I think we could have gotten to the line and spiked it for one last play.

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Have looked at this play CLOSELY now for the past couple of days, and my view is that the ball still could have been easily intercepted (as it was slightly overthrown, just like all the other long throws by EJ that day), OR it could have been caught by SJ, OR it could have been an incomplete pass. Yes, the TWO Carolina Panther safeties were right there in perfect position to make a play on the ball and/or make the tackle. It would definitely have been very close if the Bills had to get everybody 20 yards up the field for a clock-stopping spike, in 14 secs.


Also, if you look closely at the tape, you might notice that Woods had his man beat badly on the right side of the field, and even Chandler was behind his man over on the left side of the field. BOTH of those receivers had only single coverage on them, and the safeties were in the middle. Just second guessing of course, but it appears that the "smarter" throw would have been to one of the outside receivers.


Of course, it's ALL water under the bridge at this point....VERY happy it turned out like it did! That PI call is something the Bills very rarely get (in their favor) late in a game.

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Don't like IFs?


Ok. Watch this: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Bills_Focus_Stevie_Johnson_Wired_For_Sound/bb79a377-b58d-431b-8d0a-86a9193a9c70


At 2:11, you can actually HEAR the PI happen. :lol:


Stevie was interfered with, no IF. The rest doesn't matter. An obvious penalty such as that renders all further speculation useless. 100/100 times, they call Keuchly for PI on that. Bills or no Bills. So, the real story here is how could Keuchly have been so stupid. And, EJ and company had discussed the potential for PI on that play, earlier in the week.


Given that angle, it appears Stevie would have caught the ball, no ifs. At the very least, he would have been free to make a play on the ball, and would have prevented the INT.


Actually if you look here: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Bills_Focus_Relive_the_Game_Winning_Drive/8ea1d5ea-b16a-4d9f-afd1-0aaa5aa6b26b


You can plainly see that not only does Stevie, sans PI, have a shot at the ball, his angle means he could have run right by the safety and into the EZ.


As far as getting people up the field in time to spike it? They could have easily gotten that done. It only takes 10 seconds from then end of that play, assuming he gets tackled and doesn't score. Around 17 seconds would be left, -10 to get up and spike it, leaves about 7 seconds.

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