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Trayvon Martin Case


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Has anybody in the media talked about this? This info, along with the pot, would have given credence to "he looks like he's on drugs."


It's been largely dismissed as without codeine it's pretty speculative. I haven't heard about the codeine texts though. Source?

Edited by NoSaint
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It's been largely dismissed as without codeine it's pretty speculative. I haven't heard about the codeine texts though. Source?


I am pretty sure those codeine texts were part of what came out a few weeks before the trial that were then not allowed in the trial. I definitely remember reading them.

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absolutely right if if IF you believe GZ's account

Oh and for everyone who has no doubt about GZ's account of things try this, put your gun on your hip and pin anything to your side with your arm (how GZ described pinning TM's hand) then reach and draw your gun by flexing at the elbow- forget about being straddled if GZ could get to his gun the way he described then he's a freak of nature.

If you're sitting on my waist, and I have a gun holstered on my hip, and you're hands are busy gripping my head, I'm going to use my left hand to push you up and off my mid section and go for my gun with my right. I'll get it out and shoot you. It's not like Travon Obama weighed as much as Sam Adams.


my Heritage is English and Scotch German which makes me about as white as you can get (disregarding 1/64th or 1/128th of Redskin blood my grandfather shamefully confessed on his death bed) and I think GZ's account of things is rife with inconsistencies.

I'm calling BS on this one. It's an old wives tale and still a meme in some parts about a dad or grand dad who was 1/16th Cherokee. My dad use it from time to time when it suited his purposes. Whether he believed it or just thought it was useful, I don't know. But it wasn't true. Chances are you're a hundred percent lilly white crazy azzed cracker through and through.


It's been largely dismissed as without codeine it's pretty speculative. I haven't heard about the codeine texts though. Source?

That was on T.O.'s phone, but the judge ruled it inadmissible because the Defense had no way to prove that it was T.O. who did the texting because "someone else might have had the password to his phone and could have done them" according to his honor the judge. Of course, the persecution had knowledge of the content of T.O.'s phone since January and did not share that during Discovery with the Defense. They found out about them on June 2nd and did not have time to search for the people he was texting and getting them deposed to "prove" it was T.O. who was texting with them.


So, out went his texts about wanting to get a gun, getting into fights, smashing people's noses, making them bleed, etc. The persecution was able to successfully present a sanitized version of T.O. in a white robe and halo to the jury and to the people who want to believe that he had nothing to do with his own death.


Wouldn't it be something if we find out months from now, after George is killed by the mob that T.O. was actually one of the neighborhood's burglars.

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If you're sitting on my waist, and I have a gun holstered on my hip, and you're hands are busy gripping my head, I'm going to use my left hand to push you up and off my mid section and go for my gun with my right. I'll get it out and shoot you. It's not like Travon Obama weighed as much as Sam Adams. Yeah but that is not how GZ described it in the reenactment, He says he pinned TM's hand that was reaching for the gun between his arm and body - just out of curiosity have you listened to the two police interviews and watched GZ do a reenactment with police?



I'm calling BS on this one. It's an old wives tale and still a meme in some parts about a dad or grand dad who was 1/16th Cherokee. My dad use it from time to time when it suited his purposes. Whether he believed it or just thought it was useful, I don't know. But it wasn't true. Chances are you're a hundred percent lilly white crazy azzed cracker through and through. You are probably right but my Grandad did tell my mom that as he was dying of cancer at the VA and not in a yea we are part Native American way but as a shameful secret. - I just use it to explain why I tan so nicely






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Well played by the defense -- "The prosecution played five calls and you've heard them. There's actually a 6th in evidence where Zimmerman is calling giving concern about children playing and cars zipping by them. Now the state doesn't have to show you things that make my client look good, but remember to listen to that tape too." :D

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Thread seems to be shrinking...................................?




B when I started paging back I realized this thread has turned into a subject matter that was more about proving dog wrong and hes and idiot then the actual trial so i tried to remove as much of my clutter as I could.


It wasn't my intentions


For those of you who actually took the time to hear where I was coming from and responded without insults or just went on your merry way without responding,



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Maybe that's my problem , I'm a few inches taller than GZ and at 28 somewhere between 185lbs and 195lbs so about the same weight as GZ and I just can imagine my 28 y/o ass getting kicked like that byTM, maybe now in my mid fifties bad back and heart problems I'd be in trouble but at 28 no !@#$ing way- I don't know but it seems to me that a lot of people here either have never been in a serious fight or think blacks are masters of getto-fu or have superhuman hip-hop strength.

I feel similarly. I am the same age as GZ, a few inches taller, considerably more fit, but even if I wasn't, its almost inconceivable that I would be nervous about a wannabe gangster, 17 year old punk. Problem is, when you meet Trayvon on the street you don't know hes only 17. In a hoodie, its hard to tell he tips only 140lbs. The kid had also been doing a good deal of fighting which suggests that hes not scared and can likely handle himself a bit.


I don't own any guns or carry any weapons, so I have no idea what I'd do if I was packing while on the ass end of a beatdown. You can say that GZ shouldn't have pulled his piece given the facts, but I think its unreasonable to expect GZ, in a stressful situation, to recognize that Trayvon was only 17, that he had a 40 lb weight advantage, that TM only wanted to eat skittles and drink tea, and then make the leap that he would be walking away with only a few bumps and bruises.


Hood ethic and take your beat down is romantic, but it seems at odds with the our legal code.

Edited by Jauronimo
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B when I started paging back I realized this thread has turned into a subject matter that was more about proving dog wrong and hes and idiot then the actual trial so i tried to remove as much of my clutter as I could.


It wasn't my intentions


For those of you who actually took the time to hear where I was coming from and responded without insults or just went on your merry way without responding,




If only all of your other replies had been this cogent.







Why the Zimmerman Prosecutors Should Be Disbarred


By Jack Cashill

Toward the end of his closing statement on Thursday, Florida Assistant State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda posted a slide on a screen in a fifth-floor Seminole County courtroom.


"Which Owner would be more inclined to yell for help?" read the banner on the top of the slide. The slide was divided in two. On the left was a photo of George Zimmerman's Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm handgun, and on the right was a can of Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail. Beneath the photo of the gun was the question, "Who followed?" Under the can was the question, "Who ran?"


So absurd was de la Rionda's presentation, and the whole case for that matter, that the can was turned sideways so the label could not be read. Throughout the trial, prosecutors have called the drink "iced tea" lest the word "watermelon" be said in court. "F***ing" was okay. De la Rionda said it more times than the average rapper, but "watermelon," apparently because of its racial connotations, was not.


Hiding the word "watermelon" was the least of de la Rionda's dishonesties. This one slide had several built in. As to who ran, Martin had four minutes to run the 100 or so yards to the house he was visiting. When he attacked Zimmerman, he was still 70 or so yards from that townhouse. Do the math.


Then, too, from the day the State took over the case, prosecutors knew that Zimmerman was the one screaming for help. All evidence supported that save for the dubious identification by Martin's mother. If the State's jobs were to sow the seeds of reasonable doubt, one could forgive them this deception, but that's not the State's job. That's the defense's.


The State's job is to make the case for the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Fifty years ago, in Brady v. Maryland, the U.S. Supreme Court established that a prosecutor's responsibility was "to seek justice fairly, not merely win convictions by any means." In the case at hand, this meant that the State of Florida had the responsibility to share promptly all exculpatory evidence with the defense. It did not.


Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz2Yq9ZUOTv

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I feel similarly. I am the same age as GZ, a few inches taller, considerably more fit, but even if I wasn't, its almost inconceivable that I would be nervous about a wannabe gangster, 17 year old punk. Problem is, when you meet Trayvon on the street you don't know hes only 17. In a hoodie, its hard to tell he tips only 140lbs. The kid had also been doing a good deal of fighting which suggests that hes not scared and can likely handle himself a bit.


I don't own any guns or carry any weapons, so I have no idea what I'd do if I was packing while on the ass end of a beatdown. You can say that GZ shouldn't have pulled his piece given the facts, but I think its unreasonable to expect GZ, in a stressful situation, to recognize that Trayvon was only 17, that he had a 40 lb weight advantage, that TM only wanted to eat skittles and drink tea, and then make the leap that he would be walking away with only a few bumps and bruises.


Hood ethic and take your beat down is romantic, but it seems at odds with the our legal code.

GZ is 5'6"? I am just under 6'3", and 220 lbs. @ 17 years old I was the same height, 210 lbs and about 4% body fat. I was a jock, I was very fit - obviously. A 17 year old me would give a good fight to me now. I am lot meaner now, but not as strong nor as in shape.


If 32 year old me came across a 17 year old TM I would not be terribly frightened but I would be concerned. I have seen some 17-18 yr old wiry folks really put an asswhooping on some big dudes just because they know how to fight. Anyone who doesn't understand the difference between a fighter and a non-fighter is never going to understand it. It is not as simple as a fighter and a passive, soft person. There are a lot of tough, strong folks who just can't fight.


I would put decent odds on TM being able to take me out and not to toot my own horn but I am one angry, mean, and tough guy. But, I do not fight.

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Defense giving its closing arguments. O'Mara had the entire courtroom sit without talking for four minutes (the length of time that Trayvon had to get home, that the state never addressed)


Very theatrical....................how effective ?......I guess we'll see.



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Good gosh, if you just think of this closing like this...


Each issue - like connecting the strings of evidence, the dots - every major issue on evidence the State will have to bring up on the closing rebuttal because they failed to bring true concern to them or bring up many of the issues to them in their initial closing.


Defense giving its closing arguments. O'Mara had the entire courtroom sit without talking for four minutes (the length of time that Trayvon had to get home, that the state never addressed)


Very theatrical....................how effective ?......I guess we'll see.



best part was he said the average in shape guy could run a mile in 4 minutes. Well, maybe mid 4's if they are in good shape.
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O'Mara now going over each witness with the jury, using power point and a photo of each.


No hystrionics, just pointing out that each gave evidence that supports Zimmerman's account.



These are not Middle School A/V club slides, either.


Each bit of evidence and testimony by the witness - and easily showing the flaws in where they were wrong and where the information needs to be decided by the jury. The voice issue is the only main issue he puts on the jury to decide - only after reminding them that voice experts could not help, the FBI could not help, no one could say it beyond a reasonable doubt.

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What the actual !@#$. I am just watching twitter steams during this. It is amazing how different news members are reporting this.



Debbie Hines @legalspeaks



by MattyPro12



O'Mara did not want the state to use assumptions but he certainly is using a lot of them. #ZimmermanTrial



A gem right there. If only I could explain to this lawyer why the State is not to use assumptive speculation in their case I might get somewhere, but I should remind her first that the entire case presented by the State is presented on assumptive speculation.

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CBS affiliate banned from courthouse.



Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV


Sybrina Fulton walked out when the defense showed how the state showed them Martin's autopsy photos to elicit sympathy. #Zimmermanon9


I am glad their Atty Crump is just as much a showman as Al and Jesse. I am sure this was demonstrative. And, I am sure Crump is now going to be featured regularly on many news outlets as a race expert, etc...








Oh, the memories. I cannot believe how people on twitter keep tweeting sources like this... from March, 2012.




O'Mara pulls out chunk of concrete to show what the weapon was...


Later asks if "Trayvon Martin would have been shot in the hip, what would he have been charged with? Aggravated assault?"




10 Min recess Following defense closing




Seems consensus on jury is that their mind was made up. Scouring across net, tv, many legal experts saying body language and actions during closing by defense indicates many seem to have mind made up.

Edited by jboyst62
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