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There is a difference between "my feelings are hurt, I'm taking my ball and going home", and "These retards aren't worth the time."


You all should consider that. "These retards aren't worth the time." Coming from a drunk hack AP writer who's entire career is built on riding Jerry Sullivan's coat tails. Doesn't exactly say a lot about you bozos, does it?




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It would be nice if this was in the terms of service statement and the moderators would have done something about it when it happened before any one of the journalists decieded to quit. I would have reported it often if I knew that statement existed before TG left as he was getting tons of crap from ppl. I though both you and JW were better at handling it, to be honest and both of you seemed not to get offended very easy but JW sure did let it go both ways at time too.

This is the bottom line. The users who read this post and agree that there's a problem were never part of the problem to begin with. Absent moderator action, nothing's going to change. And this has been a place that has tolerated nasty insults and driving disliked posters off the board as long as I've been here.

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Sorry. I got caught up in other less sensible posts.


I suppose you could view it as rationalizing the 'bad behavior'. I personally don't find the tone of Internet message boards offensive, or I wouldn't choose to participate. I don't get offended when I get called a mouth-breathing entitled drunken uneducated kid. It's just the nature of the media.


While I don't think it is particularly kind to snipe with other posters, it is entertaining to some degree, and this is an entertainment medium.

I also don't think that everyone should be forced to use their real IDs on message boards either - it is the very heart of the spirit of the Internet to facilitate the free and open discourse between folks. It is also the nature of this medium that if you do not wish to subject yourself to the fruits of anonymity, you can keep your browser closed. I'd hate to see that changed or censored because sometimes people get their feelings hurt.


Agree? Disagree?


Ps I hate you and think you smell :)


as much as I would like to leave message boards partly anonymous, THIS is unfortunately what you get with that, much more often than "free and open" discussions:

Anonymous Message Board Theory

Edited by DrDankenstein
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There is a difference between "my feelings are hurt, I'm taking my ball and going home", and "These retards aren't worth the time."


You all should consider that. "These retards aren't worth the time." Coming from a drunk hack AP writer who's entire career is built on riding Jerry Sullivan's coat tails. Doesn't exactly say a lot about you bozos, does it?




Was gonna say, it sounds like a bunch of mongoloids inflamed someone else's vajayjay with excess sand.

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as much as I would like to leave message boards partly anonymous, THIS is unfortunately what you get with that, much more often than "free and open" discussions:

Anonymous Message Board Theory


This is exactly why nobody should be surprised when they get called a drunken retard idiot vaginasanded mongoloid living in mom's basement.


We can lament the demise of civil discourse, but it is what it is.

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Why can't Sully start posting on this board so he can also be summarily dismissed?


Big whoop, jw is gone. We get better scoops & insight from the regulars anyway.



I appreciated The Chimp's post more than JW's. I never really got the JW adoration. I assume it's due to his status as professional sports writer (who I'd never heard of) that he assumed his spot atop the pedestal.


He had the occassional, if modest, scoop and seemed like a decent guy, but he also cried like a kitty anytime someone had a cross word for his hero Jerry Sullivan, and came off like he thought (unjustifiably) that he was above the fray. If he got a bruised ego (and by ego I mean kitty) and wants to stop posting then good for him.

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I appreciated The Chimp's post more than JW's. I never really got the JW adoration. I assume it's due to his status as professional sports writer (who I'd never heard of) that he assumed his spot atop the pedestal.


He had the occassional, if modest, scoop and seemed like a decent guy, but he also cried like a kitty anytime someone had a cross word for his hero Jerry Sullivan, and came off like he thought (unjustifiably) that he was above the fray. If he got a bruised ego (and by ego I mean kitty) and wants to stop posting then good for him.


Because really, what's the big loss? One less poster in the last post wins thread?


Maybe with the extra time on his hands, Wawrow can take a much-needed writing class. Though more likely he'll just drink that much more.

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Thin skinned because he's a professional writer on a fan message board being attacked by a bunch of internet tough guys??? Now JW is gone who used to actually give some great info unlike the idiots who just bash everyone's opinion for being different from theirs...



AMEN !!!!!

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I don't know any of them who have left the board, but being one of the posters out here who enjoys "getting under the skin" of other posters with my sarcastic "wit", they should not allow idiots who make personal attacks to get them that upset. Instead, the jerks making the personal attacks should be tossed out! :thumbdown:


One person (Chimp) who spouted an expletive was tossed from the forum. It is not an issue of not being able to handle criticisms, warranted or not. It comes down to whether a person believes that it is worth his/her time to be a participate in a forum that he/she believes has devolved down to a level that one doesn't want to associate with or waste time on.


The three people who have the most inside access to the team and other sources have all come to the same conclusion. They simply don't want to subject themselves to certain boorish behavior.

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And this post does not say a lot about you does it... This is why TG and JW left, stupid posts like this that attack them personally :censored:

To be fair, no writer will disagree with the "drunk" part...

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How hard is it to disagree with someone, but not call them a jackass or try to defame them. Seems pretty simple.


Though I guess I should have started to wonder when Roscoe's house got vandelized or Whitner's got broken into. . .


To be fair that was McKelvin not Roscoe.


And Whinter was robbed by his own family.

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Looking forward to a time when the Bills are great and we can focus more on articles written about our All Pro QB's hairstyle and hot model wife instead of hating each other because our team has sucked so bad for so long that we have become animals looking to lash out at everybody.

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Says the guy with the fellatio reference in his signature. Stay classy, San Diego!

There's is a rather large difference buddy. I don't carry on like it is the first time I have ever been let out of the house and yell and scream obscenities at people. Especially at kids. My sig is merely a joke that you obviously don't understand.

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Because really, what's the big loss? One less poster in the last post wins thread?


Maybe with the extra time on his hands, Wawrow can take a much-needed writing class. Though more likely he'll just drink that much more.


Or maybe he'll learn how to properly park his car?

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in a place like this where everybody gets to post, someone who leaves does so on their own. you cant blame one person for forcing somebody out, especially after you ban the alleged antagonizer, that makes no sense - oh the person who hurt my feelings is gone and yet im so weak i cant even take the memory. please


hey, ive left boards many times, but its not one person that pushed me out. its the general personality of the board, and if i dont like that, i leave. simple

The personality of this board is to attack. I'm surprised anybody comes here at all. It's just the low land gorillas left here.

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This is exactly why nobody should be surprised when they get called a drunken retard idiot vaginasanded mongoloid living in mom's basement.


We can lament the demise of civil discourse, but it is what it is.


its not surprising, and thats the disappointing part. i think part of the issue is that most posters dont look at TBD as "just another internet message board". most of us are from the same town and community, and a good number of posters here often do meet regularly in real life. if this was a generic NFL board, youd expect the worst of the worst, and posters insulting each others' teams, cities, and people. but here, we're all supposed to be in this together. and it's disappointing to see posters turn on each other for no reason other than they don't know how to act right. we are all actually on the same team.

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