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Inside tale of Ray Lewis' parking-lot brawl homicide case

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I agree, what's done is done. But given all that, the guy should have just STFU all these years. He's an incredible phony. The greatest LB (and defensive player of all time) ever, Lawrence Taylor, would laugh at this guy's fake drama. LT was the real deal.

LOL! LT's a worse thug than Lewis. Had the internet been around during his heyday...

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The whole things a disaster. If I recall, at one point a witness described a man in a white suit with a knife but that testimony likewise disappeared. The family, regardless, should be mad as ray kept them from getting justice for their losses even if he didnt stab anybody. Unfortunately most I've what I heard is many seemingly being upset about not getting their own share of the cash being doled out.


All we really know is ray seemed to use it as a wake up call. Even if he isn't 100% on the up-and-up at this point, he's done a great deal of good. You can't absolve him of what happened, but you can't go too far in condemnation either. When it comes down to it, it doesn't much effect you and I so we can only get so upset about it. It is what it is, and for us it's a mystery that won't be solved.

Edited by Beerball
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LOL! LT's a worse thug than Lewis. Had the internet been around during his heyday...


Come on, a mound of coke doesn't trump a blood soaked mink coat. Besides, LT never demanded we all kiss his ass every Sunday.


And no QB is wondering when he is about to be clobbered by Ray Lewis...

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The whole things a disaster. If I recall, at one point a witness described a man in a white suit with a knife but that testimony likewise disappeared. The family, regardless, should be mad as ray kept them from getting justice for their losses even if he didnt stab anybody. Unfortunately most I've what I heard is many seemingly being upset about not getting their own share of the cash being doled out.


All we really know is ray seemed to use it as a wake up call. Even if he isn't 100% on the up-and-up at this point, he's done a great deal of good. You can't absolve him of what happened, but you can't go too far in condemnation either. When it comes down to it, it doesn't much effect you and I so we can only get so upset about it. It is what it is, and for us it's a mystery that won't be solved.

Agree we all make mistakes in life and that sum are more severe but believe that incident changed him for ever and hopefully for the better in which it did !
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Come on, a mound of coke doesn't trump a blood soaked mink coat. Besides, LT never demanded we all kiss his ass every Sunday.

Try mountains of coke, faked drug tests, and underage/hookers. But yes, Ray's act is tiresome.


And no QB is wondering when he is about to be clobbered by Ray Lewis...

I would expect not, since he's a MLB and LT was an OLB. But every other player is.

Edited by Doc
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No, I wouldn't. You don't know me enough to determine that. If Brady was on this team I'd still think he's a cry baby little b*tch, when Peerless was here I thought he wore his britches just a little to big, and just because I dislike the player does not mean I devalue their play. I'd take Ray Lewis the football player on any team I would make. I would throw him to the curb for being a person. I am not perfect and I understand that no one is...Ray Lewis doesn't have to be perfect in this world...and I am lucky that in this world Ray Lewis does not have to be in mine.


It was more or less an overall comment to all. No one specific but only a hit dog howls...Pretty sure he loses sleep every day because of this.

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Try mountains of coke, faked drug tests, and underage/hookers. But yes, Ray's act is tiresome.



I would expect not, since he's a MLB and LT was an OLB. But every other player is.


Exactly...people who think they know about football look at stupid stats like sacks to decide a LB's worth and have no idea that the job of MLB, or "Mike" is not to sack the QB. Funny too how the players around the league fear him, always need to know where he is, and game plan just for him yet still shoot their mouth off like he wasn't one of the greatest ever.


If this guy was a Bill, it would be blasphemy to even mention the case, let alone accuse him of actually stabbing someone. But he is not, so ignorant statements are going to be made by people who know no more about him or football than Welkers wife.

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Seriously, you're "pretty sure"? That is the most idiotic statement in this entire thread.

I think he was speaking in terms of Ray Lewis losing sleep over not being in my world, because last I heard even Chuck Norris sleeps with one eye open when he hears I am awake. I am a bad ass motha who don't take no crap from no one.

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At the end of the day, two people were murdered and are gone forever. No one was convicted because of the way in which the team of defendants, backed by Ray Lewis' money, massaged the legal process. At the end of the day, he was at the least an accomplice to murder. Yet some people here say "the topic has been beaten to death!" and ask that we all just celebrate his last game. That's really sad, I think. The fact that he's been able to snooker people by invoking a fictitious deity to attest to his virtue is not quite as sad, but it's still pretty sad. I don't know if he was involved in the killings, but I do know that he participated in the terrible culture of "no snitching" with regard to actual murderers.

Edited by dave mcbride
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The only thing I'm sure of is we don't know a whole hell of a lot about what happened that night. I'm not going to declare Ray Lewis a murderer, but I'll always have reservations about him (not that my thoughts on the matter mean anything at all). Basically what I'm saying is, that while I'm not going to outright condemn the man, you won't catch me singing his praises or cheering him on either (unless he's playing the Pats*).

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The only thing I'm sure of is we don't know a whole hell of a lot about what happened that night. I'm not going to declare Ray Lewis a murderer, but I'll always have reservations about him (not that my thoughts on the matter mean anything at all). Basically what I'm saying is, that while I'm not going to outright condemn the man, you won't catch me singing his praises or cheering him on either (unless he's playing the Pats*).


We do actually know a lot - that two people were murdered, and that they were definitely killed by people in Lewis' entourage. We also know that no one has been convicted primarily because money and legal acumen distorted the justice system.

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We do actually know a lot - that two people were murdered, and that they were definitely killed by people in Lewis' entourage. We also know that no one has been convicted primarily because money and legal acumen distorted the justice system.

Just out of curiosity, what would you have charged Lewis and/or Oakley and/or Sweeting with?

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Just out of curiosity, what would you have charged Lewis and/or Oakley and/or Sweeting with?


Well, murder, obviously, but if everyone goes silent because of a criminal culture that valorizes said silence -- especially when money and a celebrity are involved -- I wouldn't be confident of my chances of winning. Yet I'd be sure that I'm prosecuting either murderers or accomplices to murder. Pretty simple, actually.

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At the end of the day, two people were murdered and are gone forever. No one was convicted because of the way in which the team of defendants, backed by Ray Lewis' money, massaged the legal process. At the end of the day, he was at the least an accomplice to murder. Yet some people here say "the topic has been beaten to death!" and ask that we all just celebrate his last game. That's really sad, I think. The fact that he's been able to snooker people by invoking a fictitious deity to attest to his virtue is not quite as sad, but it's still pretty sad. I don't know if he was involved in the killings, but I do know that he participated in the terrible culture of "no snitching" with regard actual murderers.


Come one people, this is getting ridiculous. Now its Ray's fault the legal system didn't convict the 2 people believed to have committed the acts? I love all the people condemning Ray do not bring up that his limo was shot at and shot up by the group attacking them...I love that they do no bring up that eye witnesses testified that Ray's group was attacked and not that they attacked them. I love that they do not bring up that they were acquitted through a ruling of SELF DEFENSE not some legal loop hole. I love that no one wants to assign blame to anyone but Ray when there was no evidence or testimony from anyone actually implicating Ray in stabbing someone.


Fights happen...so if you are with your friends, and they get jumped with champagne bottles, defend themselves in a way that leaves two attackers dead, then you are also somehow a murderer? Ray may or may not have been throwing punches, but when your group is attacked, you punch back...DOES NOT mean you are a killer just because someone else takes it there.


I promise you that Ray does more for people, his community, out reach, etc in one week than just about anyone on this board will do in their life time. He has committed his life to impacting others positively, being a role model, making a difference, inspiring people, and not just his teammates, everyone around him, his community, his city, his state, and this country, etc. He travels all over all year long to give back. This is a man who made a mistake, learned from his mistakes and youth, owned up to them, changed his life, and went on to be the best man he could be for himself, family, teammates and everyone he comes in contact with. Its an amazing story of redemption and now people also mock his spirituality?

Edited by Alphadawg7
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We do actually know a lot - that two people were murdered, and that they were definitely killed by people in Lewis' entourage. We also know that no one has been convicted primarily because money and legal acumen distorted the justice system.


Wrong...what we know is that you don't know much about this case. They were acquitted on self defense as many of the eye witness accounts showed that Ray and his friends were the ones attacked in the alley on their way to their car.

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