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Bills announce uniform change


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why is it that i must have some sort of hidden agenda, as some here have accused.

i went on radio and provided my thoughts:

-- wouldn't it be better that the Bills changed their record rather than their uniform?

-- this strikes me as a cash grab by the Bills, and i'd certainly hope the team uses the newfound money in luring better players and building a better team.


i was sincerely surprised to see how much attention and how much excitement this announcement was receiving -- i mean you'd swear they just re-signed Cornell Green -- given all the cynicism that's surrounded the franchise for, lo, these long dry years. me, i just don't buy these uniform changes any more. they strike me as self-generated fluff events.

my opinion. sorry to bore you.



Yes, that is what they are...so what? It's February and the Bills can't do anything to improve the team right now. Our current uniforms blow and I think it's great that they are getting news ones. Having said that, I will still be pissed if they don't make moves to improve this team. Why is it so difficult to separate the two? The marketing department is separate from the personnel department, correct?

Edited by nucci
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Sorry, but I hate the helmet from that era. Reminds me of the Dolphin domination of the Bills.


The helmet should either remain the same red (w/charging buffalo) with an adjustment to the uniform color changes, or changed to the classic white helmet with the standing red buffalo. I would like these uniforms shown here even less than the awful ones we have today.


I think they keep the red helmet and change to a throwback-like jersey. I wouldn't mind them going with the throwbacks for good, they are so classic. Please not these throwbacks depicted here.

Edited by 1billsfan
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why is it that i must have some sort of hidden agenda, as some here have accused.

i went on radio and provided my thoughts:

-- wouldn't it be better that the Bills changed their record rather than their uniform?

-- this strikes me as a cash grab by the Bills, and i'd certainly hope the team uses the newfound money in luring better players and building a better team.


i was sincerely surprised to see how much attention and how much excitement this announcement was receiving -- i mean you'd swear they just re-signed Cornell Green -- given all the cynicism that's surrounded the franchise for, lo, these long dry years. me, i just don't buy these uniform changes any more. they strike me as self-generated fluff events.


my opinion. sorry to bore you.

I wouldn't say I'm excited per se over the change so much as I'm interested to see what they've changed to, since the last re-design (almost a decade ago, which is a reasonable amount of time between changes) was widely criticized. As you said, I'll be more excited over a return to good play.


As for the money, I doubt they spent a lot on the changes. And even if they did, the increase in revenue will probably more than offset it and help them pursue FA's, if they so choose.

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-- wouldn't it be better that the Bills changed their record rather than their uniform?





Why do you think it has to be one or the other? So if they change their uniforms, they can't work on changing their record? We've been complaining about those abominations since they released them, of course we're excited about the change.

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Haven't gone through this thread and not sure if it's been brought up - but it seems to me they really missed an opportunity by not doing something like setting something up on BB.com for fans to vote for different aspects they would like to see in the new uniforms. The results wouldn't have to be made public, and they could summarily ignore it behind closed doors - but it would have raised discussion and buzz, and given some fans a feeling they had input into the process for the new design. More practically - if they actually did take into account the feedback and incorporate it into the new design - conceivably more overall people would like it and buy it.

Edited by stevewin
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The current stomach turners were there for this failed decade ... every one of them should be burned in a garbage pile. Frankly anything would be better than what we have had to watch for the last 8 years.


I am hopeful for the team and now hopeful for the uniforms ....yes, my wallet might be opening up for a new one but whose uniform do you buy?

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Freddy may say they're great, but I just can't shake this feeling that they're going to ---- this up too. Remember that all the players said these jerseys were great at the '02 unveiling.


I've written before that the Bills unis are a lot like the formation of the team. They incorporate themes from several other teams and all the while, we're not the Buffalo Bills. We've got a Titans yoke to represent Gregggggg's 46 defense and "no fat guys," the Patriot navy blue that represents TD's days of bringing in Bledsoe & Milloy and hoping we could turn crap into gold like Belichick*, we've got a Broncos-like side gusset that represents our penchant for selecting RBs with our precious picks even when we have a good one. A so-called return to tradition by putting in a thin stripe of silver on the helmet. This team has tried to be many things, tried to copycat from some of the successes that other teams have found. We didn't know what we were. This has resulted in a mish-mashed roster and a mishmash jersey set.


Time to take the Buffalo Bills identity back. Time to build on the progress that Gailey & Co. made. Back to the traditions, back to being a cold weather bully, a tough bunch of maulers who'll knock 'em all down and make 'em not want to get up.


Frankly, I find it hard to root for many of the personalities that populate the NFL these days, and like a lot of people here say, "I root for the laundry." In that case, let's make the laundry look like it wasn't sewn together by a coked-up prostitute out of what scraps she had hanging around.


:thumbsup: Very well said. I know it's a copycat league but please stop copying other teams' ugly uniforms.

Edited by BuffOrange
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-- wouldn't it be better that the Bills changed their record rather than their uniform?

-- this strikes me as a cash grab by the Bills, and i'd certainly hope the team uses the newfound money in luring better players and building a better team.

I see it exactly the same way, so it's not just you.

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The more I think about this, the more I think it has a lot to do with keeping the team name out there and getting some cash flow during the lockout. Yes, they needed a change, but the timing seems all to convenient.


Not that I'm complaining.

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why is it that i must have some sort of hidden agenda, as some here have accused.

i went on radio and provided my thoughts:

-- wouldn't it be better that the Bills changed their record rather than their uniform?

-- this strikes me as a cash grab by the Bills, and i'd certainly hope the team uses the newfound money in luring better players and building a better team.


i was sincerely surprised to see how much attention and how much excitement this announcement was receiving -- i mean you'd swear they just re-signed Cornell Green -- given all the cynicism that's surrounded the franchise for, lo, these long dry years. me, i just don't buy these uniform changes any more. they strike me as self-generated fluff events.


my opinion. sorry to bore you.




While i dont necessarily disagree with your opinion, I also think this is partly a way for the new FO to try to change the culture of the team. New uniforms, a fresh start, and a new identity. Put those last 10 years of mediocrity behind us, the future start NOW, type of thing.


It's mostly symbolic, but this type of thing could be very good for our young team. Let them develop their own identity instead of being burdened with the previous era's non-identity.


Yes, it's all fluff. Yes, it's a way to make more money. But I think there are many good reasons for the team to do it as well.

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Sorry, but I hate the helmet from that era. Reminds me of the Dolphin domination of the Bills.


The helmet should either remain the same red (w/charging buffalo) with an adjustment to the uniform color changes, or changed to the classic white helmet with the standing red buffalo. I would like these uniforms shown here even less than the awful ones we have today.


I think they keep the red helmet and change to a throwback-like jersey. I wouldn't mind them going with the throwbacks for good, they are so classic. Please not these throwbacks depicted here.

I disagree about the helmet but understand your point. I never thought the red helmet matched the rest of the uniform except for the all-white SB era road uniforms.

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While i dont necessarily disagree with your opinion, I also think this is partly a way for the new FO to try to change the culture of the team. New uniforms, a fresh start, and a new identity. Put those last 10 years of mediocrity behind us, the future start NOW, type of thing.


It's mostly symbolic, but this type of thing could be very good for our young team. Let them develop their own identity instead of being burdened with the previous era's non-identity.


Yes, it's all fluff. Yes, it's a way to make more money. But I think there are many good reasons for the team to do it as well.


It worked when Gordon Bombay gave the Mighty Ducks their new jerseys.

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I see it exactly the same way, so it's not just you.

Except that it's far easier to change a uni than a record. And just because they're changing the unis, it doesn't mean they're not trying to change their record.


As for the money, merchandise is shared revenue. And as I said, it was almost a decade ago when the unis were last changed.

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The logistics of sticking with a red helmet make a lot of sense and help pick out our WR's, too.


Thank you, Joe Ferguson! :wallbash:


The red helmets are fugly. The current uniforms are fugly. The ugliness of the current uniforms has been compounded by the fast that the players somehow got their way a few years back and have been allowed to wear them mis-matched - dark shirt/dark pants, white over white, when in fact, there are stripes integrated in the home and away that only line up right when it's dark shirt/white pants or vice versa.


From the press release, I am betting (as well as hoping) for white helmet w/charging buffalo, and something similar to what's been shown from the Nike designs - hopefully without that ridiculous font.


As long as it's white helmet and royal blue jerseys, it will be an enormous upgrade.

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