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Inside tale of Ray Lewis' parking-lot brawl homicide case

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Those leaderships skills don't just pop into somebody's head because they avoided a murder rap. Maybe he showed the same leadership skill in orchestrating a double murder... And then used those same skills to try and double cross his posse... ?? We will NEVER truly know.


Congratulations on winning "Worst post yet" in this thread...lmao at this juvenile logic


Don't want to get into this topic to much again since we did discuss this in several other posts so i will summarize a large portion of information:


1) Ray Lewis did not stab anyone

2) Ray Lewis was found guilt of the crime he did commit; Obstruction of Justice ( lying + destroying evidence)

3) Testimonies were changed, however several of the ones that did not conflicted each other on a large scale.

4) Ray Lewis did not pay off the family's, please get your facts strait. He had to pay for a wrongful death suit, 4 years AFTER the trail. This is extremely common, and of course they went after Ray. He had money. and was not guilt of murder, but simply guilt by association and proximity.

5) Ray Lewis's crew did not start the fight. The other two member's were acquitted, even with Ray Lewis's Testimony INCLUDING him showing how his crew member's stabbed the deceased in a violent matter.

6) The deceased were NOT innocent. They had prior records, Started the fight by smashing a bottle over someones head, and were in the possession of fire arms.

7) 2 members's of Ray's crew did indeed go and buy knives the day before. Irrelevant really, just coincidental timing. As someone stated above, you wouldn't knowingly bring only knives to a gun fight. These last two points lead to ----

8) This was NOT a Thrill Killing as the families of the deceased try to make it out to be.

9) The offer for Rays' Testimony was not a some amazing deal he got because he was a football star. It was given because they knew they had no chance of convicting him of murder. The deal was made in an attempt to possibly convict the other two. This didn't happen as the other member's were found innocent because their actions to be self defense.


More on this point. If you are going to sit here and tell us that, in a drunken state, you get assaulted and have a knife on you, that you wouldn't use it to defend yourself, I am going to flat out call you a lair. If someone assaulted me i know dam well the first thing i would reach for is my keys and i would attempt to stab that person in the neck. Now, i may not stab them multiple times, although if they kept coming at me i certainly would not hesitate, but i'll be dammed if i don't make a valid attempt to protect myself and make my attacker stop.


Not sure if i missed anything on the trail, but just wanted to put the actual facts up. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions about articles where the facts have been misrepresented by journalist jumping the gun in an attempt to be right first.


Excellent post

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Don't want to get into this topic to much again since we did discuss this in several other posts so i will summarize a large portion of information:


1) Ray Lewis did not stab anyone

2) Ray Lewis was found guilt of the crime he did commit; Obstruction of Justice ( lying + destroying evidence)

3) Testimonies were changed, however several of the ones that did not conflicted each other on a large scale.

4) Ray Lewis did not pay off the family's, please get your facts strait. He had to pay for a wrongful death suit, 4 years AFTER the trail. This is extremely common, and of course they went after Ray. He had money. and was not guilt of murder, but simply guilt by association and proximity.

5) Ray Lewis's crew did not start the fight. The other two member's were acquitted, even with Ray Lewis's Testimony INCLUDING him showing how his crew member's stabbed the deceased in a violent matter.

6) The deceased were NOT innocent. They had prior records, Started the fight by smashing a bottle over someones head, and were in the possession of fire arms.

7) 2 members's of Ray's crew did indeed go and buy knives the day before. Irrelevant really, just coincidental timing. As someone stated above, you wouldn't knowingly bring only knives to a gun fight. These last two points lead to ----

8) This was NOT a Thrill Killing as the families of the deceased try to make it out to be.

9) The offer for Rays' Testimony was not a some amazing deal he got because he was a football star. It was given because they knew they had no chance of convicting him of murder. The deal was made in an attempt to possibly convict the other two. This didn't happen as the other member's were found innocent because their actions to be self defense.


More on this point. If you are going to sit here and tell us that, in a drunken state, you get assaulted and have a knife on you, that you wouldn't use it to defend yourself, I am going to flat out call you a lair. If someone assaulted me i know dam well the first thing i would reach for is my keys and i would attempt to stab that person in the neck. Now, i may not stab them multiple times, although if they kept coming at me i certainly would not hesitate, but i'll be dammed if i don't make a valid attempt to protect myself and make my attacker stop.


Not sure if i missed anything on the trail, but just wanted to put the actual facts up. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions about articles where the facts have been misrepresented by journalist jumping the gun in an attempt to be right first.

so , ray ray was justified?
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i totally agree, i am sick of ray lewis, his bull$%^^t dancing during his intro at his last baltimore home game was unwatchable.. he epitomizes what the NFL has become, a bunch of self-aggrandizing jerks..


some actually enjoy this............Ravens games are fun and the place goes absolute apeshhhhh when Ray does his dance. Ray's the man.

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some actually enjoy this............Ravens games are fun and the place goes absolute apeshhhhh when Ray does his dance. Ray's the man.


Disagree. Football needs less emotion. We need Johnny Untias and his flattop. And I'm so sick of fans cheering and making nosie. This BS is out of control.

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well stay at home drink some tea and watch cricket then....football is rowdy and goes well with whiskey and good times IMO..............i like my athletes to be loud and cocky and to talk a lot of shhhhhhh.


when suggs said belicheck and the pats are bunch of arrogant pri^#*@( thats exactly the type of stuff I enjoy. It's sports and tempers do flare, like the nature boy always said "talk the talk and walk the walk WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


on top of this i would enjoy more TD celebrations...........more Stevie T shirts and less dumb penalties for people having fun.


trashtalk is fun and is part of the game where i am from.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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so , ray ray was justified?


LOL...clearly you hate the man and will not objectively look at his case and only want to spew hate and false assumptions about it to prove he is what you want him to be.


Like him, love him, hate him...doesnt matter. None of it changes the FACTS of the case. The FACTS are that all accounts show that the two deceased and their friends attacked Ray and his group. Its believed they were waiting for him to rob him, although not really a way to know one way or the other. His group, maybe even Ray (and I would say probably even Ray) began to defend themselves and fight back. The 2 guys that are known to have stabbed them were fully acquitted in the name of SELF DEFENSE by people who had every single known piece of evidence on the case, even facts the public does not have today.


So no matter how much you want to hate him, it does not make him guilty of murder. You are like the idiots you still refer to Kobe as a rapist when it was obvious he wasn't, so much so that the accuser dropped the case when she was going to have to testify and answer questions of why 3 other mens semen was found on her panties that she was allegedly raped in and none of it was Kobe's.


some actually enjoy this............Ravens games are fun and the place goes absolute apeshhhhh when Ray does his dance. Ray's the man.


I agree, and I love how much passion and energy Ray brings to his team, the fans and the stadium. I wish the Bills had even one guy who could bring 1/3rd of that to this team.


The best part about this is that if Ray was playing for Buffalo it would be Blasphemy to mention the case or accuse him or murder. It would be a sin to mock his passion, emotion, and leadership. This board would explode with hate on anyone daring to say anything like that. But because he is a Raven, people hate him or hate his antics.

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LOL...clearly you hate the man and will not objectively look at his case and only want to spew hate and false assumptions about it to prove he is what you want him to be.


Like him, love him, hate him...doesnt matter. None of it changes the FACTS of the case. The FACTS are that all accounts show that the two deceased and their friends attacked Ray and his group. Its believed they were waiting for him to rob him, although not really a way to know one way or the other. His group, maybe even Ray (and I would say probably even Ray) began to defend themselves and fight back. The 2 guys that are known to have stabbed them were fully acquitted in the name of SELF DEFENSE by people who had every single known piece of evidence on the case, even facts the public does not have today.


So no matter how much you want to hate him, it does not make him guilty of murder. You are like the idiots you still refer to Kobe as a rapist when it was obvious he wasn't, so much so that the accuser dropped the case when she was going to have to testify and answer questions of why 3 other mens semen was found on her panties that she was allegedly raped in and none of it was Kobe's.




I agree, and I love how much passion and energy Ray brings to his team, the fans and the stadium. I wish the Bills had even one guy who could bring 1/3rd of that to this team.


The best part about this is that if Ray was playing for Buffalo it would be Blasphemy to mention the case or accuse him or murder. It would be a sin to mock his passion, emotion, and leadership. This board would explode with hate on anyone daring to say anything like that. But because he is a Raven, people hate him or hate his antics.

so.. was that the reason he was not found guilty? "self-defense"..nice of you to refer to people who may disagree with you as "idiots".. Edited by dwight in philly
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well stay at home drink some tea and watch cricket then....football is rowdy and goes well with whiskey and good times IMO..............i like my athletes to be loud and cocky and to talk a lot of shhhhhhh.


when suggs said belicheck and the pats are bunch of arrogant pri^#*@( thats exactly the type of stuff I enjoy. It's sports and tempers do flare, like the nature boy always said "talk the talk and walk the walk WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


on top of this i would enjoy more TD celebrations...........more Stevie T shirts and less dumb penalties for people having fun.


trashtalk is fun and is part of the game where i am from.


I was laying it on think. PArt of the reason the Bills suck is because they have a bunch of nice guys with no emotion. I've actually defended Kelsay but he pretty much sums up the Bills of the last 13 years. Football is a game of emotion and if you don't like it, watch Matlock or Murder She Wrote.

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I agree, and I love how much passion and energy Ray brings to his team, the fans and the stadium. I wish the Bills had even one guy who could bring 1/3rd of that to this team.


The best part about this is that if Ray was playing for Buffalo it would be Blasphemy to mention the case or accuse him or murder. It would be a sin to mock his passion, emotion, and leadership. This board would explode with hate on anyone daring to say anything like that. But because he is a Raven, people hate him or hate his antics.


pretty much nailed it....much like a kevin garnett...love him if it's your team, hate him if he's on another.


Ray is a beast, people are gonna hate just to hate. It's part of life.

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so.. was that the reason he was not found guilty? "self-defense"..nice to refer to people who may disagree with you as "idiots"..


LOL, its not about disagreeing, its about not knowing the facts and then attacking others about an uninformed stance. That is a ridiculous way to argue, to not know what you are talking about and yet just keep spewing the same information that is based in your disdain for the person and not the facts of the case.


He plead guilty to obstruction of justice, and you know what, I bet you would have done the same thing. High profile player involved in something so bad as this, the initial response is that you are going to be condemned to be guilty just by association. He later realized his mistake and testified against his friends, even demonstrating how they stabbed them. The court found the two people WHO REALLY stabbed the victims as defending themselves from an attack that was started by the deceased. Those victims had a record, fire arms, and attacked this group...but you just want to focus on your hate and uneducated stance to really objectively look at whether he did or did not kill someone.


So, yes, ignoring the REAL facts of the case, or being too lazy to look them up is a pretty idiotic way to approach something you want to argue about.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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LOL, its not about disagreeing, its about not knowing the facts and then attacking others about an uninformed stance. That is a ridiculous way to argue, to not know what you are talking about and yet just keep spewing the same information that is based in your disdain for the person and not the facts of the case.


He plead guilty to obstruction of justice, and you know what, I bet you would have done the same thing. High profile player involved in something so bad as this, the initial response is that you are going to be condemned to be guilty just by association. He later realized his mistake and testified against his friends, even demonstrating how they stabbed them. The court found the two people WHO REALLY stabbed the victims as defending themselves from an attack that was started by the deceased. Those victims had a record, fire arms, and attacked this group...but you just want to focus on your hate and uneducated stance to really objectively look at whether he did or did not kill someone.


So, yes, ignoring the REAL facts of the case, or being too lazy to look them up is a pretty idiotic way to approach something you want to argue about.

i never commented about lewis's guilt or innocence, i simply feel the guy is a jerk, you can continue to act as a surrogate lawyer for him.. go for it.. but lay off people who may not be on board with your opinion of him..continue to argue your case for his innocence, just refrain from the name-calling.. Edited by dwight in philly
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Ray and OJ have a lot in common. You guys can guess what that is. It's a shame the NFL allows murderers who are crazed on roids to perform where young impressionable kids are watching. The NFL = NEW FELON LEAGUE




How long did it take you to think of that? Absolute Genius. :wacko:

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I don't excuse his flaws--and if you are now reduced to frowning upon his visiting prostitutes (I'll give you one guess as to the profession of the woman who was Ray's "date" that night) as an NFL player, I know your out of ammo here.


LT never claimed he was a pious man. He also let his work on the field speak loudly-- He was unapologetic about his life off the field, but pretty harmless.

Yes, no doubt LT developed a taste for jailbait after his playing days were over. And again, had the internet been around during his heyday, you'd have no higher an opinion of him than you do Lewis, despite his ability to sack QB's.


As for Lewis, he seems to have used the tragic events of that night as a means to clean up his act, with God being the conduit. Happens for a lot of people. Whether he's truly a pious man, I cannot say, nor do I really care. I don't know him, will never meet him, and I don't lay awake at night worrying that he's not truly pious, or that he might stab me.

I would charge him with lying under oath. I would then use this to challenge him as to his role that night, what he did with his clothing and why, and what he told the others to say or not say.

They might have gotten him on lying, but nothing would have come of it after wanting him to flip and rat on his buds, because they had nothing on him other than he was involved in the fight, but didn't stab anyone.

You know what's a "silly line of thinking"? Believing that because a murder victim wasn't an "innocent", then their killing can be justified.

Not even close to what I said. Again what I said is that just because someone is killed, it doesn't mean they were the innocent party. But yes, the decendents did have rap sheets.

As for the guns---is it your belief that the dead men's friends with the gun watched them get beaten and then finihed off with knives to the hearts, waited for the killers to get into the limo and speed away--and then started firing? Yeah, that's probably what happended. And since the murder victims were unarmed (except for an empty Cristal?? edit: Moet), there goes your "self defense" argument. In fact, one witness said she saw one of the victims "running for his life". Another witnessed the "viscious beating of a victim".. Lewis himself described Oakley pounding (likely stabbing) one victim in the chest and the guy was not fighting back. All justified, right?

So wait a minute; who do you think fired the guns at the car? Some 3rd party? LOL! Maybe Mastermind Murderer Lewis had his own guys shoot at the car?


And these dead guys were trying to rob Ray as he calmy stood back leaning on his limo, taking in this amuzing tableau? Where does Ray say it was a robbery attempt? Oakley now says that he believes Lewis was targeted "because of the way he was dressed" and that it all started when Lewis had a confrontation with the victims, possibly after one of them called Lewis a name." He also syas he "thinks it was" becuase they wanted to rob them. Why does he think this? He gives no explanation except that they "were standing in a dark alley". Case closed, right Mr. Mason?


The prosecution blew this case. They obviously didn't get testimony from Lewis that would help their case. They should have had a better clue as to what he was going to say, or they should never have offered him the deal.

So Mr. Holmes, your deduction is that Sweeting and Oakley purchased knives at Sports Authority the previous day for Lewis, who was waiting to kill innocent people the next day at a party for no reason at all? Is that it?


Look, ultimately you have NO evidence against Lewis that supports him committing murder. Now whether it was truly self defense by Sweeting and Oakley I cannot say for sure. But a jury heard testimony from some people who weren't paid-off by Lewis, and came away with no charges for them, nevermind Lewis.

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Yes, no doubt LT developed a taste for jailbait after his playing days were over. And again, had the internet been around during his heyday, you'd have no higher an opinion of him than you do Lewis, despite his ability to sack QB's.


As for Lewis, he seems to have used the tragic events of that night as a means to clean up his act, with God being the conduit. Happens for a lot of people. Whether he's truly a pious man, I cannot say, nor do I really care. I don't know him, will never meet him, and I don't lay awake at night worrying that he's not truly pious, or that he might stab me.


They might have gotten him on lying, but nothing would have come of it after wanting him to flip and rat on his buds, because they had nothing on him other than he was involved in the fight, but didn't stab anyone.


Not even close to what I said. Again what I said is that just because someone is killed, it doesn't mean they were the innocent party. But yes, the decendents did have rap sheets.


So wait a minute; who do you think fired the guns at the car? Some 3rd party? LOL! Maybe Mastermind Murderer Lewis had his own guys shoot at the car?



So Mr. Holmes, your deduction is that Sweeting and Oakley purchased knives at Sports Authority the previous day for Lewis, who was waiting to kill innocent people the next day at a party for no reason at all? Is that it?


Look, ultimately you have NO evidence against Lewis that supports him committing murder. Now whether it was truly self defense by Sweeting and Oakley I cannot say for sure. But a jury heard testimony from some people who weren't paid-off by Lewis, and came away with no charges for them, nevermind Lewis.

OJ was found not guilty also.. by a jury..
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i never commented about lewis's guilt or innocence, i simply feel the guy is a jerk, you can continue to act as a surrogate lawyer for him.. go for it.. but lay off people who may not be on board with your opinion of him..continue to argue your case for his innocence, just refrain from the name-calling..


What are you playing a semantics game now? Come on dude, don't try and take some high road you are not on. You have been all over this thread implicating Ray as a murderer and mocking the results of the case. Not to mention, I find it ironic you feel good saying so many derogatory statements about him yet take offense when I reference your approach of not knowing facts or ignoring them as idiotic. Especially since I would bet everything I own in this world that Ray does more for people in one month than you have done your whole life.


I could care less if you like him or not, that's your prerogative. But to sit back and implicate him as a murderer without knowing the facts is pretty idiotic and I stand 100% behind that comment.

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What are you playing a semantics game now? Come on dude, don't try and take some high road you are not on. You have been all over this thread implicating Ray as a murderer and mocking the results of the case. Not to mention, I find it ironic you feel good saying so many derogatory statements about him yet take offense when I reference your approach of not knowing facts or ignoring them as idiotic. Especially since I would bet everything I own in this world that Ray does more for people in one month than you have done your whole life.


I could care less if you like him or not, that's your prerogative. But to sit back and implicate him as a murderer without knowing the facts is pretty idiotic and I stand 100% behind that comment.

well at least you do not pass judgement on people! or make assumptions "dude".


True. Many people have been found not guilty by a jury. So...most people acquitted of murder are guilty?


And again, Lewis wasn't even suspected of murder.

maybe not by you
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