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How good is Mario Williams really?

QB Bills

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Like many here I would presume, I watch and analyze every Buffalo Bills snap to some varying degree of detail. I could tell you that Jabari Greer was an awesome talent, as was Kyle Williams at least a year before they got any accolades. Again, not trying to sound self-serving, because I know there are many fans on this board who saw the same.


I know there are fans out there that watch other games in similar fashion. So to you, I ask: How good is Mario Williams really?


How was his supporting cast throughout his career in Houston? By that, I mean the coaching/scheme, as well as the other guys on defense. Was he a one-man wrecking crew or did he have a lot of support? Specifically before the 2010 season where Wade came in and changed their D to a 3-4.


I was on a Texans message board right after the Bills signed him to find the answer to this question and a lot of them were saying that he was talented but lacked the fire and never really played up to his potential. Couldn't tell if that was just sour grapes or not. Still, not playing to his potential (which is not a good sign), but still putting up those numbers is quite impressive.

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I watch the Texans as a casual fan only, but I can tell you that he's considered to be more of a follower than a leader. Immense physical talent, but his fire needs to be stoked by others. If he's held to a high standard by his teammates, he'll rise to that level. I think we're gonna be very pleased.

Edited by BillnutinHouston
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I watch the Texans as a casual fan only, but I can tell you that he's considered to be more of a follower than a leader. Immense physical talent, but his fire needs to be stoked by others. If he's held to a high standard by his teammates, he'll rise to that level. I think we're gonna be very pleased.


He himself even spoke about how he's not one to make a lot of speeches. I think that's OK. On the defensive side, Merriman is a leader, Barnett is a leader, KW is a leader, Dareus is emerging as a leader. They can't ALL be leaders. Maybe the more relaxed, small-town atmosphere with other guys being looked to as leaders will allow Mario to just do his thing and flourish.

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Mario Williams is insanely good to answer your question. Remember when he got drafted #1 and Reggie Bush #2 and people freaked out? At the end of the day everyone agreed that Mario is a true #1 pick who produced. Leader/Nonleader doesn't matter if he has 15 sacks, he might be quiet but the man handles his buisness.

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He gets pressure - quick. When I watched that one game where he had 3.5 sacks - he DOMINATED. He honestly got past his blocker about 90% of the time but the QB got rid of the ball too fast. If he can't drive you back into the quarterback - he can easily spin and juke past the tackle.

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He gets pressure - quick. When I watched that one game where he had 3.5 sacks - he DOMINATED. He honestly got past his blocker about 90% of the time but the QB got rid of the ball too fast. If he can't drive you back into the quarterback - he can easily spin and juke past the tackle.

The question in my mind, and what I can't wait to see, is how much better is he going to make everyone else?


Who does the O-Line double-team? You can only pick one guy without resorting to using TE's and RB's to chip block and provide pass protection. How will not having to cover guys all over the field while the QB sits in the pocket unfazed and focused impact the performance of the secondary? How will the linebackers perform running down plays, filling holes, shooting gaps, and making tackles without the center and guards being able to get out on them?


My expectation is the Bills are going to put a pretty good pressure defense on the field and its going to cause a lot of problems for the offenses they face this coming season.

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Want to know about his supporting cast in Houston? Name someone else on their D line from 2006-2011. Name a linebacker from 2006-09 that isn't DeMeco Ryans. Name someone in the secondary besides Dunta Robinson.


That team was absolutely brutal defensively up until the last couple of years.

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Him not being vocal doesn't matter to me...Productionm is far more important, and if what he has done to this point in his career is underacheiving, then I can't wait until he's paired with the Great wall inside as well as the rest of the crew!!!


Basically if he has dominated the way he has without really pushing himself, then that bodes well for us...As big Dareus will no doubt spark his fire!




Go Bills!!!

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I have a feeling it's going to be a tackle and TE/RB on Williams, three inside blockers on Kyle/Dareus and single blocking on Anderson... most of the time.


I feel bad for that RB! Great video above. Thanks for posting.

Edited by RyanC883
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You know whats interesting? Even with Super Mario and Anderson I still feel that the foundation and driving force of the defense will be Marcel and Kyle in the middle.....who should be absolutely dominant together....the fact that we have legit edge rushers just kind of completes the puzzle. We would have been good with Mario and Carrington/Merriman I think.....but with Anderson/Merriman? Oh man...bad things man......


As to how it affects other parts of the team.....


- When your playing "honest" and your down linemen are the only pass rush you are using....you have linebackers and secondary back in the pass patterns.....wanna throw it quick? Fine.....there is tackler or a interceptor right there because there is no scheming how to cover up one on one pass coverage down field.....you are flooding the passing lanes with defenders so the QB has to be perfect....now when your down linemen are GOOD? The QB has to be perfect AND he has to get rid of it quickly. Over the course of a offensive series a QB is not going to be able to do that every down....this forces turnovers, punts, and throw aways.


- So to answer the question who does make better? EVERYBODY

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Mario Williams is insanely good to answer your question. Remember when he got drafted #1 and Reggie Bush #2 and people freaked out? At the end of the day everyone agreed that Mario is a true #1 pick who produced. Leader/Nonleader doesn't matter if he has 15 sacks, he might be quiet but the man handles his buisness.

I think everyone agreed in hindsight that Williams was more worthy of being the #1 pick than Bush. As far as being a true #1 pick who produced, I have read conflicting opinions. I have no true take since I haven't seen too many Texans games over the years, but I applaud Nix for making the move & am hoping for the best. Edited by Rico
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Where did you get the video for each one of his games?


That is probably something I would do at night after everyone goes to bed.


ive taken it upon my slef to watch every mario williams play the last two years (i need a hobby, I know) He is very quick and very strong, sets the edge well, can spin, bullrush. Like !@#$tastic good is the best way to describe it

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He gets pressure - quick. When I watched that one game where he had 3.5 sacks - he DOMINATED. He honestly got past his blocker about 90% of the time but the QB got rid of the ball too fast. If he can't drive you back into the quarterback - he can easily spin and juke past the tackle.

I wouldn't say he can "spin" - he can't. That's one of his weaknesses.


He's a tremendous "first step/hands inside" contact guy. If you single him, it better not be on a 7 step because your QB is going to get pasted. I think he's going to look absolutely sick next to Dareus in a 43, much the same as Bruce would have if he wasn't forced to play 34 most of his career, though Mario IS NOT Bruce Smith in any way. Bruce was far more agile and had better hips.

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He himself even spoke about how he's not one to make a lot of speeches. I think that's OK. On the defensive side, Merriman is a leader, Barnett is a leader, KW is a leader, Dareus is emerging as a leader. They can't ALL be leaders. Maybe the more relaxed, small-town atmosphere with other guys being looked to as leaders will allow Mario to just do his thing and flourish.

That's why he's here !!! :beer:

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How good is Mario Williams? Good enough to have to be accounted for on every play. Good enough to be schemed for.



Good enough to dominate a game? Good enough to single-handedly change the course of things? Cause I haven't seen it whenever I've watched him play, which again hasn't been too often. It seems to me that he is comparable to a Julius Peppers as far as impact goes... nothing wrong with that at all, just nothing close to an all-time great. Edited by Rico
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