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Mularkey's son arrested for crack

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Oh man, thats classic! :lol:


When I was a prosecutor we weren't allowed to say crack when presenting our case in court we had to referrer to all cocaine as a white rock like substance...that tested positive for cocaine. I guess that means mularkey's son is a white rock like substance head according to the PC police.

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Agreed--pretty big difference between cocaine and crack. And probably not many rich college kids use crack.


However, I didn't know kids were still recreationally using cocaine. That's very 1980s.


You have to wake up man. I went to a private university with a lot of well off kids and I can honestly say that cocaine was used by more students than pot (although not as frequent). Still very prevalent.

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It's truly sad when any person succumbs to any addiction....but one that is destructive and illegal is far worse...and yes, some addictions are legal, i.e. gambling...but, regardless of my opinion of Mularkey as a coach, as a father I can only imagine what he must be going through and this difficult time for him and the rest of his family....hope the kid gets the help he needs and turns his life around...

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