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Bills scheduling woes

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That does suck.


However, I'm hoping all the early home games where the weather should be nice and the Ralph will be rocking will offset some of those disadvantages. Stack some wins early on, and use the momentum down the stretch.


It might even be motivating for the players if there is some perceived slight by the league; "Let's go prove to everyone how good we are despite the league giving us a raw deal."

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Big Cat made a nice spreadsheet that sets this all out quite well. Glad to see others in the media (albeit our own beat reporter) are catching on. I can't find the spreadsheet, but it clearly demonstrates how we are getting the shaft.

Edited by BringBackFergy
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Good on them for bringing this up--who knows, maybe they even got the idea for this by reading this board. As some of us have discussed here at length, some of the scheduling issues are so ridiculous as to make one wonder whether or not they're coincidence, like the Cheats* typically (although not this year) getting strong opponents or division games after a bye or, like this year, playing no one all year who's had extra time off (I believe they've had similar "luck") in years past as well, while we seem to get reamed by the schedule makers on those issues year in, year out. Good for them for speaking up!

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I feel like it's been posted on here before.


For every team that goes 8-2 in the NFL in any category, there's another that likely goes 2-8. In terms of success or failure after bye weeks, those teams as of late have been the Oakland Raiders and the Buffalo Bills. Both of those teams are 2-8 against the spread after their bye weeks in the last 10 seasons. The common themes there are basically that those two teams have been generally very poor over that time period. They have had revolving doors at head coach, and haven't won much at all, whether it's before or after the bye, or any other time.



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this is pure and unadulterated whining. the Bills have no reason to complain about a schedule that meets numerous franchise needs, particularly one that's back-loaded with games played away from Ralph Wilson Stadium. they spent the past two seasons complaining about how difficult it is to sellout games after Thanksgiving. now that the NFL meets that request, the Bills find another reason to complain.

this is the definition of having gall.

to get what you wanted and then complain about it.


poor, Bills. this does not fly.




ADD: odd, too, that when it comes to scheduling, the Eastern-based teams/fans' complaints also usually fail to take into account travel and time. take for example this year's Bills' schedule: they travel outside of the Eastern Time Zone twice by my count. their longest road trip is New Orleans, if i'm not mistaken. ... but "oh, the schedule is unfair." gimme a break. the schedule is what it is, providing most each and every team its advantages and disadvantages.

Edited by john wawrow
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this is pure and unadulterated whining. the Bills have no reason to complain about a schedule that meets numerous franchise needs, particularly one that's back-loaded with games played away from Ralph Wilson Stadium. they spent the past two seasons complaining about how difficult it is to sellout games after Thanksgiving. now that the NFL meets that request, the Bills find another reason to complain.

this is the definition of having gall.

to get what you wanted and then complain about it.


poor, Bills. this does not fly.



Please see my response to WEO above.

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