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Racist Sorrority Pic


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Ill one up ya on this retard train....




At Ohio’s Sinclair Community College, Elizabeth Verzi, the school’s Manager of Construction and Planning, ordered the crew to remove a Men Working sign that she called "sexist."

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Things like this are not all that upsetting...only to some Mexicans....what's the big deal?


So you've taken this picture to some Mexicans and asked them? Instead of talking out your ass why don't you try a little experiment. Show this picture to 100 Mexicans and let us know what they say. I'm will to bet my next paycheck you get 99 "oh mama...chichis niiiiiiice!!"


Nah...those could be offensive too...it is sort of the same thing...if you are Italian (I don't know), but it is fathomable that you might find some of those stereotypes offensive...



I find nothing that anyone says about me or my ancestors to be offensive. You know why? I have self esteem and a pair between my legs.

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So you've taken this picture to some Mexicans and asked them? Instead of talking out your ass why don't you try a little experiment. Show this picture to 100 Mexicans and let us know what they say. I'm will to bet my next paycheck you get 99 "oh mama...chichis niiiiiiice!!"




I find nothing that anyone says about me or my ancestors to be offensive. You know why? I have self esteem and a pair between my legs.


If i had a nickel for everytime someone called me a dumb polock, I'd be rich. What they dont know is, me being polish has nothing to do with me being an idiot. It's probably the french canadian blood from ma's side xD

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So you've taken this picture to some Mexicans and asked them? Instead of talking out your ass why don't you try a little experiment. Show this picture to 100 Mexicans and let us know what they say. I'm will to bet my next paycheck you get 99 "oh mama...chichis niiiiiiice!!"




I find nothing that anyone says about me or my ancestors to be offensive. You know why? I have self esteem and a pair between my legs.


Yes...and you miss my point completely....it doesn't offend you, so why should anyone be offended? For such a tough guy, you certainly take offense pretty easy. Get over yourself dude... the world doesn't revolve around you. I am glad you have great self esteem and a pair between your legs...I have never doubted that you have self esteem...you also have a tremendous ego. I guess that would come with being the self appointed arbiter of all. But, I didn't realize we were talking about you. Good for you... :thumbsup:


So, since you are not talking out your ass, why don't you go around and show the picture to 100 Mexicans and see if they say "oh mama...chichis niiiiice"


I know many Mexicans, and I can assure you, while they may not want to sue anybody, a great number of them would be disappointed, and probably a little embarrassed for people who think that is funny. Not all would be impressed by a bunch of sorority girls, as you seem to be.


My girlfriend is Mexican...I am not (dumb Pollock here), but I can't tell you how many times I have introduced her to people from my side of the tracks, who, while well intentioned, break the ice with idiotic stereotype jokes...she doesn't get offended where she wants to sue somebody, but disappointed that the only thing that people can think of to break the ice is to make some comment about beans making them fart, or having lots of kids....or mowing lawns and smoking weed.


If i had a nickel for everytime someone called me a dumb polock, I'd be rich. What they dont know is, me being polish has nothing to do with me being an idiot. It's probably the french canadian blood from ma's side xD


Oh, I know...I grew up hearing dumb Pollock jokes my whole life... and I lived through it...wasn't suggesting otherwise...just that everyone is chiming in and, essentially saying "I am not offended so nobody else should be". For me, this kind of stuff, isn't so much offensive as it is just kind of stupid.

Edited by Buftex
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just saw this under the "comments" on the yahoo page


All I see is a bunch of Salsa that I would like to dip my chip into..

One of the comments said something like, the picture I really want to see is when they have a lingerie party, otherwise no big deal. :)


Before Facebook and twitter this would be a non story because no one would have seen the picture in the first place. Harmless College Halloween party. It is amazing what people consider news these days.

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Whatever...I don't find the need to speak on their behalf....


And yet that's EXACTLY what you and this article are doing. Do you see ONE Mexican quoted in that article? One single offended Mexican?




Do you see ANYTHING other than a Yahoo! blog that speaks on behalf of people who are allegedly offended by the allegedly racist act?




What youy see is guilt in a soft, spreadable form so people will obediently bow down and express remorse for something that virtually NO ONE thinks is racist except an author, a website and a bunch of mindless people who think they should speak for the rest of the world.


By the way, I'm a dago WOP.

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And yet that's EXACTLY what you and this article are doing. Do you see ONE Mexican quoted in that article? One single offended Mexican?




Do you see ANYTHING other than a Yahoo! blog that speaks on behalf of people who are allegedly offended by the allegedly racist act?




What youy see is guilt in a soft, spreadable form so people will obediently bow down and express remorse for something that virtually NO ONE thinks is racist except an author, a website and a bunch of mindless people who think they should speak for the rest of the world.


By the way, I'm a dago WOP.


Okay...I am not as eloquent as you or Chef, but I will try to explain this one last time...


I did not start this thread, or frame the argument being made. I was merely responding to the OP's original post that he was "shocked and upset" that somebody would be offended by this photo, cuz it was just a bunch of hot co-eds at a party, having a good time. I was merely pointing out that he, and maybe some others who seemed equally "shocked and upset", might not be so "shocked and upset" if they were part of the demographic that was being lampooned in the photo... that was it. I never said Mexicans would or should be offended, only suggested that they might be offended (and I was careful to use the word "might")...and I just found it odd that nearly everyone came to the conclusion that because they don't get upset over these things, there is no reason that anyone else should.

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I never said Mexicans would or should be offended, only suggested that they might be offended (and I was careful to use the word "might")...and I just found it odd that nearly everyone came to the conclusion that because they don't get upset over these things, there is no reason that anyone else should.

I'll ask my lawn guy what he thinks later when he comes by to smoke some weed.

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...and I just found it odd that nearly everyone came to the conclusion that because they don't get upset over these things, there is no reason that anyone else should.


And some of us find it odd that you think people should become upset over something that doesn't even offend the very people you think it's supposed to offend.


If they don't care, why should anyone else?

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And some of us find it odd that you think people should become upset over something that doesn't even offend the very people you think it's supposed to offend.


If they don't care, why should anyone else?


Where the !@#$ did I say that people should become upset? Was just addressing the OP being perplexed as to why anyone would be offended.


What's worse: People getting upset at a stupid party photo or people getting upset with the people getting upset at the stupid party photo? I can't decide...


Defintely this! :lol:

Edited by Buftex
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Okay let's see here from left to right and front to back:

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Absolutely Yes, Yes and Sure why not.

I guess so, Yes, Yes, can't tell has her head turned, yes, meh, yes and yes.

Yes, Yes, Yes, No doubt, Twice at least, another can't tell face is obscured but I'll assume yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.


Sorry now what was the topic here?

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Buftex I understand your point I just strongly disagree with it. To me racism is a negative thing (obviously) this picture does not seem to be mean spirited or mean in nature. It looks like a party. Is it poor taste? I guess so. These are college kids having a party. This is not something that should be front page top 10 searches of Yahoo. This is what bothers me. There was/is no controversy until the media made one. Was this something that needed national attention? Was this something that Mexicans see and think these stupid white girls? I have no idea bc in a story about how upsetting there was not one Mexican person who was offended listed. So it comes off as oh no people MIGHT get upset about this. It's annoying.


I'm Italian and grew up with all of the guinea, whop, dego comments and they were jokes. Were they racist? I don't think so because they weren't said with ill intentions. I am left leaning and liberal in many of my thoughts but this is to far for me. I also believe strongly that racism is still very prevalent in our society. I also think that people shouldn't get their panties in a bunch over something as harmless as this pic. I feel it discounts actual racism.


I understand everyone has their own scale. On the majority of people's scale (at least in this small sample size) this doesn't register. Does it make them(us) right or wrong? I have no idea. I just feel this pic shouldn't hurt peoples feelings. What happened to sticks and stones may break my bones... My complaint is the wussification of America. Where everyone's feelings are constantly hurt by someone else. What happened to us? This is what bothered me.


Lastly, I get the mowing the lawn but is it really a Mexican stereotype that they all smoke weed?

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