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Inside tale of Ray Lewis' parking-lot brawl homicide case

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Sometimes people get stabbed.


sometimes, people who follow people to their car, and attack them with champagne bottles, get stabbed.


although correlation does not prove causation, i personally have never followed someone to their car and assaulted them, and have also never been stabbed.

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Sad story and pretty much tells ray stabbed one of the victims and settled out of court and just shows how f up are courts are as money wins but in the end God has power of all !


Wow! That's how you interpreted this...Just, WOW!!!


IMO, he's been a disgrace to 'the Shield' since that night and his "God is Great" shtick makes me sick!


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The Pro Football Hall of Fame is about football, not life away from football.


The real issue is what Ray Lewis did to his "friends." He was a snitch. In his want to be thug world that he lived in he made himself nothing but a bottom b*tch. Snitches are the lowest form of life on the street. From the very beginning this was all about him, which for his sake it needed to be, as he was the only one to have anything on the line. His successful attempt to destroy the credibility of the prosecution through intimidation, money and other means is abundantly clear. Ironically, though, the ones who took the fall stayed true and have not gave up what really happened after Lewis threw them under the bus. Of course now that things have moved on and they have been found guilty no one will believe them because they are ex-cons.


For those debating whether this makes him a worse football player, no - he's one of the best of all time and the best ILB ever.


For those debating whether he believes in God or is it just as schtick - who cares? There are far more important things to worry about and just as many phony's and scumbag out there - from Joel Osteen, Jerry Fartwell to Pat Robertson.


For those who say that fans are just jealous that he does not play for the Bills, get real. Some may be, but look at us with OJ Simpson, does anyone here want to praise the guy for who he is?


For those who want to bring up his family life - get a hobby. The guy is a moron, a sleezeball, sure but he has the means to take care of the children (for now), and the women who got knocked up did so voluntarily.



I know, I shake my head, too. God is not great.


Why is anyone attacking Ray Lewis? More importantly, why is anyone defending him? No one here was there and knows what happened. What we do know is that he guy is a narcissistic egomaniac, and as Chandler points out it is pathetic.

Edited by jboyst62
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The real issue is what Ray Lewis did to his "friends." He was a snitch. In his want to be thug world that he lived in he made himself nothing but a bottom b*tch. Snitches are the lowest form of life on the street. From the very beginning this was all about him, which for his sake it needed to be, as he was the only one to have anything on the line. His successful attempt to destroy the credibility of the prosecution through intimidation, money and other means is abundantly clear. Ironically, though, the ones who took the fall stayed true and have not gave up what really happened after Lewis threw them under the bus. Of course now that things have moved on and they have been found guilty no one will believe them because they are ex-cons.


Errr...not to get between you and your speech about the foulness of snitches, but as a matter of legal fact, no one has been found guilty of those two murders to date.

Lewis' two friends Reginald Oakley and Joseph Sweeting were acquitted - found not guilty for reasons of self defense. Lewis' testimony for the prosecution is evidently regarded as key in painting that picture.

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Errr...not to get between you and your speech about the foulness of snitches, but as a matter of legal fact, no one has been found guilty of those two murders to date.

Lewis' two friends Reginald Oakley and Joseph Sweeting were acquitted - found not guilty for reasons of self defense. Lewis' testimony for the prosecution is evidently regarded as key in painting that picture.

Hmmm... I read the article and still thought that Lewis testified against them. I read more on the internet about it, he was to testify against them but came out painting a picture of their innocence.

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The Pro Football Hall of Fame is about football, not life away from football.


The real issue is what Ray Lewis did to his "friends." He was a snitch. In his want to be thug world that he lived in he made himself nothing but a bottom b*tch. Snitches are the lowest form of life on the street. From the very beginning this was all about him, which for his sake it needed to be, as he was the only one to have anything on the line. His successful attempt to destroy the credibility of the prosecution through intimidation, money and other means is abundantly clear. Ironically, though, the ones who took the fall stayed true and have not gave up what really happened after Lewis threw them under the bus. Of course now that things have moved on and they have been found guilty no one will believe them because they are ex-cons.


For those debating whether this makes him a worse football player, no - he's one of the best of all time and the best ILB ever.


For those debating whether he believes in God or is it just as schtick - who cares? There are far more important things to worry about and just as many phony's and scumbag out there - from Joel Osteen, Jerry Fartwell to Pat Robertson.


For those who say that fans are just jealous that he does not play for the Bills, get real. Some may be, but look at us with OJ Simpson, does anyone here want to praise the guy for who he is?


For those who want to bring up his family life - get a hobby. The guy is a moron, a sleezeball, sure but he has the means to take care of the children (for now), and the women who got knocked up did so voluntarily.



I know, I shake my head, too. God is not great.


Why is anyone attacking Ray Lewis? More importantly, why is anyone defending him? No one here was there and knows what happened. What we do know is that he guy is a narcissistic egomaniac, and as Chandler points out it is pathetic.


For one, what mega-star isn't an egomaniac either externally or internally? You basically will become this after being praised daily by fanatics & media...very tough NOT to fall into this IMO. This "act" that you say seems to be very heartfelt and has been backed prior to him getting the attention from the media. It's been well documented in the Baltimore area of the deeds of him even before starting his foundation. His "act" has also been described as honest & sincere by Lee Evans, other NFL players and most people & groups that he's spoken to & mentored. Is it over the top...yes! But it's who he is and what's made him GREAT AT WHAT HE DOES.


So stop HATING !!! If he were playing for the Bills (who whole-heartily needs someone with this leadership) you'd be singing a different tone!



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One thing to remember in reading that article is that it's from the Post, a Rupert Murdoch publication. They ain't exactly the "truthiest" folks out there (I say that even though I've got a friend who's worked there for ages )....

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Hmmm... I read the article and still thought that Lewis testified against them. I read more on the internet about it, he was to testify against them but came out painting a picture of their innocence.


Yea - he worked the system like a pro. Cut a deal then got them off with his testimony.


Oddly he was the only one that was convicted of anything that night.

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I would love to see the Hall of Fame take a pass on him on his first year of eligibility and have him wait an extra year. If the Hall of Fame committee can have Ed Debartalo Jr. & Charles Haley wait because of legal & character issues, they can do the same for Ray Lewis.

Doubtful unless things change. The commish reportedly wants Lewis in an advisory role once he's retired. Unless the voters feel much differently about Lewis than the league establishment then he's a shoe-in.
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The Pro Football Hall of Fame is about football, not life away from football.

HOF membership is voted on by humans (see Vader's post). They vote the way they want because they can. Anti-Cowboy bias (a team I loathe) has kept players out of the hall. Look at the number of Raiders & Steelers and compare it to the Cowboys. You may be surprised at what you learn.


Regarding Lewis...as I said above, I think he's a shoe-in. He's a darling of the league and media.

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For one, what mega-star isn't an egomaniac either externally or internally? You basically will become this after being praised daily by fanatics & media...very tough NOT to fall into this IMO. This "act" that you say seems to be very heartfelt and has been backed prior to him getting the attention from the media. It's been well documented in the Baltimore area of the deeds of him even before starting his foundation. His "act" has also been described as honest & sincere by Lee Evans, other NFL players and most people & groups that he's spoken to & mentored. Is it over the top...yes! But it's who he is and what's made him GREAT AT WHAT HE DOES.


So stop HATING !!! If he were playing for the Bills (who whole-heartily needs someone with this leadership) you'd be singing a different tone!




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So stop HATING !!! If he were playing for the Bills (who whole-heartily needs someone with this leadership) you'd be singing a different tone!

No, I wouldn't. You don't know me enough to determine that. If Brady was on this team I'd still think he's a cry baby little b*tch, when Peerless was here I thought he wore his britches just a little to big, and just because I dislike the player does not mean I devalue their play. I'd take Ray Lewis the football player on any team I would make. I would throw him to the curb for being a person. I am not perfect and I understand that no one is...Ray Lewis doesn't have to be perfect in this world...and I am lucky that in this world Ray Lewis does not have to be in mine.

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I posted the

One thing to remember in reading that article is that it's from the Post, a Rupert Murdoch publication. They ain't exactly the "truthiest" folks out there (I say that even though I've got a friend who's worked there for ages )....

I posted the article because I never really followed the story, and with all the attention Ray Ray is getting this week figured it was worth a look. Just happened to find it provided a good summary and key details. My own take is that he was an accomplice in the sense of trying to destroy evidence and craft a cover up story of sorts, mostly because as a burgeoning star athlete he panicked and made a bad choice. But he didnt actually stab anyone. He should have come clean from the start. But he did serve a little time and paid pretty substantial price financially (criminal and civil).


Probably time for the most part to move on from this, but not entirely either ... it's part of the overall picture on him, good and the bad.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Seems to me that all it shows is that two of the guys that he was with stabbed them and all he was doing was being in their group.


Put yourself in his shoes, he's right, anything that would have come out of that night was "on him."


Case in point, how many of the other 7 in their entourage are even even mentioned? They're not mentioned in this piece either.


And it says that shots were fired at his car. Don't know about you, but I'd have hightailed it outta there too.


If his clothes were bloodied, could very easily have been from mere association and being nearby, trying to strip "his guys" off off "the pile" to get outta there, etc.


Here's the thing tho, the victims weren't exactly two clean-cut kids in grad school at Duke who confronted those in Lewis' party with cutting in line or something, sounds like they were semi-thugs. They both had prior records.


Who knows what happened, but I for one believe most of Lewis' account. Either way, what I don't believe is that he personally put a knife into anyone's chest. There's zero evidence for that. I have no idea why if he didn't he should be convicted of murder as so many insist that he should have been. The settling of the civil suit doesn't mean anything, it happens all the time.


Also, the media trying to make NO associated with Atlanta to me is disingenuous.






And why no outcry to have the other 7 in his party also charged, and/or some of those in the victims' parties too.


This is all clearly media driven.


I feel bad for Ray who has truly, unlike Belichick, turned his life around after incidents, altho the differences in the two incidents notwithstanding.




And you see no hypocrisy in your post here?


Perhaps you didn't read the article linked. Ray's personal chauffeur recanted on his immediately following the murder eye-witness testimony. That's mainly what did the case in--that and Lewis having the other 7 clam up and lawyer up before the cops even spoke to them. Maybe "the other &" aren't spoken about because they didn't rent the getaway car and they didn't direct the purposeful obstruction of the investigation after the murders. And they didn't destroy their blood soaked clothing and mink coat, like ol' Ray.. who was "just watching as he leaned on the limo".


And how is this a media creation?


Belichick? Are you insane?



Errr...not to get between you and your speech about the foulness of snitches, but as a matter of legal fact, no one has been found guilty of those two murders to date.

Lewis' two friends Reginald Oakley and Joseph Sweeting were acquitted - found not guilty for reasons of self defense. Lewis' testimony for the prosecution is evidently regarded as key in painting that picture.


As above, also key was the only other eye witness talking after the event recanted his eye witness account, likely on Ray's orders.


One thing to remember in reading that article is that it's from the Post, a Rupert Murdoch publication. They ain't exactly the "truthiest" folks out there (I say that even though I've got a friend who's worked there for ages )....


Did Rachel Maddow tell you this? Seriously?


Which part of this linked article did the Post (or Murdoch?) make up. Enlighten us all.

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Perhaps you didn't read the article linked. Ray's personal chauffeur recanted on his immediately following the murder eye-witness testimony. That's mainly what did the case in--that and Lewis having the other 7 clam up and lawyer up before the cops even spoke to them. Maybe "the other &" aren't spoken about because they didn't rent the getaway car and they didn't direct the purposeful obstruction of the investigation after the murders. And they didn't destroy their blood soaked clothing and mink coat, like ol' Ray.. who was "just watching as he leaned on the limo".


That is the one lingering aspect of this. If he were involved in the fighting I dont think he did the actual stabbing, but he may have held a guy while the other guy stabbed him. Ray Ray's excuse is that he "never fights". I can see that too, hes never really been one to let his high intensity emotions erupt much on the field into fighting and shoving matches ala a Joey Porter or Romanowski type. But then again his driver chanced his testimony on this ..... ugh. It lingers, but Im willing to move on with this aspect noted

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English not your first language? There isn't anything in that story that says Ray stabbed someone. In fact, there was never a single piece of evidence or testimony by anyone that at any point ever suggested Ray actually stabbed someone. Was he probably throwing punches, sure, but that does not equate to taking a knife and inserting it into another mans flesh. His two friends should have been convicted, but that doesn't mean Ray took those guys lives personally.

Almost as clear as O.J case so ya why did he burn all the clothes and the limo driver changed his tune and there's alot that points to him making the stabbing happen ! Edited by NFLBighits
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That is the one lingering aspect of this. If he were involved in the fighting I dont think he did the actual stabbing, but he may have held a guy while the other guy stabbed him. Ray Ray's excuse is that he "never fights". I can see that too, hes never really been one to let his high intensity emotions erupt much on the field into fighting and shoving matches ala a Joey Porter or Romanowski type. But then again his driver chanced his testimony on this ..... ugh. It lingers, but Im willing to move on with this aspect noted


I agree, what's done is done. But given all that, the guy should have just STFU all these years. He's an incredible phony. The greatest LB (and defensive player of all time) ever, Lawrence Taylor, would laugh at this guy's fake drama. LT was the real deal.

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