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Mario Williams: no love for

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Hardly a stretch he did. We all know about the wrist. Sorry if I got it wrong, but you almost seem to be implying he got them off the street.

Vicodin (hydroxycodone) are reportedly handed out pretty freely and regularly after the game, so the players can numb their pain enough to sleep, all legal


Interesting article, scroll down to the sidebar on the right "Excerpts from players who took the survey"


Telling excerpts: It's what you have to do to play. You have to play through injuries. In last five years, I got a shot of Toradol before EVERY game"

"To get meds, opioids, all players had to do was ask the team doctor and they would give medicines, no questions asked."

"They used to give us the pills. We didn't need a [prescription]. I had to take shots to play and after games they would dump three or four Percocets in my hands to take for the ride home."



That is illegal. A physician can't dole out controlled substances to people without a prescription. Likewise, it is illegal to possess prescription narcotics without a valid prescription.



I hope Mario gets out in front of this, right now he looks profoundly bad. I'm not even questioning all the stuff he did with her, just the nativity that he's shown is palpable. Good looking out from his lawyer though, did he go with the public defender. He's getting skewered in the media and he's got no one to blame but himself. Are the Bills going to get involved PR wise? He's a part of there brand and its taking a beating right now.



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IMO, Mario should walk away from this. He can replace the money with the right moves, easy enough. However, having your personal life dragged through the media is not as easy to overcome, especially for someone who is apparently some level of bi-polar.

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Toradol is a non-steroidal antiinflammatory. Yep, it's handed out pretty freely in the NFL. It can have serious side effects, including sudden onset after a period of use with no problems.


Vicodin (hydroxycodone) are reportedly handed out pretty freely and regularly after the game, so the players can numb their pain enough to sleep, all legal


Interesting article, scroll down to the sidebar on the right "Excerpts from players who took the survey"


Telling excerpts: It's what you have to do to play. You have to play through injuries. In last five years, I got a shot of Toradol before EVERY game"

"To get meds, opioids, all players had to do was ask the team doctor and they would give medicines, no questions asked."

"They used to give us the pills. We didn't need a [prescription]. I had to take shots to play and after games they would dump three or four Percocets in my hands to take for the ride home."


3 or 4 percosets supports the contention that 5 isn't much for these guys.


i think youve been in our toradol thread here.... pretty much nothing would surprise me with regards to what these guys go through for "treatment"





That is illegal. A physician can't dole out controlled substances to people without a prescription. Likewise, it is illegal to possess prescription narcotics without a valid prescription.


it is illegal, and id guess happens in many locker rooms.


id also guess team doctors hand out prescriptions like we wouldnt believe too.


IMO, Mario should walk away from this. He can replace the money with the right moves, easy enough. However, having your personal life dragged through the media is not as easy to overcome, especially for someone who is apparently some level of bi-polar.


this is an odd situation, as there is no way he didnt know what would come out. im curious to catch the next volley from his camp. right now the last week has been 100% her lawyer talking, and its making him look terrible but id assume there will continue to be two sides to this. ive said it many times but for a relationship to split upwards of 10 times and reunite each time, both sides are HIGHLY dysfunctional in their behaviors.


if he went forward knowing what was going to be exposed about him, either hes totally nuts or thought he had an ace in the hole that would keep her from slamming him publicly....

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i think youve been in our toradol thread here.... pretty much nothing would surprise me with regards to what these guys go through for "treatment"




it is illegal, and id guess happens in many locker rooms.


id also guess team doctors hand out prescriptions like we wouldnt believe too.




this is an odd situation, as there is no way he didnt know what would come out. im curious to catch the next volley from his camp. right now the last week has been 100% her lawyer talking, and its making him look terrible but id assume there will continue to be two sides to this. ive said it many times but for a relationship to split upwards of 10 times and reunite each time, both sides are HIGHLY dysfunctional in their behaviors.


if he went forward knowing what was going to be exposed about him, either hes totally nuts or thought he had an ace in the hole that would keep her from slamming him publicly....


There is no ace in the hole, Saint. This has gone through discovery, by the sounds of it, and he's had plenty of time to anticipate what she would claim and counter it. Nothing yet 3 days after "suicidal texts" are revealed.


I haven't seen anything describing what he has been able to document regarding their relationship, yet she seems to have some damning documentation. He sounds like he has serious psycholigical issues, and perhaps a narcotic addiction.


When he says he's taking hydrocodone and "nobody knows"--that suggests to me he didn't get it from the doctor...

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There is no ace in the hole, Saint. This has gone through discovery, by the sounds of it, and he's had plenty of time to anticipate what she would claim and counter it. Nothing yet 3 days after "suicidal texts" are revealed.


I haven't seen anything describing what he has been able to document regarding their relationship, yet she seems to have some damning documentation. He sounds like he has serious psycholigical issues, and perhaps a narcotic addiction.


When he says he's taking hydrocodone and "nobody knows"--that suggests to me he didn't get it from the doctor...


when he says he took it and nobody knows, that suggests that he didnt tell anybody that he took it, not that he got it secretly - though the latter is possible.


i havent been following the legal filings as much as just listening in when new quotes come out... like i said, theres got to be more to this though. mario being crazy might be the simple answer, or there may be more info yet to go public. we will see.

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when he says he took it and nobody knows, that suggests that he didnt tell anybody that he took it, not that he got it secretly - though the latter is possible.


i havent been following the legal filings as much as just listening in when new quotes come out... like i said, theres got to be more to this though. mario being crazy might be the simple answer, or there may be more info yet to go public. we will see.


Who would tell someone else, in the middle of an emotional argument suggesting suicidal ideation that they are taking their narcotics exactly as their doctor prescribed? In fact, why else would he even mention that no one knows he's taking it (his prescribing doctor would certainly already know/assume he's taking it)?

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Episodes like this are arguments for controlled, legalized, prostitution.


Why let some skank ruin your life, when you can rent one for an hour, then get back to focusing on whats important?


Now Mario needs a psychiatrist, when all he needed in the beginning was a skilled head-doctor. :doh:

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I've been following Mario on twitter, and he's tweeted one thing since last July. Something on the Boston Marathon bombings.


He's now tweeted 5 times in the last 30 minutes. All of them are longer than the 140 characters. This was his last one:


To God be the glory I'm still here I'm still so strong, You should know better than to think efforts like these affect me or anything for that matter. IM IN THE BUSINESS OF LIVING A LIFE OF JOY AND HAPPINESS! BUSINESS IS BOOMING!!


Here's another one:


The true character of someone is always revealed in times that we don't typically agree with. In these times it's how you respond and portray yourself to others that shows the ethics, character and true morals of a person. What's shown speaks for itself!


And, his Big Bad Wolf got completed today. I think he bought a drone:




Wow... Hope he doesn't bring that thing on his way back through to Houston via water. I might want to sink it! ;-) ;-) Big Bad Wolf, can you swim? Meet 1.5 million gallons of water... Plastic, meet concrete and steel! ;-) ;-)


Anyway... Hope he knows which way to go on the Niagara river...


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Who would tell someone else, in the middle of an emotional argument suggesting suicidal ideation that they are taking their narcotics exactly as their doctor prescribed? In fact, why else would he even mention that no one knows he's taking it (his prescribing doctor would certainly already know/assume he's taking it)?


fair enough.... but a few notes -


1)it was an emotional argument, we dont even know it was true... he may have just been trying to get a reaction


2) it was threatened that he would take more, so while taking a double dose wouldve been a no-no technically, no one would truly know how many he had taken (except he told her so obviously people now know, so the statements worthless in the first place). "ive taken a full dose that no one knew about and now im about to do more" as a mouthing off, angry statement isnt thaaaat unrealistic.


3) its also possible hes under the "take as needed, max of X in Y hours to control pain" orders so unless he explicitly tells someone that hes taken them, no one would know unless he told them? You know the medical ins and outs better than i so i dont know if that would be a realistic instruction for the specific prescription but it sounds pretty reasonable in my head.


4) who knows, i dont think its much worth arguing over.

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Am I the only one who thinks this is a good thing? When I break up with a girl, I try to get into the best shape possible and just improve myself. A pissed off and motivated Mario could be amazing.


Also, I hope someone mentions that Jerry Sullivan called Mario a loser on the morning show today. I'd love to see see Mario confront that Milhouse looking mofo.

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If this drags out any longer, his ex-fiancee is going to end up owing the ring to the lawyer. Unlike Mario, she doesn't have $50M in the bank.


750k > 100m? this woman is crazy.

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